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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. must have been the angle , nice work ! But I think the nose mgiht need some slight adjustments there :
  2. @ , where are you buddy ? Wasn't your Username on Gamefront Xu'an ?
  3. neither had I but I "explode" my smoothing groups before exporting , actually before rigging for Jedi Academy
  4. something wierd is going on with that ear O.o , may I see the sculpt or get a better view of that ear (without hair) ?
  5. ah I see , building OJK with rend2 atm - so far nothing exploded as expected I'll report any problems I run into that I can't fix with a quick search here
  6. http://i.imgur.com/dinr36z.png , I think I should finally set up a portfolio
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sithani
    3. Lamented




      You gonna make Ahsoka's shoto hilt as well?

    4. AshuraDX


      @Intone - probably not

  7. Did anybody write a guide on how to setup and use rend2 yet ? couldn't find anything on my quick search and while I'm sure there have been posts containing pieces of information all over the place would anybody mind writing a quick guide and post it under tutorials ?
  8. First of all I did not mean to offend anybody , if that was misunderstood , I'm sorry. BUT when I got started with modeling for this game , I created terribly inefficient meshes and recieved harsh critic and I mean really harsh but after a while instead of just crieing and raging on them about that I actually tought : hey these people have been working with this game for a much longer time than myself so probably they are RIGHT and I am indeed the one who is WRONG here . Thanks to these critics back then I reached my current skill level and i'm really gratefull for that . Fact is that this game's engine is quite old and does not really like rendering many complex models at once. so now onto the case here : CaptainCrazy completely missed the purpose of any suggestions and valid points mini and I made, instead claiming that being restricted to fewer vertices on a mesh would A: make it look not as elegant B: you wouldn't be able to tell who's lightsaber hilt it was anymore by stripping more detail from it These claims lead me to start a personal challenge , which I at first did not intend to showcase here but only to see for myself if one could build a mesh with an similiar amount of detail without using 1.2k vertices on the mesh , before all hard edges and UV seams are split , which will duplicate the vertex count along these splits and thereby increase the vertex count by a lot not to say a shitload. Crazys response : So as you can see I highlighted a few things in there , the first 2 highlighted parts just seemed kinda off to me - judging others as being egotastical and exclaiming THAT in the same sentence ? the second part is actually where it started to get ridiculous to me WHY should anybody think he could not do any better ? The best content anyone can create for an old game engine like this is something that looks good and at the same time performs as good as possible so you dont want to use more geometry than you actually need - meaning you should scrap everything that could easily be textured on and it will still look convincing enough to be not considered "a box with a few rectangles glued on top" after this reply by CaptainCrazy Omicron made a valid point - that it is okay to have a higher poly saber hilt for a machinima, some people will want to use it in gameplay situations aswell though, as this is a game after all, so I still think one has to find the right compromise between modeled and textured detail so that both groups of players can appreciate it to the fullest Following that Crazy started completely ridiculing efficiently built models , and I have to admit I got a good laugh of his tinfoil-box comparison, but somehow that was also the moment I thought - hey you know what ? let me show you my "tinfoil-box" , if you want to see it. That's why I put that post in a spoiler tag, and warned anyone to make sure they really want to see the content as it COULD be offensive to some if you click that spoiler , look at it and ARE offended by the content then it's their own fault - they've been warned and still clicked it. I just wanted to show that theres actually no need to use an "excessive" amount of vertices to make a model look good which is something I learned in the past years . Now let me quote @ here that's exactly what you wan't to do - push the boundaries without smashing them with a (vertex) heavy club until they break and errors start showing up The only thing I tried to accomplish was to prove that you can get a smooth shape and maintain the exact same defining silhouette all while keeping the vertex count quite low I did not do this to boost my ego , I'd have done that in a much more rude & respectless way , I also did not mean to challenge him into any kind of competition or even run him off the forum I just wanted to teach him a bit of respect for efficient modeling and as that was widely missunderstood I'd like to apologise , right here right now if he's still around by now @@CaptainCrazy , contact me via pm if you wish to talk about what happened here I'd be really grateful for that. To me Videogame art was never about competition - it's allways been my goal to get better , more accurate to the concept and teach my knowdledge to other those in this community who have known me for a while or maybe even since I started modding Jedi academy will probably agree on that.
  9. Same here , probably after I'm done with school next year
  10. @@Ruxith That's exactly what I did mate , the alignment is correct now though , probably modview was just acting up , after resaving & reloading the textures everything matched up again Also : a suggestion for Teamskins , could aswell give you these if you wish , default added for comparison
  11. have not checked ingame yet but that looks "kinda" off O.o might want to look into that Also : did you take your normal map , grayscaled it and overlayed that along with the AO bake over your textures? Kinda looks like that. I'd suggest replacing the normal map with a curvature map in that case EDIT : Strangely the horn misplacement appears to have fixed itself after I resaved the ehad texture O.o did oyu probably save your PNG as interlaced ?
  12. png is not going to be compressed on saving , so it MIGHT work but I cant make any promises here
  13. just returned from http://www.withfullforce.de/ , great weekend

  14. something about the shape of his boots throws me off..... I dont know exactly what it is though Looks great otherwise !
  15. get QEffects , it's pretty much ENB for OpenGL games as far as I know @@eezstreet knows more about that
  16. It seems like all the geometry normals were inverted on Boothands screenshot... O.o
  17. could definatly be improved in the allready mentioned areas , the feet are also very blocky
  18. As Quixel just released it's quixel suit (which is in Open beta now btw) they made the old version of their amazing texturing utility dDo free to use I've been toying around wit hit in the last 2 days and I must say : I love it here's a sketchfab link to the displayed mesh there Skyrim Jewelry Smelter - dDo by ashuradx on Sketchfab I'd recommend this tool for the more advanced modelers here as it seriously speeds and simplifies up your texturing process but requires a proper normal map to work correctly If you wan't to try it , you can get it here http://quixel.se/dev/ddo at the bottom of the page you'll find the get Legacy version dDo Link I might release a dDo textured version of my skiff vehicle for comparison
  19. moar Paganmetal ! then imagine what this will do to you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJx-tLgMBXY *Nostalgia incoming*
  20. got friendzoned - damn !

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Circa


      Please don't. lol

    3. ChalklYne


      Out of the swampy marsh like voorhees


    4. Onysfx


      Follow palpatines advice: "If one is to understand the great mystery of woman, one must study, all their aspects, not just the narrow dogmatic view of society..."

  21. just let me know when you need something - I'll see if I can get it done for ya
  22. I could probably supply you with a couple test meshes if you wish , just let me know what you'd like to have I could probably convert these for JA quickly if you wish so what did you find when using my model ?
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