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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. The brick is 1024x1024 scaled to .1200 x.1200 in game. The part i changed over the crosshair I scaled down to .0800 x.0800. Or, do you mean the plaster white texture. That is 1024x1024 but I didn't change that in game? Is that the one?
  2. Here is a shot from the top catwalk which is a bit brighter in game. You can see the pipes coming up from the support pillars on the right into the vats. That's actually a red painted metal texture I found last night. Looks really good up close. I'm now in the process of adding in pressure gauges to each "fitting" where the pipes enter that grey coller thing. On the left side I'm probably going to make some sort of access hatch and put that on the left side of the cat walk on the vat to use up some of that space. The roundish lights are just cylinders moved around with the vertex tool to get a bell shape. The white part is actually made up of a capped cylinder and a 4 unit tall cylinder. On the cap cylinder is a custom flat white original game shader with a 30,000 surface light value while the 4 unit high side texture has the same shader with a 12,000 on the surface light value.
  3. Still working on the brewery part. Ran into some shader issues that finally got figured out as well as finally figuring out the path for the player to follow. Also figured out how to work in one of those 2 legged droids that look like ED 209 from Robocop. I'll be walking across a bridge over a chasm while you are inside a ductowrk and look out over the room. Its one of those " you can see the room but cannot get there " room. The below image is a computer terminal in the newly designed beer vat storage area. The computer is in the support pillar. The two images on the screens are a Logon Screen as well as something I whipped up quickly in Paint.net. Each vat has a computer and each computer shows how filled each vat is. This room is where the 5 large beer vats are. Pipes travel from behind the chainlink within the pillar to the top of each beer vat. The room looks the same on the other side of the vats where the computers are except that the pillars don't have pipes running up through them. At the end of this room at the 5th vat there is a ladder that will take you up to the catwalk where you'll travel back across the top of the vats to the next room.
  4. It's scripted in Behaved. Most of my Stormtroopers use alt fire throughout my project. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ALT_FIRE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );
  5. That whole Starpad level I really didn't enjoy very much to be honest, especially the horde of thugs you have to defeat. I'd vote for the Repeater-bearing Trandoshan.
  6. I like the 60's series and The Next Generation. Deep Space Nine wasn't too bad either with the Ferengi. They are the most human of them all. Its just a different setting and philosophy in relation to Star Wars. As for Star Wars I always like the sounds, the music, the locations, and the Empire the best. I like the vastness of the universe and that everything isn't so sterile as in Star Trek. Some stuff is nice and some stuff is similar to old hot rods just patched together. Not much into Jedi's, they bore me quite a bit. Oh, I also like droids quite a bit, too.
  7. I don't think one project is going to get people to jump back into a 10 year old game. I have no idea how many projects are going on that aren't posted about but I'm not sure there is enough people here to do it. But, as @therfiles people here will help you out. I think the majority of people who posted in this thread have had a hand in my project from getting stuff to work or making something or another. Just start building something and see what happens. My 1 map project that was supposed to be done with by last Christmas has turned into 6 really large maps with a storyline that doesn't involve killing Reborn in every room! Just start building stuff and see what happens.
  8. Yeah, I meant the same animation as the secondary "sniping" mode. I knew what you meant. The primary would be through the scope with a blaster bolt and the secondary would be the same just with disintegration. I have no idea on the coding end of this. Maybe try tracking down someone who originally worked on the game might help.
  9. OH, all through the same animation.... I get what your saying now. Could be like 5 units per bolt and 25 per disintegration or something.
  10. Personally, I'd like to see this as "just" a sniper weapon and eliminate the whole primary fire altogether.
  11. Single Player for me. I do like Capture the Flag type matches If I had to choose a MP mode but I really dislike the online atmosphere.
  12. I wanted to add a chain link fence to my project but in my 3rd use of it I'm running into a bit of a problem with brushes and models vanishing behind the fence from different angles. Here is a fenced in area with some models and two brush lights behind it w/ light entities. In this shot its all fine. In this second image from a different angle a few things are going to be missing. Here I am missing all the models as well as the light brush on the right. I've used a few different shaders, including one from JO which was the ImpMine/grating shader and I end up with the same problem. Now, I don't have any problems where my other two Chain Link areas are. Here is the shader I'm currently using from a Quake 3 forum for a simple grate. textures/icestationwampa/chainlink{ surfaceparm metalsteps cull none // A GRATE OR GRILL THAT CAN BE SEEN FROM BOTH SIDES { map textures/icestationwampa/chainlink blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaFunc GT0 depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO depthFunc equal } }
  13. Did you try going into power management turn off any power saver stuff for that wireless adapter?
  14. Yeah, clever, eh! That case logo as well as the bottle logo @Circa did for me was about the easiest logo to change and have it work into Star Wars somehow. I spent a ton of time looking at beer logos and that just stuck out at me.
