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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Barring the brain chamber room, I finished the elevator, doors, some detailing & lighting, and corrections to the brewery floor. Going to start putting in sounds and NPC's next which shouldn't take too long. Same goes for the computer messages. I also went back to my second level, the waste treatment area, and put some Narshadda green fog over the green waste to make it look a bit eerie. Hopefully this thing is nearing completion.
  2. I'll give blue a shot and then figure out how to post a poll. I'm not sure how to do that.That'll give enough colors.
  3. Well, JK2 so I'll have to use the alphaGen 0.2 parameter. i'll post up here what I've come up with.
  4. Here is my Brain Chamber. http://jkhub.org/topic/2843-ice-station-wampa/page-12 The outside shell is just a cylinder with the glass shader over it. Inside this I'd like to have the brain sitting in some sort of yellowish fluid. I'm figuring the best way is to use a water shader on another cylinder inside the chamber. What would I use to make the water more or less translucent in the shader? Is there a line in the shader that does this or do I have to make a shader with a certain transparency to it?
  5. You guy's are not making this any easier.
  6. These are just stock fogs from Jedi Outcast so I can just edit the shader. Do you have specific color for the green in mind?
  7. The fog really added quite a bit to the room, even brightening it up a tad. I've narrowed it down to to 4 fog types which I've posted here below. I'm leaning towards the green. I still have to add some type of liquid to the brain chamber but this room is pretty much finished.
  8. That is coming! I want thicker fog around brain and thinner fog when you walk in to the room so I'm not sure how that will happen. I'll post up more shots tonight.
  9. Finished the ceiling and decided to play around with the lighting. Here are both near and far shots of the room with some lighting in. I moved the "eye" to the left a bit so you can see the brain chamber better. I think I'm going to look to alternatives to the eye. I'm kinda liking just a brain in the tube idea. Maybe I can do the ol' tried and true Star Wars tactic and use a protocol droid to translate for the brain. Who knows.
  10. Still have the cables to make coming from the top block to the brain chamber, fix the banners, and add some lights and the finish the walkway. However, the final encounter is coming along quite well. Here's some new shots.
  11. Been messing about with this for a bit today. I decided the ceiling, starting where the two pipes go into, is going to be the computer processors. It'll expand out to the side a bit to down the sides of the brain chamber. The'yll be some spires and other things sticking down from the ceiling. Below are some thicker cables that run under the walkway. Inside the brain chamber I'm going to have some sort of yellow/green fluid that the brain is sitting in.
  12. No, but, that is a really neat idea. This one won't self destruct.
  13. Well, we can't all make kill 40 reborn in one map maps.. hehehe Well, this robot or droid or intelligence, enhanced with the brain, is in charge. I got the idea from a computerized voice I used in my second map. A voice warns the stormtroopers that an intruder is present and whatnot. Well, This was supposed to be a droid that aided the commander saying this message. Now, I'm just going to have it be this thing. I'm redoing this room a tad with a walkway instead of a floor. This brain-entity will be suspended somehow and when the player walks up to it the eye-part will raise and move to the player. (probably script it) and then the thing will speak. The player will be silent, kinda like Gordon Freeman. Then, it'll end somehow. I know how but I'm not telling.
  14. Anyone play Quake with the Darkplaces engine? This is pretty good.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ping


      It's cool but I will honestly say that I find q2 to be vastly inferior to q1 in every regard, and (here comes to blasphemy) I don't find q2 to be a very good game in general.

    3. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      Quake 2... the best in the series IMO. Too bad the Eraser bot is a pain to deal with. You can't install it or run it on 64bit systems.

    4. IrocJeff


      I liked Quake 4 best, but Quake2 was pretty good. I like the Stroggos storyline.


      I don't think its blasphemy, Ping, its just an opinion. I don't like any COD that isn't WWII and I thought HALO was stupid.



  15. He was always a favorite of mine from the Turtles. I think I'm using the brain in this instance for processing power and its not a cyborg or anything, like it was grown for this purpose.
  16. Don't know how to use Blender and I don't plan on learning it for this project. Otherwise, I'd have to go back and re-do too much. This is a cutscene anyhow so you'll mainly see the "eye". I plan on having this thing raise up from the floor so it'll be alright the way it is for my purposes.
  17. I decided to go against a human and make some sort of artificial intelligence or whatever. The yellow light is a Yavin shader that I'm hopefulyl going to make red. Its similar to the HAL 9000 eye and will be protruding out from the rest of the thing. It'll also be angled down a bit so its aimed at the player. I'm going to put some water about 3/4 up in the brain canister. Then, going to build up the bottom and back of this area into some sort of supercomputer or something similar.
  18. Anyone have one floating around? Seamless or not as long as its free. Not picky about resolution.
  19. The Ultimate Weapons Mod does quite well, especially with the E-11 blaster and the DL-44. There are two weapons effects pk3's (low and high) that have fire, sparks, wall marks, ect... I prefer the low quality one since you can blast a door, open it, and it still has the effect going when the door opens.. lol. Give it a try and see if you like it. Personally, I love it.
  20. Working on a HAL 900 eye. I think a supercomputer may be built.

    1. IrocJeff


      grrr.. HAL 9000

    2. Bek


      Dear God...

    3. IrocJeff


      Well, for JO there aren't too many good aftermarket Imperial officers.


      A Supercomputer villian will allow for a robotic voice.


      I have already put into the game a robotic voice in my waste treatment map that is supplied through a speaker.

      This way noone knows "who" it is.


      I love cutting corners.

  21. Got all the conveyor belts working properly. Learned that a func_train ( whatever you want to move or ride on) doesn't have to be on the map in its exact location when tied to a path_corner. You can stick them anywhere on the map and they'll spawn on the path_corner they are tied to. Now comes the fun part. Making the final encounter...
  22. Here's some stuttering for you... http://youtu.be/PxtS7bVtr28
  23. There will be prisoners working who are under the effects of the mind control serum that is revealed in the storyline. I just have to try and re-skin the JO prisoners to a more appropriate look. That'll be last, though.
  24. Here's two images with the bottles in motion. This shot above shows the bottles with the Palp's Blue Ribbon on coming out of the filling and lableing machine. This shows the bottles on their way to the filling and labling machine coming from the bottle making machine. Having very little photoshopping skills I just renamed some glass texture I found on Google Images and added it to @Boothand 's bottle MD3 and I have my bottle that isn't filled. It's pretty basic but it works for what is needed. I have one more func_trail to make and that will be the glass blocks that go into the bottle making machine. That one will be much more simple than the bottles.
  25. If you are asking to do it you can....
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