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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. small update , just some color changes here and there so far , no real texturing done yet I also updated the sketchfab page : Bantha II Skiff by ashuradx on Sketchfab
  2. @@Vegeta , waddya think so far ? it's obviously not done yet Bantha II Skiff by ashuradx on Sketchfab
  3. Finally , a month later I got "some" progress to show just the Ambient Occlusion , Cavity and curvature maps I got after baking the details from my highpoly mesh to my lowpoly mesh applied to the finished lowpoly model it still needs fine texture detail and color but I think it allready looks pretty good
  4. @@Circa , I was indeed sadly it appears to be lost . I might get another one going once I'm less busy with school related stuff
  5. hopefully next week, I have a shitload to do for school and I'm still in the preparation for my upcoming move next weekend after that I should be back to normal business finally
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOMD_m8rFK0 been listening to this all day while painting my room in the new flat (I'm moving)
  7. Moving atm , will lurk the forums form my mobile

    1. CaptainChar


      that explains the silence

  8. @@Vegeta I had a busy week and didn't have time to work on this , sadly
  9. If you wish , change your name back Chalk will probably need some more time before he can continue working on this model
  10. well I have an idea how one could do this but that'd require some serious scripting or an anim map could do the trick aswell
  11. @@Vegeta moved the thread to from Requests to WIP I wont be able to do much work at the mesh this weekend , sadly
  12. WIP images of the Highpoly mesh I'd say it's 80-90% done
  13. I have made a model of that pike ages ago , you may have it this should include kazdan paratus saberpike and my old rahm kota saber aswell https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/oldTFU_shit.zip these models are pretty shitty and so are the textures and I might remake them but for now they'll do
  14. wait until I finished my highpoly version shouldn't take too long anymore maybe 2 or 3 days
  15. skiff (click to view in 3D) I'd call the low poly model done , with rend2 upcoming I plan to create a high poly version of this and bake some normalmaps using the high poly mesh with Kyle(s) for scale
  16. the leather looks to smooth and clean dont be afraid to add some signs of wear and dirt , especially to the boots !
  17. a little bit of progress I made during my lunch break
  18. I might give this a shot later/tomorrow but I wont include the guns as you cant have more than one player operating a vehicle in Jedi Academy , atleast as far as I know
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVSqd1SzkQE if you ever get the chance to see woodkid live in concert - DO IT
  20. Diffuse Spec a quick and dirty 5 minute job , you should be able to color it yourself by adjusting hue&saturation of the diffuse in gimp or whatever you use This wa smade by just slapping a marble and water foam texture from CG textures ontop of a simple base metal texture I made https://www.dropbox.com/s/h1ur95zay3eqv45/Screenshot%202014-03-06%2013.51.45.png
  21. I'd guess a marble texture , combined with a metal texture should do the trick
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