  15. If you want a mascot you have to tie it in to the community somehow. Look at corporate mascots and Reddy Kilowatt for instance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reddy_Kilowatt Its gotta make a connection to what we do.
  16. Some new stuff. This is a small storage room that has a stairwell down the middle behind the chain link. There is a small service elevator that goes down the middle of the shaft as well. Its just for show, it doesn't really run. Here are the beer vats. There are 3 in total all interconnected with pipes and other plumbing things. I actually build the vats and pipes months ago and just plopped it into this room. You, the player, won't be able to walk around in there. The view here is from the hallway off the room itself. I'm going to have the NPC Prisoners working consoles and walking around in this room. They are, as per the story, under the influence of a mind drug, which the player will find out about beforehand. I'm still trying to get that copper texture a bit more metallic. I was able to use @Boothand's brick wall texture on the wall in this room. Here is the new striped wall texture as well as a cinderblock texture above it. I think I got them both from Texturemate.com, although I added the stripe to the wall. Made a green one, too.
  17. I agree with what @eezstreet said in regards to the new Kyle design. I prefer Kyle the mercenary over Kyle the Jedi, myself. Hell, I'd rather see non Jedi stories more often in what people make. I think the most valuable project to actually take on is the Dark Forces 2 conversion that whoever was working on. The story is there, characters, maps, ect... The game itself was fantastic which is a good enough reason to do it. Then, the hardest thing would be to get people involved and committed. At least the rest would be known, albeit have to be constructed.
  18. I'd throw the Trandoshans anywhere, really, in those levels. According to Wookiepedia they allied themselves with the Empire early on so you never know where they could end up. I thought about using two-four as personal body guards for my Commander in my project.
  19. Your image worked well, but it was a bit flat. I colorized a stock JO texture and got pretty much the same result. I found some gimp metal tutorials that were helpful. The first part teaches you how to make the metal texture, the second on how to turn it gold. So, I just turned yours more copper with a solid copper layer with a 75% opacity. Then, I went in and sharpened it more, then blurred it once or twice. Turned out great and looks good enough in game. Here is the new texture.
  20. I'm basically looking for a clean to semi clean looking copper metal texture that I can use for my beer vats. The texture will go on the vats and the connecting pipes so seamless be great.
  21. The problem with that is its an opinion and everyone is entitled to one. I can't sing nor do I play any instruments, but, I know a crappy singer or band when I hear one. I don't need to have the skills to be able to do something in order to give an opinion. I have ears for that. It works this way for just about anything. Like you never left a movie and thought it was aweful.
  22. Pulled this off the Lucasforums forum http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=47677 Here is the original posting. I am absolutely happy. Finally I got my mirror working. I don't know what I did wrong, but I got an answer from Raven and I just set the mirror up as written in the mail and it works. Reading that some other ppl are having problems to get their mirrors working I'll just paste the mail: ------------------- Set up the mirror just as you normally would in Q3... 1. Make sure the mirrored surface has a qer_mirror (or portal) surface property (we had one in the game called mirror_floor2 in our textures...) 2. Put a misc_portal_surface entity above the surface (around 16-32 units away is fine) 3. Make sure the surface is the only mirror the entity can see (it doesn't like seeing more than one mirror at a time) 4. Make sure the surface to be a mirror is made of only one brush for best results... (our mirror texture has the following setup in the shader: textures/tests/mirror_floor2 { qer_editorimage textures/tests/qer_mirror.tga surfaceparm forcefield portal q3map_nolightmap { map textures/tests/qer_mirror2b blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite } { map textures/tests/floor02_alphab blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR } { map textures/kejim/env_newfloor_kej blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbGen const ( 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 ) tcGen environment } } The forcefield parameter makes shots bounce off of it The portal parameter makes it show a reflection the other texture (tests/floor02_alphab) used on it gives it a texture to show (with an alpha value), just remove this if you want a true mirror... and the last texture in the setup gave it a shiny environment map like a piece of glass... ------------------- As already written, I don't know what was wrong with my first setupsd, but I think it was the wrong mirror shader. Now it works just fine.
  23. I really dislike the first, or crappy animated, clone wars. Can't stand watching that at all. The good Clone Wars grew on me over time. I wish I watched the movie first instead of the first series but that is how it goes. I'm not a huge fan of Jedi but I liked the Anakin and Obi Wan relationship quite a bit. I really liked the epsiodes where R2 was lost or stolen or whatever and for me, Cad Bane was the best character in the series. I really didn't like Padme at all, in any incarnation. Her episodes were really boring.
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