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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. I noticed it but quite frankly I don't care one way or another. It's not worth it to get bent out of shape over.
  2. Tested out the bottling line in game last evening and it looks freaking awesome! Every 48 units there is a path_corner and each path_corner is assigned a func_train which is the beer bottle model. Then, linked together, I have a perfectly flowing bottle line.
  3. I thought it was neat to see another black guy besides Lando in the universe.. hehe. At any rate, I'm a bit confused when you say that "Stormtroopers was a massive Imperial Army scattered all over the galaxy". There were way more Imperial Army personnel than there were Stormtroopers.
  4. For those that think this trailer is bad for episode 7 check out the original 1976' teaser trailer. Those light sabers were WHITE !! http://youtu.be/i-vsILeJ8_8
  5. Just got a free Weber Skyline 1200 grill. Just sitting 1 street over with a "free" sign on it. What luck!

  6. It could be possible that they light saber has those two smaller beams coming out to prevent someone sliding their saber down and slicing off your hands. To me it looks like an old broadsword. For a bad guy that thing looks pretty cool. Give it time and we'll start seeing people on here making something like this and everyone bitching will think its the greatest thing ever. Like you I thought this was pretty good. Feels like Star Wars. Looks like the X-Wings are newer but those TIES look original. That set they are on, the wooded, snowy one, looks quite a bit like the Bastogne set from Band of Brothers.
  7. Now I find a func_train can use an md3 model instead of brushes. UGH. So much time wasted trying to script it. GRRR.

    1. Boothand


      Aw. Well, hopefully you gained something else learning to script it!

    2. IrocJeff


      Too much math trying to get the bottles to move at the same speed around their track. Calculating moving times, speed, and distance over varying lengths of track.


      With a func_train I can put in path coners equal distances apart from each other. Assign a bottle to each one, then link it all up.


      This way all my bottles will move uniformly at the same speed AND actually look like an assembly line.



  8. The bad guy in this movie is the same actor that played in The Road Warrior. He was the guy on the bike with the mowhawk and shaved head. Can't think of his name offhand. Commando is a pretty decent movie.
  9. Anyone have a non Star Wars movie scene they really like for any particular reason? If you do, post them! Goodfellas had a lot of great scenes but I always liked this one because it was one shot and how much had to go right in or else it all had to be redone again. http://youtu.be/yCYwcObxl78
  10. I really like the Black Mesa design quite a bit so I thought where I could I'd incorporate it into whatever I can. I found a free use stucco texture then made a stripe on it like in Black Mesa textures, although my textures are a bit cleaner since this facility isn't old like Black Mesa is. In certain areas I wanted to keep it true to the Raven design like when using the Kejim wall textures and how hallways were designed. In some areas Black Mesa's design was much better in regards to more utilitarian areas. This project is really a cross between the two.
  11. Just another update since its been a few weeks. Thanks to @ZeroRaven and his post about some obscure texture pack that I used the wayback machine to look for just to see if I can, I found some new textures to use for pipes, crates, and some other odds and ends. Pipes looks the best, though. I'm now on now finishing detailing the microbewery floor, which is the second to last area to finish. I have to get the bottles to go along the conveyor belt and have the beer cases move along their path. After this, will be the final part of the entire project. Our player meets who is in charge of this whole thing. Then its npc's & computer terminal messages and this one should be finished.
  12. I think he means how do you change a sound file to the right frequency, like in Audacity.
  13. Those are both really great. I've never been very artfully inclined. I can see stuff in my head but can't seem to get it on paper or whatever other medium the right way.
  14. I'm not sure why you would think the Empire wouldn't have parades and stuff like this. The Germans had events like this in WWII. The Russians did during the Cold War to show off to the West what new weapons systems they had. In fact, the Russians only had 2 or 3 of this one bomber total yet they kept flying them over and over the parade repeatedly. They West thought they had many of them when they only had 2 or 3. Can't remember the name of the bomber, though. Its all politics and propaganda for the people to either keep them in line or rev up their patriotism and whatnot. Every nation does it. Even small town parades are the same thing in reality, just on a less ambitious political scale.
  15. Yeah, I just watched it now and it's a really great episode. Lots of good information story wise in this one.
  16. Still going through the final map. I'm not sure what I did this time around but I'm nearing 15,000 brushes and still haven't hit my max shader error I usually get around 12,000 brushes. I only have several more areas to finish up so it is moving along. The first image is just a small storage area. You'll actually crawl through that ductwork in the game. The second image are hops storage silos (st least the tops of them) that you'll see in passing through the fenced catwalk.
  17. Where is the light in the room coming from? Is it from behind the player?
  18. I was thinking along the lines that he missed his mouth a few too many times and soda or other non-crumby food got in there. I have remnants of feathers, tiny hooks, and many other fly tying stuff under my keys. You just have to shake it on its side every once in a while to shift the stuff around. B) Works fine after that.
  19. It is metal_bounce2.mp3. In JO there is also a lighter sounding one just called metal_bounce.mp3 That part in the video is scirpted so they probably have that sound being played since it looks like big metal hunks are falling from the explosion.
  20. if you have a laptop plug in a usb keyboard and do whatever it is that you do to make this error happen. You can also try this on a pc as well, just use a different keyboard and repeat the process to see if it happens again. Is it a PS/2 keyboard?
  21. Did you make the models yourself? Got any pictures of them?
  22. This looks really nice. I like the balcony over the little sitting area the best. You also made the same kinda lights I did in my map which is neat. Those yellow and blueish-white textures got tons of use throughout my project.
  23. I actually bet Desann by crushing him with one of those pillars that are there in that room.
  24. Yeah, a grass shader would be good. That'd give it some depth. What I meant on the elevation was just like a few units up here and a few units down. That would give some depth to it. i didn't mean make rolling hills or anything.
  25. Did you guys ever stop and think that in the vastness of the galaxy that the Empire is trying to control that these backwater areas being visited just don't have the Empire's brightest policing it? I think this video sums it up pretty well. * volume is low so you may have to turn up the speakers. http://youtu.be/qxhRlsDUx4o
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