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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. Okay, slow down! Now answer these simple questions to help us understand your problem: 1. What did you do exactly? 2. What about it doesn't work? 3. Did you get any error messages from the game? What did they say? Can you screenshot them?
  2. have you ever seen dark brown light? A darker light color means a less intense and therefore less visible light. The saber glows are drawn onto the scene additively, which means that it basically adds the color of the pixels that shape the lightsaber glow ontop of what it has allready drawn. A dark saber core would be subtracted from the scene.
  3. @@Noodle it sure can
  4. I wonder wether you could do some interestin shenanigans with this. Like a maze map with different paths on the celing
  5. I like it. Do you have any plans to add different environments to this? Such as in dmc's bloody palace. After every 20 Waves you would revisit a bossfight and the environment would change to match tolhose from the next bosses level. You could warp through different SW Eras/Movies.
  6. are you talking about the Praetorians or the clones in this sentence? For the Phase 1 clones it's mostly the helemts and some very, very, very minor differences in the rest of the armor. Some of the hard creases on the surface of the armor follow a different path, the Troso armor has rounder pecs and the shoulder pads are a little different aswell. For the Praetorians it's just the helmet that varies between them
  7. I'll be honest with you guys - I'm not sure that that is ever going to happen. anyway, I did manage to do some mdoeling between rewriting portions of my map exporter code to accomodate the a better brush format.
  8. And you are volunteering to write down that list and set all those entries up with a link?
  9. I don't think that we have any sort of official stance on doubleposting but I'd say that it's fine to do if you actually have an update on your project and do not just post another random 3 word message that does not contribute to the thread in any way. Can't wait to see this textured btw
  10. @@dark_apprentice to further illustrate what @@Langerd just said: This is the high Poly Mesh for my clone trooper: and this is the game ready mesh built around the highpoly:
  11. This is the base model for the final game mesh. I will build a simple lowpoly mesh over the durface of this highpoly mesh, I will then use the High Poly Mesh as the source Mesh for my Baking to transfer all of the modeled detail on it into textured detail for the lowpoly. This will give me things like a proper normal map for rend2.
  12. As I had mentioned a while ago, I have begun to work on these guys. Here's a fancy shot of what I have so far, I'm going to redo most of the upper cuirass and the plating around the arms though - the way I built them right now will make some of the later detailing work rather difficult.
  13. Afaik In the old canon palpatine was left to wonder how the ancient sith could perform such impressive displays of their power in the force. And what it was that kept him from acquiring that power.
  14. I'd recommend to also test it in base jasp and base jamp. The people that still run the base engine will love you for that.
  15. Fun fact: my initial version of the clone model was ~11k verts on lod0 and about 2500 verts on lod3 and it still saw the Transform space error.
  16. The game won't instantly crash on loading the model, the crash is related to the collision detection, you have to shoot or attack the model by other means to verify wether the error will occur. The error is also effected by the vertex count of the equipped weapon. Also keep in mind that the base JKA Transform space limit is half that of the multiplayer limit. Your droid also seems to have far more shading breaks/hard edges than his Scout model. For your UV Unwrapping you could try to align as many of your seams along hard edges as possible, that way you van further reduce the amount of edgesplits your mesh will recieve on export.
  17. @@Rmvsallen are you aware of the transform space limit in JKA? On Export all of your hard edges will be split, creating duplicates of the vertices around them. The same goes for the UV seams. This may catapult your models vert count to a level that will definitely trigger a transform error. I ran into this same problem with my clone trooper model, which forced me to practically rape it and reduce the detail a lot after it was allready rigged for the game.
  18. fantastic, if you right click the small [+] in the viewport and go to customize view, you should find the "Statistics" Tab. Enable the Tri count in there. anyway - is this mesh supposed to be gonig straight into the game as is, or is this the basis for a highpoly soiurce mesh that you plan to bake some additional maps from? I'd get rid of some of the smaller details and only texture them on, if this is your game mesh.
  19. which program do you use?
  20. Looking good @rmvsullen What are your tri and vertex counts for this?
  21. why? I have seen "physical" buttons toggle custom UIs before.
  22. Quoting Xycaleth from my clone trooper WIP Thread: My tests while trieing to fix the clonetrooper have shown, that the vertex count of the currently equipped weapon also seems to add to the max vert limit. But I can't confirm it with 100% certainty. EDIT: Xycaleth did confirm it back then:
  23. You can use "high-poly" models if you don't mind the game crashing violently as soon as that model is hit by an attack. So if your plan is to never get hit and never hit an NPC using this model anyway - nothing keeps you from using models with higher polygon counts that exceed the transform space limit.
  24. Make a copy of the .map file, open it in notepad and search for "trigger_multiple". When you found it, select everything from the "// entity #" line above it down to just above the next "// entity #" line and delete it.
  25. The Headmesh of that model alone is between 3 and 4k vertices iirc. I actually did shitty model edits for Sonic Adventure during my first years of modding experience. The Sonic and The Black Knight model should work fine, Wii games never had really highpoly models.
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