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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. So this permission thing...does every texture I took from some free use site need more than a link back to the site like their instructions said? Like, I'd need written permission for those?
  2. I thought it was pretty good from the get go, regardless of it being Disney. Not sure how many people here ever watched the Gummi Bears but that was one of the best cartoons I ever watched, and ever made, and that was Disney. It took a while for me with the Clone Wars because I watched most of the first season without seeing the movie where Anakin gets Ahsoka as a Padawan. That part confused me a bit. Chopper is my absolute favorite cause he's basically a bastard, kinda like ALF. I also Like that Kanan is a bit more rough around the edges and not some wooden Jedi Master like in the Clone Wars. Its like he's also learning, too, along with Ezra. Finally, its nice to see the Empire again. This is more the Star Wars time frame I grew up with and I'm much more comfortable here than during the Clone Wars. Although, characters like Hondo, Cad Bane, and Ziro the Hutt ( he's basically Truman Capote) made that series a bit more likable.
  3. All I know is that I have one more episode to watch and I'm pretty pissed that its going to be over. I really enjoyed this show quite a bit and just when its getting even better I have to wait until next season.
  4. I doubt its going to be Tarkin or the Inquisitor that'll do the interrogation.
  5. Did you try removing 1.4 from the Add/Remove programs in the control panel? Same with your Jedi Academy? I had issues with both early on with gtk Radiant 1.4 & 1.5 and had to go that route.
  6. Most of the bands I've been interested in in the past 15 years have been from Europe or are American bands with careers in Europe. Mostly Power or Progressive metal. My only gripe with the bands is "songs about metal" which is kinda cliche and the overproduction of the albums. Kinda like Blind Guardian is now compared to their older stuff.
  7. This is a great post. This song really remind me of older Symphony X from Mythology Suite. I think this is one band I'm going to after look into more.
  8. Try changing the rate on those sound files to either 44100 or 22050. They should work with either of those two rates either in mono or stereo. I wouldn't even bother worrying about pk3 size, either.
  9. That sounds really great. Its pretty cool ( hope they survived it ) that you have a personal connection to the ship. I had a friend in my neighborhood growing up that a Titanic nut so my interest in the ship basically came from him. Also, I was old enough to remember when Ballard found it and we had the National Geographic of it. That was really cool to see those images and whatnot. Even though its not Star Wars your project is really cool and I'm glad your making it. By the way, since you seem to be even more obsessed than my old friend, do you have any recommendations on any good online Titanic websites or YouTube documentaries?
  10. I'm just curious as to what other interior places you have made or plan to make. The grand staircase is basically a no brainer to include since its iconic. However, what about engine rooms, dining halls, swimming pool ect...Any staterooms or similar that will be seen?
  11. I just looked up Yoshi and his full name is T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas. Sounds Greek don't it? Your post made me remember when my friend got his SNES in OCT 91' for his birthday. We played the hell outa Super Mario World and nearly got through the whole game. I had to stop, though, cause my SNES was a Christmas present and I wanted to make sure I didn't spoil Super Mario World too much... hehe.
  12. You've got the link to it. I think that I sent a PM for a while back. The final scene won't be in it. Just check to make sure the levels switch properly w/ items and health and you get no max shader errors. That is the primary concern I may be willing to change some small stuff but its WAY too late for any major re-doings.
  13. Halfway done with my finale. Spent a bunch of time on the dialogue the brain speaks trying to get it right. Then, spent even more time trying to figure out how to get a light to flash through scripting but I think it'll be worth it given the the brain is made of brushes and not a model. The flashing light makes the brain seem alive. I then have to script in the camera movements that take the place of the player. It won't be very long. It's just enough to close the story.. or does it close the story... hmmmm...
  14. Yeah, he'll be there. Hondo's voice is basically the Burgermesiter Meisterberger from Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town.
  15. My way worked properly, barring the infinite loop. When you use it it won't switch to the next task. The light just keeps going off and on. But, if you put a set number of loops in the tasks will switch. So, now I just have to change the loop counts to match up w/ each wav files length and I should be good. Thanks for all the help
  16. You confused me a bit with if/else statements and the use key. To run a script within a script isn't that what the "run" command is for? So, if I were to put the flashing light script within my task that's all I should need. The script will run both the sound file and the flashing lights for each task, right? affect ( "braindroid", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "line1" ) { sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/brain/line1.wav" ); run ( whatever path to flashing light script) } Now, if this flashing light script is set for an infinite loop, am I going to run into problems with it being set up that way within each task?
  17. That worked out really well. Thanks for the help. I never knew, nor thought, you could activate a trigger or relay from a script to activate something. I have to play with the timing to make it more to my liking. Now, I should be able to call this script within my original script, correct? and not have to set it up with a trigger, right?
  18. At any rate, none of this is working for me as of yet.
  19. I'm not great with scripting outside of NPC behavior so I'm not good at writing condensed scripts. hehe. That 56 is shown when you open up your script in Debehave. I guess that 56 means flush.
  20. Do I just give the light a targetname and then reference that name in the affect command?
  21. Here is my script and using USE doesn't seem to work. My light is just on. Flash is the target_scriptname of the light entity I have it set up to test with a scriptrunner and a trigger once. affect ( "flash", 56 ) { task ( "task1" ) { use ( "flash" ); } task ( "task2" ) { use ( "flash" ); } task ( "task3" ) { use ( "flash" ); } task ( "task4" ) { use ( "flash" ); } task ( "task5" ) { use ( "flash" ); } task ( "task6" ) { use ( "flash" ); } task ( "task7" ) { use ( "flash" ); } do ( "task1" ); wait ( "task1" ); wait ( 700.000 ); do ( "task2" ); wait ( "task2" ); wait ( 500.000 ); do ( "task3" ); wait ( "task3" ); wait ( 700.000 ); do ( "task4" ); wait ( "task4" ); wait ( 500.000 ); do ( "task5" ); wait ( "task5" ); wait ( 700.000 ); do ( "task6" ); wait ( "task6" ); wait ( 500.000 ); do ( "task7" ); wait ( "task7" ); }
  22. I'm alright with NPC behavior but I haven't scripted much anything else so bear with me. I created a light entity and called it script_targetname flash My script has Affect "flash" Task (default) ??????? Now, I know to name the task but what the heck do I use for the task to make the light trigger on? This is the part that confuses me. This could be totally wrong how I set it up so feel free to chime here.
  23. Well, that is an idea. I'm not really 100% needing this I think it'd just make the final scene a bit better. How about this scenario. I have already set up light entities in test maps to work off of a trigger, so they turn off and on when activated/deactivated. Could I script that action in Behaved where each off/on cycle of the light last for various times. Say 100ms then 50ms then 75ms then 30ms then whatever. This should created an effect of random flashing.
  24. I'm looking to make some sort of "mouth" for my brain so when it talks people can kinda get that its the brain talking. You've seen this in older sci fi things like Robbie the Robot or Robot B9 from Lost in Space when they talk some light flashes behind some glass. I wanted to do something similar if it was possible w/ scripting. Here's a clip showing the Robot speak and the red light flashing. There are a few examples of it for 30 seconds. http://youtu.be/jfh-YY465HA?t=1m34s Just cut and paste this into youtube. For some reason the link doesn't work properly.
  25. Wouldn't the offending soundset file being played be based on the name of the pk3 file its in? Since they load alphabetically, couldn't you just name your soundset zz_soundset.pk3 (or similar) so it'll be loaded last?
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