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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. I did a font search last night on this, where you answer questions about your font, and I came up with nothing.
  2. I just deleted the gorge and merged the two hangar areas. It will be much easier this way. Thanks for all the help anyhow.
  3. This image may help out a bit. From this distance the cable is fine. But, you'll be riding that crate and that is where it gets blocky up close. If I were to make the cable an ASE model will I be able to make a function_Door out of it, as this is what my crane is made from, along with the appropriate clip brush. Or, would it be easier to just rebuild my crane as an ASE model altogether.
  4. Ok, so, since my overhead crane is something that the player is going to have to activate and then jump on to ride across a gorge then I should probably end up making the whole crane an .ase model, right?
  5. I need a steel cable and I need it to be about 2-4 units thick. The problem is a cylinder at that diameter looks like a square. Are there any tricks or anything I can do to make something round that is 2-4 units thick?
  6. I get ya. I had X-Wing Alliance and it wouldn't load on Win7 64 so I had to create a new installation disc for it. Figured it might be the same with Rogue Squadron so that's why I looked and posted it.
  7. My half Life 2 has 69 hours on it. Black Mesa doesn't seem to give me any hours but I've probably played that more. I played a lot of IL-2 Sturmovik online in the spring and summer but the servers aren't what they used to be so i quit. That's not on my Steam account but I've probably had hundreds of hours in that. I play a bunch of emulators, too, so I kinda jump around on those. Megaman 7 is getting a bunch of my game time now.
  8. You ever give this a whirl? http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Rogue_Squadron_3D
  9. Never thought I'd actually ever get to this point, but, I am done with all my rooms I wanted to make in this project. No more new architecture. No more redesigning paths for the player to take. Its all done. This isn't to say I'm finished, but, its a lot of smaller stuff now. This is mainly going back to the older maps and fixing some lighting, textures, and stuff i learned how to make better in the later maps that also appear in the earlier ones. I still have to write out my final cutscene and get that scripted. Have a pretty good idea for really cool ending scene. These will be the last two shots for a while I guess. Just a hallway and Commanders office. Once again, the desk shows up better in game. The carpet is a new texture from someone on Deviantart I think. I'm honestly looking at having nearly 50 sources to cite for all these freaking textures I used. There are 326 all new textures and about 20 new shaders.
  10. This album and Persistence of Time are my two favorite they did. Didn't care much for the Bush era nor what they are doing today. Thought Worship Music was a bit, meh, even though Joey is singing.
  11. As for your second question, Create a second brush about the size of your door and about 32 units deep and place it in front of your door. Next, select that brush and then apply the SYSTEM texture TRIGGER to it. All over it. Then, with this new brush selected, right lick on the grid and go to Trigger. Now, choose Trigger Multiple so we can open the door more than once. Select this brush yet again, press N, and make sure you made it correctly and it is a trigger multiple. If you can make a door I'm pretty sure you got this. With the entity window we'll have to add in some stuff to make it work more fluidly. You'll see a checkbox for PlayerOnly, Facing, Use_Button and so on. For now, just check player only and use button. This means that only the player can use the door and he has to use the use button to open it. Since it is a trigger multiple you'll want to add in a wait time. This will be how many seconds it takes for the door to be triggered again. Add in a Key : wait Value : 1 If you want the trigger to make a sound when you activate it, add in a Key: noise Value: sound/movers/switches/button_04.mp3 *That sound value is for Jedi Outcast so if you have Jedi Academy your on your own for where your sounds are, but, that is how the directory should look. Now, we have to join this trigger brush to the door. Make sure the door and trigger are both de-selected. Then, select the trigger brush first. Then, select the door, then press CTRL-k. If you did it right, you'll see an arrow going from the trigger brush to the door. You may have to move your trigger brush a bit to see it. If you want it to open from the other side, copy and paste your trigger brush and put it on the other side of the door. Oh, one more thing. Open up your door in the entity window and give your door a wait time. Say, 2. Your door will stay open for two seconds then close. If you want it to stay open all the time make it -1. Oh, also also wik... If you use a sound for the trigger add a Key: delay Value: 1 to the door. This way, your trigger will trigger the door, but it has a 1 second delay so the sound plays, then, your door will move and its sound will play. It just makes it more even.
  12. I know when I ran into my Max_Shader_Errors I had to reduce the quality of my light in my map by a bit. Now, I also learned that you can increase the quality of the shadows by using a _lightmapscale of less than 1. like .5 or something. I'm not sure if works in conjunction with ambient light, though. This is the hardest part of making something I think. I've got some rooms that came out great and some I'm not content with regardless of the changes. Maybe it has to do with the architecture and whatnot in each specific location.
  13. Yeah, same here. Now, I have to go back to some areas of my project where I WANTED this feature and have to add it in. The longer I mess with this project the more I learn, the more I have to go back!
