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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. @@Jeff doing a decent manual rigging job on a model for jka should not take longer than 3-6 hours depending on the model. from the look of this scourge model I'd assume yo uare using some sort of autoweight function? 5-10 minutes effort for a model? That can be a great basis for manual refinement. Which may allow you to hit the 2 hour mark for a fully rigged model. Since you are simply taking completed models and port them over yo uare allready cutting out most of the effort that goes to the creation of a useable playermodel. This also happens to make the weighting process the only step you could actually learn to be good at as long as you restrict yourself to porting. I am not bothered by the quality of ported models at all sicne I do not use them. I'm bothered by the waste of potential.
  2. @@Lord Of Hate regarding quantity? probably. Quality? could be far better, just a few things on scourge: Serious gaps in the model during animation, jsut check the models neck in modview while playing throguh a few animation sequences. no caps for dismembered body parts. The fingers on the hands are not weighted to the proper bones and stay in a fixed position. stiff cape This one is pure nitpicking: while the textures look okay in jka, they could be improved rather easily, if you have the normal maps and the required knowhow.and these are what I found within less than 5 minutes.
  3. I finally did it. After taking a 2 Week break from the issue I finally managed to finish the part of my exporter that handles brush texture coordinates today.
  4. I've had 48000 simple cuboid shaped brushes in a .map (one of my testterrains) and did not see that error. I have not yet done any research on that error but from the phrasing about "original edges" I'd assume it's caused by something that changes its number of edges due to tesselation. So in a first step, I'd take out all those patches and see what happens. @@kwenga
  5. Models that use different GLA's then the default _humanoid usually suffer from this issue. I don't think I've ever come across another cause for this problem
  6. @@Milamber are you lurking around? Iirc you had something like that in the making.
  7. You need to make a few posts before you can post in the request section. This was done to prevent the creation of new throwaway accounts that were commonly used to place a single "oneline" request post in the requests section. We hope this will raise the quality of request posts.
  8. @@BigChoi no problem
  9. @@BigChoi were you trieing to move the mod onto the CD? You have to put it into the installation directory on your harddrive.
  10. It was released for the PC as Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition The second game was also released for the PC.
  11. Marked as solved for you
  12. On Windows 10 try pressing: Windows + Shift + P That should open the multiscreen management menu, that allows you to enable/disable the second screen or clone the first screen to the second one. Maybe that helps Shouldn't this be in General Tech Support though ?
  13. Making these models look decent in JKA is nothing different than what I do with my custom models at all. Converting PBR Materials for JKA is not that difficult if you know what you are doing.
  14. Not really any baking to be done, if they supply a normal map it's a matter of a few conversions and some blending trickery in photoshop.
  15. Sorry but, I don't really need a lot of soundwork to be done. What I am facing is a ton of modeling work. Probably Years worth of it,considering my amount of freetime.
  16. @@Teancum I work for a company that sells licensed band merchandise. License cotnracts in our case do have a set runtime after which they have to be renewed or run out. In our case these contracts can be terminated at any time by the licensor. We have also lost licenses that we attained as sub-licenses from far larger companies due to the termination of their contracts by the original licensor. Therefore I don't think that disney couldn't withdraw the license from EA at any given time, if they wanted to. @@Circa let's not forget that a petition with about 128k signatures managed to bring Brian Griffin back to life in Family Guy.
  17. Materials/shaders/textures in the game applied to patches are solid by default. Physics clip is used when you just need the collision aspect. Your other observations are correct. It seems that the developer of your patch mesh exporter never went the extra mile to support different textures.
  18. Seems like a perfect opportunity to actually learn something new instead of try to push work off to someone else.
  19. which I allready answered to If you'd care to check your pms
  20. 1. Vis culling is not as good with models as with patch geometry from what I know. A model will allways be rendered when its bounding box can be seen. 2. The number opf faces/tris to use depends massively on the scale of your terrain. I tend to optimize my terrain to use a higher face density in places that need to be very detailed, while keeping larger, flat areas relatively lowpoly. Here's my Kothlis terrain without any textures in wireframe overlay. You will see that the Ocean floor uses fairly large faces while the monutain ranges and island shores use much smaller faces. 3. yes that is correct, md3's clip everything off that extends beyond 512 units in either direction on each axis. You can however scale your meshes down to fit inside that bonudary and use the modelscale key to scale them back up to iriginal size - which allows you to create any size terrain using .md3 models 4. that should not be required, I have compiled maps using .ase models that have been placed inside the maps folder isntead of the models folder.
  21. Nicely done @ ! I allways found that annoying. This should probably be merged into the OpenJK public branch on Git
  22. @@Langerd 8192 faces are a lot when it comes to small characters and other models. 8192 faces on a large terrain that's 4x4 km are not a lot. Allways think of the scope you have with your work, don't constrain yourself to never adjusting boundaries. @@Lord Grievous iirc I heard @@SomaZ say that the blender Patch mesh exporter by default does not export texture coordinates which makes using it as you want to impossible. But I know that he modified it to do that.
  23. I'm sorry but I have made my own export plugin for 3ds max - while it exports to the same format it works differently than the blender plugin. Simply due to different inner workings in 3ds max.
  24. I have done precisely that, using my own patch mesh exporter for 3ds max. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmmf74h3l7fccy1/KothlisTest.pk3?dl=0 It's a rather large Tropical Islands with mountains terrain, currently far from being finished - but it should be good enough as a proof of concept. here's a picture: it doesn't like taking screenshots, I usually get about 90-110 FPS on this
  25. @@Lazarus I recall making a cliff texture for you the last time your worked on this. I have since made another I could prepare for JKA, if you are interested. This probably won't look too good on mostly flat cliff walls without any sort of relief to them
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