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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. I copied and modified a stormtrooper entry and had some good luck with it. I used the NPC Spawner in a test map and an invisible Imperial Commando appeared. It noticed me, fired at me, and even the new sounds played, but, no skin. Any ideas ? imperialcommando { playerModel imperialcommando health 60 headPitchRangeDown 30 reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 rank ensign scale 110 playerTeam enemy enemyTeam player // race klingon class imperialcommando height 68 crouchheight 52 walkSpeed 51 runSpeed 200 snd imperialcommando sndcombat imperialcommando sndextra imperialcommando yawspeed 90 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 10 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 20 dismemberProbWaist 0 }
  2. I had this Imperial Commando file that originally was in a zipped file called HS_ImperialCommando. It was stated in the description that it was for Jk2. I found it on some site when I downloaded and installed Hapslash's Stormtroopers. I put both in my base directory and the stormtroopers were overwritten by the pk3 but the Imperial Commando wasn't since it is not in Jedi Outcast originally. It looks an aweful lot like what is on Hapslash's website. The files are dated the same time as his updates on the site and there are even all new sounds with it. I guess what I'm trying to ask is how do I create a new npc for Jedi outcast. i'll send you the file if you like.
  3. Finally got the view problem fixed from the multiple chain link walls that were up. It just didn't look right in game so I replaced a few with solid walls and added in some racking which is pretty cool and fills in the entire middle of the room well. All new textures for everything in the racking except for the dark gray ends of the beam, that's a stock one.
  4. Anyone like Allen Sherman? My dad had all these albums along with Homer and Jethro and other comedy albums from 60's. He used to play them until he got rid of his albums in the 90's. I haven't heard some of this since I was little. http://youtu.be/8FeVoDO_HKg
  5. http://youtu.be/tFFOUkipI4U Wish I used some these excuses when the recruiters kept calling the house every Saturday morning my senior year in high school. Would have had more fun with them then just hanging up.
  6. For Jedi Outcast, how do I get this in game? The stormtroopers and officers get replaced but these are not in game originally.
  7. Funny you just posted that.. hehe. I actually just wrote to Hapslash and asked if ever finished it. Now I feel like an idiot!...
  8. Are there any unique Imperial Officer skins or models out there? I need a base commander and I just can't use the stock stuff as in the game. Someone older and a bit fatter? Is there any mode/skin like this floating around that anyone knows about?
  9. I may take a look at the forklift but I already made a hovering Reach Truck early on as a test that I plan on remaking a bit better. Similar to something like this it is. It fits better with the narrow design's I've made just as in real life those machines are designed for narrow areas. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmagnumlifttrucks.com%2Fused-forklifts&h=0&w=0&tbnid=lTUsVpXynqazNM&zoom=1&tbnh=259&tbnw=194&docid=5GMcZgYnxn05XM&tbm=isch&ei=LXgDVKntFtHHggS91oGgCA&ved=0CAgQsCUoAg I'm actually pretty happy with some of that furniture and stuff. My Commander's Quarters section is going to be a bit eccentric. I want to have an art collection, some statues.. Make it like something a Bond villain from the 60's would have. Thanks for posting that link.
