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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. The Ultimate Weapons Mod is pretty good. I have it for Jedi Outcast and it made the game and what I was making way more fun because the blaster sounds like in the movies. Its really well done and makes a nice improvement over the stock look and sounds/effects of the weapons. Its available for both games.
  2. Redid this a bit with the new texture.
  3. Too much work for all the stuff I have to do. Circa's method worked fairly well and that's good enough.
  4. Protocol droid will have some animation to it, R5's won't. That makes a difference. Plus, I have a tool cart there and it'd be easier for a humanoid droid to reach for something then an R5 or R2 Unit. Yeah, I actually think like that when I do this stuff.
  5. If you don't have a friend who build's his own systems, or access to parts. Or, you can't take it over to your colleges computer students and maybe get some help there, then take it to a shop. Explain the problem you are having and then ask them if will check your power supply to make sure the voltages are within range. Also, they can check the video card as well. Your problem is more than likely hardware related. If you can, run your system again and then wait until the system crashes. Note the time. Then, go into Event Viewer and try and look under system events or hardware events and look for any red exclamation points. Take a screenshot of whatever happens and post it here. You won't hurt your system at all.
  6. This one is close, but not as good as the typing one. However, at a distance, it is not so bad. You'll be travelling down the rail system on the left and this is just something you'll see on your way to Imperial Base, carved into the rock wall. You can see the spark by the crosshair and from the angle traveling it'll look like the droid is messing with trying to fix it. With the Imperial Worker, using the typing console animation and keeping his blaster makes it look like he's using a tool from a distance.
  7. I never knew about looking for the animations so that's helpful.
  8. If it isn't the video card getting too hot, which you should hear the fan screaming, you may be running into an issue with your power supply failing.
  9. I tried writing a script last night w/ a protocol droid and the typing at console animation. It didn't work. I added an Imperial Worker and the script ran fine. Are there some animations that won't work with the protocol droid?
  10. I found a free, seamless tile texture on deviantart and just whitened it up a bit with Paint.net. Here is a rough shot with it and one curved corner. I think I'm going to keep this texture. Now, I just have to realign it all which is the part I hate.
  11. I'll try and give that a go. I had the walls on one side rounded but it was a pain to get all the squares to mesh right. Texture manipulation for patches drives me up the wall. I also thought about making the room whiter and more solid textured but with those stormtroopers there it didn't turn out well. Right now I'm making a SNap-On like tool box that a protocol droid is using to fix some electrical wiring. After done with that ( writing his animation script now) I'll try and post some new " testchamber " shots.
  12. If you weren't a kid in an around this time I can see how it doesn't appeal to you.
  13. That's quite a bit of figuring to get it to work. My testchamber is down a corridor (dead end). When the player walked back out then I wanted stormtoopers to run into the control room and attack. I think I'll keep it simple and just have one of the NPC's at the end of the cutscene walk into a trigger with a long delay. I was just curious if it could be done since I never saw it anywhere.
  14. Is it possible to have a player walk through the trigger in one direction and nothing happens but go the other way and it will activate the trigger?
  15. OH, here's the script. Well, its two. I was going to combine them but am just leaving it as it is. I figured I'd post it up if anyone wants to see what happens or could use it to help them. I put it under Spoiler just in case.
  16. Hey, you google test chamber images and guess what comes up! You'd be suprised how versatile some of these textures in JO are with a little resizing.
  17. Just finished my first cut scene of the project. Ended up coming in at over a minute and a half which is way longer than I thought it'd be. CaptainCrazy made me some music for it that fit really well. This is pretty much closing up map # 5. I have one more npc encounter to add in and then its off to map # 6, the final one. Yay! The next one will be a bit shorter and will consist of a partial production floor and the base commanders residence/office. So, here are the areas that my project will include 1) Rodian Outpost 2) Waste Facility 3) Imperial Base 4) Imperial Base lower levels 5) Lower levels cont. and lab area 6) Factory floor and Cmdr's residence. Here is the only screenshot of the cut scene I'm going to post. The trooper on the right is talking into a comlink. If anyone has any suggestions on the design of a light fixture for this room let me know. I've not been too happy with anything I've come up with.
  18. Anyone ever see this on Youtube? I found it by accident several days ago and can't stop watching these episodes. http://youtu.be/rRW90lKwz4M
  19. Well, I figured out it out. Sort of. I wasn't able to get the Stormtrooper to fire on specific targets or points, but I did manage to do what I really wanted. Mow people down!! Here's the script. affect ( "trooper1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ){ task ( "attack1" ){set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DYAW", 160.000 );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_YAWSPEED", -10 );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ALT_FIRE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FIRE_WEAPON", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );} task ( "attack2" ){set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DYAW", 200.000 );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_YAWSPEED", -10 );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ALT_FIRE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FIRE_WEAPON", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );} task ( "stop" ){set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FIRE_WEAPON", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" );} dowait ( "attack1" );dowait ( "attack2" );dowait ( "stop" );} The DYAW and YAWSPEED are the two important things here. DYAW is the angle inside the entity window of Radiant. Whatever direction you are standing, you adjust the angle from there. In my script, my NPC was at 180. So, the first script went from 180-160 degrees, then the second went from 160-200 degrees. This gave me a 40 degree arc of fire. YAWSPEED is the speed in which the NPC will rotate. The Icarus manual says this is measured in degrees per second, but, it doesn't seem to be. I used "5" , figuring it would be 4 seconds since it was a 20 degree move, but it was to fast. Then, i tried a negative number and it got slower. -10 gave a good, slow arc.
  20. Looks like the BBC actually threw some money into special effects. We had the Christopher Eccleston series run here on our local Public Broadcasting Station here in Florida several years ago. The one with Rose. Those episodes were really well done.
  21. I'm at the point now where my script comes to the execution of some prisoners. And, I'm also really lost on how to even go about this. I'm assuming that the set_fire_weapon can be set up with wait times and trues & falses. set_fire_weapon true wait 1500 set_fire_weapon false And something similar to that will give the effect of different trigger pull times, depending on the wait times. My other dilemma is how does my npc know who to fire on? How would I set the script up to know who to fire at? Or, is it possible to set up an NPC where the torso can rotate so many degrees back and forth? Similar to how they used to mow down people in old gangster movies with the tommy gun? If this way is doable?
  22. Yay! ALF is back on youtube..

  23. Just finished up my first Stormtrooper Conversation with NPC animation! Hurray for me!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. IrocJeff


      Well, an hour re-scripting and running the game, but, yeah, it was really boring.

    3. Cerez


      Can you not add spaces and newlines in the script file? Or are you talking about scripting in the Behaved user interface? o.O


      If it's the latter, I can understand your frustration.

    4. IrocJeff


      I do everything in Behaved.

  24. You have to read the article below the clip
  25. Found this on CNN's Around the Web section in the headlines. Pretty neat stuff. http://www.fastcocreate.com/3032742/this-fake-leaked-star-wars-film-set-footage-is-even-better-than-the-real-thing?partner=ps04101rss
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