  14. Well, its so freaking simple its silly. Just make a trigger, make it a trigger multiple and set it to use button. Put a wait time in as well. Then, just link that trigger to any light entity and voila, you got a switchable light. It works in Jedi Outcast which is great for me! http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/GtkRadiant/Linking_Entities Also, if you want the room to be lights to be off, just tag the start off box in the entity window.
  15. I want the player to walk into a room and have the lights shut off. How would I set up the lights themselves for this or is this something that has to be scripted?
  16. Wouldn't that be a hoot if his culture made their footware actually look like their feet.
  17. Yeah, same movie. I thought they filmed most of it in Ontario, though. That is besides the point. There is also quite a bit of Black Mesa influence in it as well. I wanted to try to make more real life areas with Star Wars stuff in it. Originally, I wanted this to based more on Breaking Bad in regards to blue meth and these Imperials are making it and selling it across the galaxy using Rodian smugglers. By the time it got to making a meth lab it was getting to be too difficult. Most images I saw were of home labs and the images for Walter White's lab were good but the understanding of it wasn't there. I've seen Strange Brew a bazillion times since I was 6 so I'm familiar with the story so I decided to change my story to beer instead of drugs and kinda mirror the film. My ending had to be changed, also. These changes only affected my first map, the Rodian Outpost. I had to change some stuff and allude to the beer instead of the drugs. Not a big deal. Maps two, three, and four were finished before story change but really have very little to do with the new story. They are there to show more of an Imperial footprint. It isn't until the end of four and throughout map five that more information of the plot will be revealed with map six being the microbrewery itself. As of now I am working on the level where we finally work our way to head of it all. This project is to have 6, possible 7 maps (5 are done) that is designed for first person/guns only. I've modified ammo counts, health, and limited the amount of power ups and ammo found throughout the maps. Weapons types are limited, too. This isn't going to be a player has all the advantages custom level. All the NPC's are scripted and they have better aim, more aggression, and quite a few Stormtroopers use alt-fire. The first level is easy then it gets a bit trickier. For a good experience your going to need the Ultimate Weapons Mod and Hapshash's Stormtroopers and Officers because those 3 make it that much better to play. As far as gameplay its all single player. If you mean what do you expect to encounter in the game? then, its pretty straightforward and linear. There will be computer screens you access throughout and you will gain information on what is actually going on here. Some of the information you access are e-mails between people within the facility and you get to read personal messages between friends and stuff. Really makes you feel guilty about blasting people after reading those. You may have to turn on a ceiling crane and jump on a crate it is carrying to traverse a gorge. Well, you do. Once it is released someone else can make MP maps out this if they want. There are some areas that would be good for dualing. I'd also say probably there is potential for maybe 4 or more free for all maps as well with some modification. Hell, maybe more. I'm pretty much accomplishing what I want in regards to the abilities I have and all the people who have contributed with ideas, textures, models, shaders, and general help. I think these 6 or 7 maps are going to be it for me and then I may download Blender.
  18. Maybe his legs are thicker cause he's retaining water. Ya know, fluid build up.
  19. I don't think I'm going to use this on the museum but I think I'm going to replace some spotlights in the non-imperial sections of the project with it. It'll fit better.
  20. What WOULD be cool would be to have that image hanging on a wall. Really large, in a dark room with spotlights on it and one spot light where you would stand to view it. Kinda like where this guy goes to vent his frustration.Then, there could be a speech that the Commander gives to the painting as to why he will be dethroned and and all that. This would make a wonder ending scripted scene. Then Kyle walks in...
  21. I may use this. Story wise I'm not sure a portrait of the Emperor is something this guy would want since he is trying to assassinate him but you never know! That is a good idea about the screen captures and stuff. I don't have Photoshop but I'm sure I can find a Gimp tutorial on it.
  22. Yeah, post it up or send it to me in PM, either way. JO has very little in terms of light shaders. If you feel up to it I'll take anything you can think of. I'm not in a hurry so don't make it a priority.
  23. Finally getting out of the brewery and am now into Commander's living/personal area. I'm starting with a room that is basically an art collection. I figured that every eccentric rogue officer should have some sort of collection. I found this design from a real museum and just modified it to my needs. I'm not happy about the ceiling lights but those'll change. This is the center of the room that will have mostly small pictures and objects. Don't know what yet but maybe some ancient tablets or weapons or stuff. Going to have some glass cases and stuff, too. Here is the outside of the room which is mirrored on the other side. On each pillar I have some portraits. Now, there isn't really too much Star Wars related artwork, so, I really lucked out when I found that The National Gallery of Art has TONS of free use images on their website. If anyone has a good light shader post it up for the ceiling lights. I'm not happy with the stock ones here.
  24. I think these games have limits on saves. When I went through Jedi Outcast originally I remember I had to delete my old saved games so I could save again.
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