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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Since it is that time of the year again, I thought we could post up some of our favorite Horror/Halloweenish movies that we'd actually recommend people see. I think my favorite is Bram Stroker's Dracula. I always liked the first 3rd of the movie best when they were in the castle before going to England. This is really, close to the book as well. The Audiobook is super long, but, its free on Libravox. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is also another pretty good one. Was odd seeing DeNiro cast as the monster since I was used to him as Jimmy Conway for Goodfellas, but, this is another really great movie. The original Children of the Corn from 1984 is one to see as well. Kinda cheesy and 80's looking but I think that's what makes it all the better. Here's a clip. This was paraodied in a SouthPark episode. http://youtu.be/FMoxZeTeRPE John Carpenter's The Thing. Scientists or a crew or whatever discover a frozen UFO under the ice and all hell breaks loose. This is a re-make from the 1950's version. Plot is the same but the thing is WAY different. Both versions are really good, but this is the better. * fun fact, this movie was the actual inspiration to set my project on a snowy landscape at an outpost which really didn't turn out the way I intended. What are some of your favorites?
  2. Those settings don't do anything which is why I'm stumped. I even have linear set. Do i need a target position ?
  3. Anyone know how to set the trigger_push up properly for use on a conveyor belt? I was able to get my func_train working but it isn't much fun when the pallets move, the belt shader moves, and you just stand there.
  4. Fired up Project64 fpr the first time since May and got Shadowgate64. Pretty fun so far.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx


      IrocJeff. N64 video emulation has been terrible over the years, with so many problems per plugin. However, a new plugin by the name of GLideN64 is being developed. Once it's released, I recommend you check it out, it will be the best N64 video plugin so far.

    3. Onysfx


      And I'm not talking about Glide64, I'm talking about GLideN64. There's a difference. Just wanted to let ya know.

    4. IrocJeff


      I've noticed the problems. I don't play them that much because the lighting issues or sometimes stuff is just buggy.


      Shadowgate64 was one of the few I haven't had issues with.


      I'll keep and eye out for GlideN64, thanks.

  5. Is that weapon specific, though? Or, would all the weapons not have alt-fire?
  6. The following link contains maps 1-4 of my project if anyone wants to test it out. You need Jedi Outcast. This contains the Rodian Outpost, Waste Facility, and the Upper and Lower sections of the Imperial Base. These are also only test compiles, not final. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_HRn54BTmRDOVJ2Rk82R3FOd1E&usp=sharing There is a README file in there so please read it all. Its short and will explain stuff. Maps 5 and 6 will not be available until the project is released. This is all you are getting.
  7. Is it possible to use a weapon in game for the player but have the alt-fire disabled?
  8. If anyone has one lying around, I'm looking for a shader that would look good for a computer terminal. Something that glows or gets the players attention. It would be for the e-mail/message terminals the player can access throughout the facility. If anyone has anything let me know.
  9. I was looking for .roq extensions in the scripts which is where I was messing up with this. I was able to get it to work.
  10. I could of swore I saw it in a script for JO somewhere but I guess I'm mistaken. Anyhow, I edited a .roq file for my purposes and would like to have this file play after my opening crawl. Anyone know how to set this up in Behaved?
  11. The paddle on the left started moving faster when the ball would go towards it. Also, the ball ran out of steam for me and basically just stopped somewhere on the bottom of the screen. Pretty good for a school project, though.
  12. Just got done watching it and watching the Dodgers collapse during the commercials. Absolutely loved it, except for the Dodgers failures. It'll take some time to get used to the different animation from the Clone Wars but overall I thought it was great.
  13. I'll be watching it tomorrow night so I'll let you know afterwards.
  14. yeah, I think this is with the GNOME desktop. When I dualbooted with Mandriva 09' it was a really cool feature.
  15. Well, things are going much more swimmingly than I thought going through the old maps. I'm nearing completion of map 5, which contains part of the previous map and part of the lab/testing area of the station. Only a few more slight tweeks and I'm up to the final map, the brewery. Hurray! Most of the changes involved textures, adding in some details, tinkering with npc placement and count, as well as trying to fix some other issues that happened to crop up. I should be on the final map this weekend. There is still a bit to do there, though. Here are some shots from the more utilitarian areas of the station. If you go back and look in early posts was the reactor area which i didn't care for. When i found that the shuttle model fit, I decided to make a landing pad there instead. There is a fuel tank and on top of the platform there is actually a re-fueling hose I made with cylinders, vertex editing, and some imagination! You navigate some pipes below this to get to the next area. This is a security/control room just before the hangar area. Made some servers or mainframes, doesn't matter, in the back there with some texture from Carin. There are computers and other stuff up there too but you'll have to play it to see it all. Both of these areas were built about 4-5 months ago.
  16. He looks like any other tool in a commercial that has anything to do with technology. Surprised they didn't have horn rimmed glasses on him and some douchy indie rock music playing in the background.
  17. We, here in the US, are getting the Rebels movie on Disney Channel this Friday night. I wasn't even aware there was one. From all I saw on the commercials for the series and the movie it looks pretty good for those of us who like the original trilogy.
  18. I always wanted to do something where you cross Call of Duty/Call of Duty 2 with the Star Wars universe. Same player control as well where you can go prone and have inronsights and stuff. You'd play a Rebel instead of an allied soldier and the Germans would be represented by the Empire. You can create some imaginary world where the Rebels are launching an invasion just like D-Day only Star Wars-ified and have similar missions and stuff. For example, in COD2 you had to find those guns and destroy them on Point du Hoc. Maybe you'd have to work your way through and destroy some power generators or something. I guess this would more a COD2 conversion but I always wanted to see something like this.
  19. Like @hleV, I couldn't care less about the APP stuff. That little window is kinda neat where you can put live windows and whatnot but the taskbar is more organized for that. Hell, I can hit the Windows Key and Tab and that neat-o rolodex that I never use, either. It doesn't look too bad other wise. Hopefully we can make a desktop look like a desktop with those customization features.
  20. Thanks. Those images are all re-done though. Go ahead a few pages and you should see the newer Imperial Wok and Arcade area.
  21. I completed the changes to the first level, although I did not change the opening crawl yet. I have a roq video I edited from the game to include as well. I know this is in Kejim scripts so I'll probably do this last. I'm about halfway through level 2 now. This is the biggest change I had to make, the cargo area. I redid the overhead crane, the lighting, merged the two areas together, added more cargo and added more Rodians.
  22. Shamrock is a pretty close one, at least on the "A". Try this site out and see what you come up with in regards to your font. http://www.identifont.com/identify.html
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