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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. In the first image make the stone floor grassy texture only on the bottom. Then, re-texture those parts with your grass texture. That't look a bit neater. I'd also add some elevation to the grassy areas. You can use this method here and it works really well. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/92-hand-shaped-terrain/page-2. I'd re-do the temple front cause its kinda flat. Take whatever idea you have in your head for the temple and then take a peek at google images for temples. See what you like, what you don't like, and what your vision for your temple is, and try to work it all together.
  2. Well, on a smaller scale that mutton-chop officer kicked a stormtrooper to his death.
  3. If you look up some of the issues that had and then read about some other folks had its pretty interesting. Quite a few issues with people trying to get it to work and this was back in 2003.
  4. I caught this one last weekend online and really enjoyed it. It actually reminded me quite a bit like Futurama with Leela telling Fry and Bender what they have to do on a delivery. I'm actually quite ok with the way things are going where we aren't seeing familiar faces. I'm getting used to all these characters now and don't want to see a "familiar blast from the past" in each episode.
  5. All your going to need to do is put some books a unit or two taller or shorter along a given block of books. With your light scheme being on the darker side It'll look really great. Find some good free use, darker wood textures ( Wood textures are abundant) for your bookshelves and it should all match up really well.
  6. Opengl32 goes in your Windows/System32 folder, not in the Gamedata folder.
  7. It'd be pretty easy to just make shelves and then texture brushes to look like books. You can get some good textures here. http://www.dougturner.net/blendersite/bookt.html These can even be edited to make even more textures. I cancelled my museum/library in my map and deleted the textures or else I would have given them to you. if you could use paintings, pictures, drawings, ect.. there are tons of images here that are free use. You'll have to search, but, you never know what you may find that'll work out. https://images.nga.gov/en/page/show_home_page.html
  8. Here is the script for starting with no force powers. Ignore the objective part as that specific to my project. Also, "kyle" would be the NPC targetname of your stormtrooper. So, you can call him whatever you want just make sure to include that name, without quotes, in the script. I'm really not sure how to set up the player for blaster only. I start my project with a blaster pistol and stun button and that is in the npc entity box. //Generated by BehavEd affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_MINDTRICK_LEVEL", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING_LEVEL", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABER_THROW", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABER_DEFENSE", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABER_OFFENSE", /*@[member='Force']_LEVELS*/ "0" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_HEALTH", 100 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ARMOR", 0 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_OBJECTIVE_SHOW", "KEJIM_POST_OBJ1" ); }
  9. Does this only work because they would be the same model in both games?
  10. Solved it. I edited one of the flat_white shaders from Kejim texture set and put its surfacelight value to 50. I added in more path_corners in the void and made a small room around each one 32 units wider than the func_train pallet of beer. I then added the shader to each of the 4 walls, leaving the floor and ceiling caulked. Turned out freaking awesome! Here is a shot of the lit pallet behind the chainlink fence.
  11. This didn't work out too well with the shader. So, I'm adding in more path_corners in-line at random intervals and will just make a teeny box around the pallet and light it there. Then, I'll add in more light entities along the conveyor path and that'll be that.
  12. Wonder if 30 years later the Empire finally put some shields on the TIE Fighter...
  13. I think I'll find a shader in game that emits light, plaster it one a pallet, and see what it does. I'm trying to avoid making more construction at this point.
  14. I messed up in one instance with my neat-o beer pallet func_train conveyor system. This game doesn't calculate light on the fly. So, when several of my crates are placed at different path corners, with different light entities for various light conditions and types and structure design, i have pallets that are black, 1/2 lit, some with red light, some with white. If I turn my beer case textures into light emitting shaders, the light they emit should be calculated at compile time? and, the surface of the shader, the texture image, should be a consistant light value, right?
  15. The Star Wars universe is fairly large so there are bound to be more desert or icy planets out there. Personally, I doubt they'll be revisiting those exact places.
  16. Yeah, but they won't work in Jedi Outcast, they'll just be invisible with a shadow. I really can't use that in my story. I may break down and give skinning a whirl. I have a neat idea for a prisoner skin that's really simple so that may be in the future.
  17. I didn't think there was but you never know what someone has laying around which is why I asked. Maybe I can use the Blue MP texture somehow.
  18. That's a good one, too. Its fits. Not all Halloween movies are horror films. It creeped me out when I was younger I remember.
  19. Whaaaaat? After 5 mins of reading what you posted I get it now... a JA reference. <---- only played the demo...and quit I hated it so much. I was thinking you were saying that "my" project was what you described...
  20. Just whatever.. I was curious if any existed.
  21. Does anyone know of any floating around the internet somewhere? The orange stock ones for Jedi Outcast are ok but a change would be nice.
  22. Yesterday started the finalization of map 6, the last one. Yippee! Now that I have pallets of beer riding a conveyor belt through the storage areas it looks really neat. Going to be quite a bit of movement in this last map. I've had several weeks of not looking at the brewery level I finished so now my brain is seeing things I didn't see I could do before. On top of that I'd like to thank @Onysfx & @Boothand (Who actually did a live video playthrough!) for their help in testing my project and finding some stuff I may have overlooked.
  23. Since you had to watch all the Friday the 13th movies, did you ever check this out? Its a really cool documentary on the franchise. I always liked the one where they got to New York. BTW http://youtu.be/3yItDVjwkSo?list=PL6F6F231D7DC4EE5F
  24. The Thing is a bit more Sci Fi but its usually on TV this time of year which is why I included it.
  25. I didn't know I needed something to like a target position or info null. I had it working fine as of last night right after when I posted. Originally, I thought I would just have to set a direction to the trigger. NOW, all I have to do is try and sync up my conveyor belt shader speed wiht the Func_train and Trigger_Push. Thanks for the help.
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