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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. Well my mobile has gotten pretty slow and I'm looking for a clean up app that will hopefully remove unnecessary files left from old apps I dont use anymore sort of like Tune up utillities , but for my mobile does anybody know of an app like this ? or something that might do the job ? Thanks in Advance
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4Z-shtikB0 just have a f*cking nice Christmas guys !
  3. http://www.cgtextures.com just contributing to your list , limited to 15 mb per month I never hit that cap though and here's a simpel grungy metal Texture I made in photoshop ; i'm not sure wether it's tileable or not , I dont remember I think I made it to texture a weapon or something
  4. It's all prepared guys , it just has to be made public
  5. starkiller (click to view in 3D) how is this @@Psyk0Sith ?
  6. @@Psyk0Sith allright , how is this ? just guidelines sofar
  7. @@Psyk0Sith could you just give me some quick guidelines for my ear texture ? I dont really know what you're referring to
  8. @@Psyk0Sith you are an insane bastard, that looks amazing !
  9. gift submitted

    1. Barricade24
    2. Merek


      its after christmas. better update your status AshuraDX

  10. please make that ghost version transparent , it just doesn't look right like that
  11. shoulders are sitll to wide and arms to fat
  12. @@Circa yuck , that's a fugly issue , and it certainly wouldn't take a lot of time to fix , if you didn't have to reweight the model but I don't think it's worth fixing , I'd rather build a new model but as you know I allready have a ton of unfinished models and lack the time to finish them I'm happy when I can invest a few hours of work into one of my models in a week which does not only depend on my freetime but also my concentration
  13. AH Thanks a lot @@Psyk0Sith ! I've seen that tutorial ages ago when I started modding for JKA and I couldn't find it when I started painting head textures , you dont know how long I've been looking for that
  14. Time to summon some people for some helpful criticism @@Psyk0Sith @@minilogoguy18 @@DT85 @@Corto @@MoonDog Reposting the model : Starkiller (click to view in 3D)
  15. @@minilogoguy18 very nice , I didn't know you liked In Flames
  16. Got copies of Natural Selection 2 and Orcs must die 2 left over , anybody interested ?

  17. Starkiller (click to view in 3D) I might revise his hair some time but other than that I'm pretty statisfied with my result and I have to fix some stretchign in the UV map near the ears
  18. I really love those TFU and ROTJ face textures you made there great job ! btw , check back on my thread I posted soemthing related to your question about texturing hair
  19. well I used a specific brush in cs 6 , which might have been in cs 3 aswell The brush I use kind of simulates a real brush , you get to set the amount of bristles , their length and stiffness and even a cut off angle I'll screenshot my brush settings for you but I cant guarantee that you got this brush I could try to write a tutorial on painting hair like this , but as I jsut found out about this by experimenting and playing around with various brushes I odnt know wether I should really write a tutorial on that Edit : I altered the brush shape from angled to bend/rounded , and made this in about 5 minutes just a tiny sample , @@AngelModder I'd suggest using a tablet if you have one , I think it wont work that well with a mouse
  20. quick update some shading tweaks , a little colour correction on the lips and I reshaped the chin & nose a little
  21. after a discussion with @@ChalklYne we quickly figure dout what was the problem and I started to fix the flaws they eyebrows still need to be redone but waddya think so far ?
  22. just found this and thoguht I'd share I have no clue who made it , but I love it
  23. that looks pretty damn good ! I sadly allready have a ton of unfinished models here so I wont start another one in the next few months , sorry
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