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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. Strange... whenever I hit the "forum" button up in the bar it directs me to : https://:2083/ ,does anybody else have that problem ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      Yep. I fixed it by adding a / after index

    3. AshuraDX


      I just fixed it (for me) by clearing my browser cache

    4. CaptainChar


      I never saw that error

  2. less blue in that texture map please , I can take you some screenshots of the tie facillity exterior if you want EDIT : after checking the scene in TFU I'd say , make the blue spots in your exterior texture the same color as the rest and put some blue lights around te hangar forcefield to give it that slightly blue tint
  3. okay.... just 2 days ago I converted a part of my map to .obj and started to optimize it , with the goal of covnerting it to ASE , importing that to gtk , clip brush hull it and use the optimised minecraft map in JA it'll take me ages to finish this.... If I ever do also , a block is NOT half the player in minecraft "steve" measures 1.75 blocks
  4. I remember that ... I think it was never released , some guy whose name I cant remember showed this WIP on Gamefront Forums . about 1 1/2 years ago I'll try to find that thread for you Edit : found it ! http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/439663-satele-shan-skin.html now good luck contacting that guy
  5. Origin is a piece of shit

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Onysfx


      I still like xfire :). I use the old version though. The old version is simple and easy to use, even though no-one uses it anymore :(.

    3. Szico VII

      Szico VII

      Yeah I got that bundle 4 days ago...still havent got around to trying dead space. Speaking of which...

    4. Tempust85


      ^I didn't even know about this until my unusually chirpy wife texts me saying "look what I got for $5!"

  6. you could even go further and just swap the weapon settings via ext_data/weapons.dat but I think the only difference between both guns are the effects as If I remember correctly they function the same way and also share the same alt-fire
  7. came to my mind the minute I saw it
  8. I could probably lend a hand with models here and there , if someone supplies me with enough ref pics
  9. should be possible since the sourcecode was released but I have no clue how one would do that here's a shout out to someone who might know @@eezstreet
  10. @@Botdra you dont need thin brushes box brushes will do fine , that's what I did just caulk the bottom side
  11. allright i'll try to catch szico onlnie for the conversion okay now a few things : the hedge model was an exmapel what I'd like you to do with your hedges , using different offsets for each texture layer shouldnt be a problem with gtk's texturing tool the flowers wont be modeled , I was thinknig of using a sprite based "grass" shader with a flower image so isntead of a grass halms you get flowers on all brushe using the shader
  12. @@Botdra will model ASAP , could you pass me that brush archway as ASE ? for scaling reference I'm currently working up an example for your hedges so here check this out : my hedge persists of 3 outer , alpha mapped shells a core hedge brush and a base the very out shell doesn't touch the base of the hedge I'M still waiting for my bud to pass me the photo's
  13. oh these are some nice refs ! I'll prepare something for you later , I hope you dont mind making adjustments to your hedges and I allready got an idea for those flowerbeds , it will require a flat trianlge (or whatever shape you want them to be) on the floor the shader will do the rest
  14. @@Botdra I just sent a friend of mine who allways carries his cam with him to take some good shots of a few hedge but I dont know how long it will take till I get his pics as it depends on when he comes across a good looking hedge the next time he's out of town so I sadly cant borrow his cam and take those shots myself you'll get some decent hedges
  15. Allright then , looks liek I'll have to borrow a good cam and take some good high res shots from various hedges might take me a few days
  16. @@ChalklYne haha , so I get the real work ? we'll see what @@Botdra wants , wether he allready has allready made a choice for a final texture or still needs one if he need's a good texture I think I could quickly work something up
  17. ah allright , guess I could do that for ya but i'll have to refresh my knowdledge about making shaders for maps
  18. I have an idea for your hedges , but you'd need to duplicate them and shrink them down a little so you get 2 layers the outer hull will recieve an alpha mapped version of your hedge texture the inner brushes will be textured with a slgihtly darkened fully opague version of the texture the slgiht offest between both surfaces will create the illusion of depth
  19. uploaded a playermodel verison of the wampa , pretty crappy rig but I'm to lazy to put a ton of effort in an monster-to-player port (right now)
  20. Version 1.0


    the Wampa model from the game with the humanoid skeleton no teamskins or NPC/bot support BUGS : a sh*tload of clipping issues because I got lazy with weighting , might improove that in a possible V2
  21. that'd actually be quite an interesting experiment....
  22. far form done , started worknig on this as I needed a break from the body textures and hadn't done shit for days
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