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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. still no success I have no clue whats going on here Edit : approved your new converter
  2. try looking for the overall shap and go by your eye , not your mind
  3. the side is not that bad but the front view is messed up ! just some quick paint overs for your reference , might help to get the shape right
  4. what bothers me way more than his arms is his head recheck your references , and probably you shouldn't freehand it all
  5. 1. Inside of his eye needs to be pushed in imagine seeing it from the top 2.FUCK THAT ODD ANGLE ! model his head & face just as it is doen on the ref pics I've shown you , dont have his "facialplane" slanted like this / , keep it upright | ! I bet that's gonna help a LOT
  6. haha , that was the first thing I tried - no changes
  7. Starting profile on 17.01.2014 at 15:45:44 Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista based Home Premium (32-bit), version 6.01.7601 Service Pack 1 Program Executable: c:\base\FBX2GHOUL2.EXE Program Arguments: Starting Directory: c:\base\ Search Path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Backburner\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live Options Selected: Simulate ShellExecute by inserting any App Paths directories into the PATH environment variable. Log DllMain calls for process attach and process detach messages. Log DllMain calls for all other messages, including thread attach and thread detach. Hook the process to gather more detailed dependency information. Log LoadLibrary function calls. Log GetProcAddress function calls. Log first chance exceptions. Log debug output messages. Use full paths when logging file names. Log a time stamp with each line of log. Automatically open and profile child processes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:00.000: Failure starting the process. Der angeforderte Vorgang erfordert erhhte Rechte (740).(rough translation : The requested Process requires extended rights) Well , that's my lognote : I'M the noly user at this PC , there is no other user account
  8. @@Xycaleth I actually tried adding pause to my .bat before , sadly it just runs the fbxconverter , closes it and then says press any key to exit , same with your version
  9. I tried various things @@Archangel35757 (.bat , directly via cmd and drag&drop) nothing worked
  10. You want Ambient Occlusion + Cavity + Diffuse , Chalk you can try getting your spec map to work but I can't promise that will do the trick
  11. @@Xycaleth Windows 7 home Premium 32 bit , and yes I did
  12. @@Xycaleth Installed that , didn't change anything it still just opens and closes again
  13. Just tried this , it wont create a glm for , ito pens closes and basically does nothing I tried runnint it via cmd and the drag&drop method , both didn't work so I guess it has to be the .fbx got any ideas what it might be ? Edit : probably adding error messages would be a good idea
  14. I tried to use this and well , it apearently didn't work correctly , I didn't get any error messages , it just opened , closed and didn't give me a file you should really add some kind of error message
  15. I dont really remember about the naming , I discovered that by accident
  16. Probably it hasn't been released , which is likely as there is no link in that thread or anything you could try to contact the author
  17. I might indeed try to sculpt the folds in mudbox , and get myself a neat AO map let's see......
  18. I'm basing the folds off of Manny's sculpt (the original one that was made for the game) and while I think I got the shape right I cant seem to find out how to really make them look good , they look okay to me but I think I could get a better result I just don't know how - yet
  19. @@Psyk0Sith you dont happen to know a good cloth texturing tutorial do you ? I cant seem to get a result I like , and the tutorials I found couldn't teach me anything new =/
  20. I guess i'll play with a few opacity sliders in my psd
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