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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. damn..... probably I'll give this a shot sometime
  2. @@Asgarath83 the model is not mine it's made by @@minilogoguy18 I was just texturing it , and I plan to finish it If I can find my old psds somewhere on my external drive
  3. hm that's interesting could oyu upload your gloss image to imgur or something and post a link here ?
  4. hm good question , the first thing I'd do is bring this stage { map models/players/shadow_stormtrooper2/armor-spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } below all others then probably you could recreate the old shader and test both shader variants in the same spots , and see if the old one behaved similiar or you could brighten up the gloss image a little
  5. @@Psyk0Sith nope Kain is not textured , I was going to do so and had quite some progress I knid of forgot about that , until now I'll see wether I can find my old psd's and probably get back to it sometime soon
  6. so.... can I mark this as solved @@Asgarath83 ?
  7. shiiiit.... how many effects are you running at the same time ? well I can only tell you to reduce the amount of efx used in your mod you should know : a ton of effects =/= spectacular mod , if these effects are very flashy , bright and colorful it will also burn the players eyes out also - please work on your english it's often kinda hard to get what you are saying , you dont have to in any way but I doubt I'm the only one who thinks so nope , the effect get's only displayed once for each tag_blade in your weapon model
  8. it's not the UVs that are fucked up , the mesh normals are fucked up
  9. my saberbuilder worked like this : I made a single w_saber.glm file including all of the parts these parts are named : Emitter1-3;Body1-3;Button1-4;Handle1-3;Pommel1-3 the Saberbuilder I made actually just generated .skin files that *offed all parts that were not chosen and gave the pieces the chosen textures here are some examples : the program also generated a .sab file which directed the game to display the specified name and directed to the .skin file connected to that name for example , assumnig your saber was named Test the Saberbuilder would write this in a .sab file: //Generated by SaberBuilder 0.5 C:AshuraDx Test { name "Test" saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/Saberbuilder.glm" customSkin Test saberLength 40 saberColor random } in the end my tool ran a command line command which simply zipped up all the required files for your personal hilt (the .skin and .sab file) and in the end renamed the file from .zip to .pk3 that's the whole "magic" behind my old Saberbuilder so no @@ChalklYne you dont need to save a few hundred models I bet this could and most likely would be done differently for an ingame editor an Ingame editor should work like the character customization : this will require the creator of a new "saber parts pack" that's going to be added to the saber customization menu to create small .skin files for each of their emitters , handles , pommels and buttons (or whatever pieces you want to be interchangeable) If I knew anything about coding in C or C++ I could probably pull that off as I bet you can just copy&paste the Player customization code , and then make some alterations but as my Programming skills are limited and I allready tend to produce a huge mess in simple programming languages like java I'll leave that to the more experienced coders on this site
  10. Try to keep the paint pieces as sharp&crisp as possible ,it'S supposed to look like paint was scratched off not smudged around so you dont want any other opcity values than 100-90% and 10-0%
  11. tried that , have to wait for this converter to be finished or find my old max 2010 installer
  12. Fixing up my old Minecraft server - comment if you're interested

  13. pass me your pk3 via pm please , I'll try to find the error and correct it for you I'll leave comments in your shader so you'll be able to find out what I changed
  14. @@Rage , for your candle Light shader you could try 3 things : a. use yiour candle shader as spriteimage for a sprite drawing shader , then apply that sprite shader to a little plane that's horizontal above the candle the sprite should then get drawn upright on top of the plane and should allways turn to face the player b.simply use FX runners for your candle flames c. (for cheap) just use 2 planes with your candlelight shader and turn the copy around 90°
  15. Use the AT-ST lreferences I posted andm odle the legs after them , then modle a basic ST head (just a box) and model your CT head using that box for scale reference I can remember drawing side and front sketches for the CT "head" myself , I'll see if I can find them but I highly doubt it
  16. //hiddenblade models/weapons2/hiddenblade/w_blade { q3map_nolightmap cull twosided { map models/weapons2/hiddenblade/w_blade blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/weapons2/shortsword/env_chrome blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR detail alphaGen const 0.1 tcGen environment } { map models/weapons2/hiddenblade/w_leather blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/weapons2/hiddenblade/w_blade_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } }here are the used textures w_blade : w_leather : so you have to prepare yourt extures like this , my w_leather is used to cover up areas that are not supposed to shine therefore I alphamapped all areas that should shine out after preparing a copy oif your texture like this you just have to add this between your specular and ENV stage { map models/players/shadow_stormtrooper2/armor_nogloss blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA //detail - remove the slashes and this text in order to make this stage detail rgbGen lightingDiffuse }
  17. proportions are f*cked check this out : and you should check this out aswell , these will help you with the general shape , proportions and detail of a generic AT-ST I Used these ref pics back when I made my AT-Walker models and jsut altered the pilotbooth and weapons for the KT and CT variants here are further pics of my old AT-CT for you
  18. I'd use overlays to cover the parts that are not supposed to shine simply create an alpha channel on a copy of your texture that's transparent in places the model is supposed to shine and put that as an alphamapped diffuse stage above the shine stage in your shader if you need an example for this check out my assassins Creed weapons pack I used this for the hidden blade I think
  19. guys , it's just opening a directory o nthe site I posted and then spamming middlemousebutton to open all files in a new tab and then download ~10-20 maps over night if possible
  20. http://www.gamefront.com/files/listing/pub2/star-wars-jedi-knight-jedi-academy we better get to work... the map folders are sepperated by gamemode and then subdivided by title If we get a plan setup like this : user1 | FFA |0-9 user2 | FFA |A-J user3 | FFA |K-T and so on and the same for the other gamemodes I guess we'll be good to go who'd be willing to participate in this ?
  21. well if you get me a pic of what your current shader looks like ingame , show me your shine texture and tell me what you want to achieve I guess I can
  22. I'd sharpen those decals a little , they appear alittle blurry
  23. @@Circa it's still not be worth the effort and I dount that woudl look good in any way
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