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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. Allright time to call out for the experts @@Corto @@Psyk0Sith @@minilogoguy18 @@DT85 Starkiller WIP2 (View in 3D)
  2. Starkiller WIP2 (View in 3D) too lazy to reupload the image so here's just the 3d model
  3. havn't worked on him really as I was distracted... *cough - steam summer sale -cough- so many games-cough* but I stumbled across this neat site and thought I'd try it Starkiller WIP1 (View in 3D) *hint* turn on subdivision on the left , the model is quite lowpoly and looks like shit as is , I hope the textures will change that
  4. yep there was , but it was a ported model so I wont spread it here if oyu want it you'll have to find it or hope for shiftee to update his Sith Stalker model
  5. mudbox looked nicer , might get a student liense sometime what I really liked was 3d Coat , it utilises both poly/vertex and voxel based sculpting
  6. did , but it was impossible for me to get used to that layout and I kept fucking my scenes up so I dropped it I've been using sculptris a lot and I mgiht use silo'S sculpting tools even though they're pretty basic
  7. I'm not really sculpting , I'm jsut shifting vertices , edges and sometimes entire faces around to get the facial structure right
  8. @@Corto @@DT85 @@ChalklYne any closer ? (right is the new version) feel free to start paint overs EDIT : I guess I'll test Silo on this once I got soe paintovers from you guys
  9. Allright , time to shift some vertices around
  10. once again I shout out to my masters : @@minilogoguy18 @@Psyk0Sith @@Corto @@DT85 and @@ChalklYne
  11. same in 3ds max , could include LOD's but for usual I'm just to lazy to bother with them in max you'd copy your weighted model , kill the envelopes , apply the pro optimizer modifier & let it crunch your model down and then apply skinwrap to the LOD and pick your main model as source
  12. I didnt ahve trouble with my dummys , I could pass you my scene @@DT85
  13. the last time I heard from Szico was about a month ago I think , he was pretty busy with RL stuff back then so give him some time
  14. tomorrow... http://www.vainstream.com/running_order.php I will die
  15. @@EmerALD there you go buddy http://jkhub.org/files/file/1137-jedi-academy-sdk/ @@Psyk0Sith probably you could update that link on your site ?
  16. I was going to do all 3 versions of the Training Gear not sure wether I'll do any of the others If I do , they wont use the same mesh (except for the head)
  17. they're ancient though , might pull off new versions of them when I finish my version of starkiller
  18. @@Corto ofc , forgot to attach that the side of the nose looks quite funky in tht shot but it's allright
  19. @@minilogoguy18 @@Corto @@Psyk0Sith any major crits before I continue ?
  20. @@ChalklYne pretty much everything you were given i nyour thread , I'm using that "compilation" shot with various angels for my rotoscope which I jsut use to get the basic shape , the rest is captured by looking at th eother higher res ref pics
  21. Well as @@ChalklYne is still strugglnig with his starkilelr model after nearly a year I thought I'd see what I can ome up with for starkiller so ... uh does this look like him to anyone ? it's far form being done anyway
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF9tjfEIxHo oh god I hate the original but this is pretty awesome
  23. that's actually not a bad way , I think
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