  10. Finally got the layout and main stuff done in the brewery section. Now, due to my story this is a microbrewery. This isn't Coors or some other large brewery shipping 2 million cans a day. They are just trying to kill the Emperor at his Emperor's Day Celebration. Its a bit overlit and not all done yet but its good enough to post. Just below the crosshair is going to the bright light "mouse checking" station on the line. I'm also planning on stacking pallets, boxes, and other stuff along two of the fence rows to break up the fenceiness of it all. Pipe texture is just some rust texture which I'm trying to get to shiny copper or stainless so send whatever you've got. Two are going to the bottle filler machine and the other is a water pipe going to bottle making machine. This is a bit up in the air but it gives you the shot of the packaging machine in the middle and the lower part of the bottle making machine on the left. The finished cases of Palp's Blue Ribbon will travel from the packaging machine along the conveyor belt to the left. Here is part of the packaging machine where the unfolded cardboard boxes are loaded. Its got the cut and stuff where the folds go and everything. This shot pretty much shows the path the player will take. The dark right top corner is where the player drops from the air duct. The player then follows the outer wall around all the machines and fencing to get to the inner part of the room. You'll actually exit just to the right of the crosshair between the two fences where a door will be put in. The machine below the player in this image is the machine that actually makes the bottles. Blocks of glass will follow the conveyor belt on the right into the machine and glass bottles spit out the lower end. I'm also going to put two steam pipes on that flat spot and have steam shooting out of them randomly as the bottles cool. The player will also be able to access these machines just as you can read e-mails or other messages throughout this complex. Each machine will have a screen you can find out more information on what it does or maybe I'll be a welcome screen for the "Wino Industries Micro-Brew Jr. Complete Brewing System". Well, you already know that's what one is going to be about. I'm going to have slave labor in here as well running these machines, also. They are under the influence of the mind control in the beer so they'll just stand around and watch bottles for mice ( not built yet) or at the machines doing something. All I have to do is make an elevator in another room and this map will be completed as far as all the rooms and layout is concerned. Have to go through and add stuff to each room and then npc's and stuff. If anyone has any models, textures, or anything else that may fit I'll gladly take any donations.
  11. I took a look at this. I tell you, Kejim has the best references for stuff in this game it seems. I tried this with my copper texture I made it is better, but not great. It looks like I have sections of glossy lines in areas. I didn't mess with the env_newfloor_kej and just left it as is. I assume this is from that texture. If I were to create a more even texture to replace env_newfloor_kej do you think that would improve anything?
  12. If this chrome shader is from Jedi Academy can you post it? I map for Jedi Outcast and my pilot doesn't seem to have this. If it does, I'm sorry, I just don't know where to look.
  13. I'm really in need of copper pipe but the problem is the most of images I find have the camera flash on it. The other textures I find or made are all flat whilst I need shiny. I read somewhere where a person mentioned it may be possible to get a shiny metal effect from a shader. Anyone have a similar shader or know how to do this type of effect?
  14. Here's a youTube link for the blaster sound. I did find some stuff from Left for Dead that is supposed to have a blaster sound but I couldn't open up a vpk file. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqw28__RYXo
  15. I hope you add custom sounds to it and maybe try to replicate the firetime and damage. Oh, and make it available for jk2 please....
  16. I just looked up the blaster you are making on Google Images and there are a ton of variations to it. Are you using any specific one for a reference?
  17. You better finish or else I helped you solved your max shader problem for nothing! I get bored with my project as well but you just gotta keep plugging away a bit at a time.
  18. Well, to finally close this up @Boothand figured out what I did wrong and we got this aquared away over a month ago. However, it wasn't until today that I actually got around to testing this out with real, in game structure. I copy and pasted the top portion of my conveyor belt into a test map and was really pleased that I was able to make a completely clean run all through. Didn't hit any walls with the model. Took a few compiles to get the ref_tags to the correct height, but, I have what I wanted. I can now move brushes in game which will be the boxes and pallets of beer and now I can move individual bottles as well! Now I just have to figure out how to get the speed even across all sections of the conveyor belt. Darn math... Thanks for all the help.
  19. The NES Zapper wouldn't make a bad looking blaster pistol model, with a reskin.
  20. Well, right now I'm just going through this map and getting the jist of it done and more detail will be added in after the first run is all complete. Also, I really don't know how to make shaders too well nor do I know how to model stuff so I'm doing the best I can on that front.
  21. Here is a reduction shot. I scaled it down from .2500 x .2500 to .1200 x .1200. Again, its only the crosshair area.
  22. Refer to my previous post about the change to the texture. I goofed up my posting order here.. Ahem.. here is the hatch I made
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