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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. This is all working well. Still having issues with getting the bottle to appear in the map as a func_static. Could you send me your test mapfile or I could send you mine and we can see where this is all screwed up?
  2. Do any of those platforms move?
  3. I wouldn't even include it. What you have to do is find the limits of how far a player can jump and what, if any, force jumping ability they are going to have. Then its just a matter finding the distances the player can and cannot make. Then, space things out accordingly. Some jumps are easy to make. Some are going to be like old NES games. If your not on the right pixel when you jump, you are dead! hehehe.
  4. I've gotten the model to load properly in the game but it is not textured. I'm assuming the path is models/beerbottle/beerbottle.md3 correct? I assumed you knew I didn't have a base folder under models, but, I did try that path as well. base/models/beerbottle/beerbottle.md3 Neither worked I also took the beer bottle texture from the ASE model and included it within the folder but its still the textureless model. In the texture paths did you underscore anything?
  5. K, i'm going to try this out and hopefully it'll work with this method.
  6. ok, I tried @Boothand's method for getting an md3 to work. As simple as it looks, I cannot get this to work. I don't who chimes in on this I just want an answer.. how the hell do I set this up? I made a brush, made it a function static. Does it matter what size? Then I added a Key: model2 and a value: models/map_objects/doom/heater.md3 This is just a test so I used to heater model. This won't appear in a testmap. What am I doing wrong here?
  7. Well, if that is the case maybe I'll add that in.. Ya know, someone can make a shooting gallery with this.
  8. Nah.. not going to be much of an issue. I mean really, how many saber hits can people take in these games yet in the movies they are dead from one hit. There is a bit of suspended disbelief in gaming because you really can't make it 100% real. All I want is to make bottles move along a conveyor belt path like a bottling line. Then, loose bottles go into one "machine" and the other end will spit them out say on a cardboard tray that then goes to another "machine" and then they come out the other end as a case of beer. It'll show the player a working process. That is more important.
  9. Not sure what you mean by collision but I'm probably not going to make them breakable.
  10. That seemed to work great, thanks. What would cause this ?
  11. I'd probably just put it under base/models/beerbottle for a directory would be fine with me. Ya know, if you made the bottle the size of the bottle in Nar Shaddaa map objects or close abouts that would be good. Its a wine bottle but it'll work for what I want to do. Thanks for the help. I'll try and test this out later on when I have time.
  12. Well, how would I go about creating a path in 3dsmax in the first place?
  13. The only issue is that my model doesn't move ! I've got DT85's tutorial to work fine for brushes, which is great. In fact, I can take the pallet model out and make my own for the large pallets and use that method on the conveyor belt. I WANT to use your bottle or the wine bottle from the map objects to make a bottling line like you'd see in any bottler plant. Not as jammed up or anything like in real life, but, just to give the sense that the player is in a living facility. I can have everything "shut off" and it just sits there stationary. It'll look good, but, moving would be better.
  14. No errors. I think I only noticed this after I installed Quake3mapToolz .
  15. Let me ask you this in regards to the MOVE statement or whatever it is. Of the two in BEHAVED, which one do I use? Also, how the heck do I set it up ?? I am able to get the tag and my "point1" in there but I'm having a problem understanding what the 54, $, and 0.0000 settings are to get it to look like the Raven script are. If you see below this is what my move thingy looks like in Devaheb. What am I setting up wrong in here compared to the Raven MOVE line? move ( $tag( "point1", ORIGIN)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0000.000 );
  16. I'm set to administrator and I'm the only one that uses my system. I haven't touched any of that in a long time. Its no big deal, really. I just wondered if anyone else ran into it.
  17. I don't have Jedi Acadamy. i DID download the demo and deleted it before finishing it was so bad... however.... I poked around Artus_Topside scripts and remembered there were TIE Fighters flying all over the place and they were models. Here is one of those scripts. affect ( "tie1", 56 ){ task ( "fly_south5" ){move ( $tag( "fly_south5", 54)$, 0.000 );} task ( "fly_south" ){play ( "PLAY_ROFF", "roff/yavin_south" );} use ( "south5_fx" );wait ( 1250.000 );use ( "south5_fx" );wait ( 750.000 );rotate ( < 0.000 270.000 0.000 >, 0.000 ); affect ( "kyle", 55 ){sound ( CHAN_AUTO, "sound/test/tiepass2.wav" );} do ( "fly_south5" );wait ( "fly_south5" );do ( "fly_south" );wait ( "fly_south" );} TIE 1 more than likely refers to the md3 model. I'm just curious what the tag would refer to? Would that be the targetname of a ref_tag?
  18. When I test everything I usually just run the second stock test BSP choice. The one with Super2 in it. If that is what you mean.
  19. Well, since when was there a GTK Radiant version 2.5.16? The compiler, silly.. Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
  20. Sorry its been a while but I'm actually at this point in the project now. Would this method also work for models as well or does it only work with brushes?
  21. This is a substation or control room or something or other. The purple lit area is the conveyor belt running past the room. I made a corkboard thingy as well. Found some freebie online photo editor online and it took about 5 minutes to make. Those papers on there are actually some of my old college papers re-did with the Aural -Besh font and moved around a bit. Found a blue, rusty wall texture in Imperial Mine's set that looked odd so I made a hallways out of it.
  22. That looks pretty monotonous! How big is it overall ?
  23. Have been doing well on getting some more areas near finished. I modified the bump-floor texture from Nar Shaddaa I think by tiling it smaller and it made a neat treadmill-like texture. I turned this into a shader so I have a working conveyor belt in looks only so far. Trying to work my way from storage areas to the bottling line/filling line to the big vats and stuff in terms of room progression. Most of the storage is done less some detail, sound, and NPC's. Here's a shot of one of the storage rooms off the barrel aging room. @Pande once again has another model he's given me in this shot with the wood pallets. I have I think 8 models he sent and I only have to use the beanbag chairs and the leather armchair and then I've gotten them all into the game. If you notice the beer cases I modified a Pabst Blue Ribbon case image and turned it into Palp's for Palpatine. The red lettering in the lower left says " A Product of Imperial Brewery". The upper right says 18 40oz bottles. I used the wine bottles from Nar Shaddaa models list as a reference. So, the Emperor like's 40's.. hehehe. Here is an L shaped room off the room above. Here you can see the conveyor belt for large pallets on the left. By the crosshair is a raised platform where you will open the hatches in each room the conveyor belt goes through as well as turn the belt on itself. You'll ride this to a certain point.
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