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Everything posted by ent

  1. You also got a nightly build. Compare ffmpeg versions: ffmpeg version N-87306-g6743351 Copyright © 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developersand ffmpeg version 3.3.3 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developersDirect link for current 32bit version: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win32/static/ffmpeg-3.3.3-win32-static.zip 64bit: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win64/static/ffmpeg-3.3.3-win64-static.zip
  2. It's a Windows side problem. Try google it. Start with something like this, I guess: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10492037/the-application-was-unable-to-start-correctly-0xc000007b Additionally make sure you have x86 VC++ 2015 Redistributable installed (yes, x86): https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=48145
  3. https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/AudioChannelManipulation I'd do it that way. 99% it won't fool you.
  4. Or mux them - that's how stereo-to-mono is usually done.
  5. ent

    Audio Work

    Force looping sounds are too noisy. Some weapon explosions don't sound very well (not beautiful?). Voices are great though.
  6. Only if you are capturing with FFmpeg. Change mme_pipeCommand from "ffmpeg -f avi -i - -threads 0 -preset ultrafast -y -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 23 %o.mp4 2> ffmpeglog.txt" to "ffmpeg -f avi -i - -threads 0 -preset ultrafast -y -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 23 C:\full\path\with\filename.mp4 2> ffmpeglog.txt"
  7. Maybe it can help: https://jk2.info/viewtopic.php?t=581
  8. Why did not you script the free camera? Controlling the camera by hands is :s
  9. I do not see how being open source relates in being in a better state for sybersports. Unrelated at all IMO.
  10. Erm. Isn't it obvious? The title and thus the article would have sense if you were trying to say it has a future.
  11. Yeah, you got so called "nightly" build, instead of the last official release. It's nice it works for you now.
  12. Hi. You suppose to get a ffmpeglog.txt in GameData. What's in there?
  13. When you are walking in JA with a lightsabre any direction but backward, the player model holds the lightsabre in from of themself. In JKII - on the right bottom side. So the animation "jumps" in JA case since the swing starts from not a "good" position, when JKII case has it is close to the swing start.
  14. Make compilation rules yourself then. Open every vcproj file and check what files are used for compilation. There are also compilation flags for compiler and linker. Use all of those to compile. You can try to automate it if you just base your compilation rules on openjk ones (for example: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/master/codemp/cgame/CMakeLists.txt).But you will need to modify it to match SDK files and folders.
  15. It's not about start and end scale, it's about incompleted scale. Because the result width after rotation relates to cos of the angle applied to the given width and it also relates to sin of the angle applied to the given height (both original width and height affect the result width because the image got rotated).
  16. @DT85, what happens if you add ratio to each of first element in matrix strings: { c*ratio, s, 0.0f }, { -s*ratio, c, 0.0f }, { cmd->x*ratio, cmd->y, 1.0f } ? Or what about c (first one) and -s only?
  17. @DT85, I think you did not apply the ratio fix to the ticks' width somewhere. Or maybe @Xycaleth's solution is not completed.
  18. You missed this: https://github.com/entdark/jaMME/blob/master/codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_backend.cpp#L1684
  19. Can I look at how you implemented the trap?
  20. Did you just add that function or implemented the new trap call? The trap does not exist and requires implementation. (Just Ctrl+f all the references.)
  21. It's not a part that differs from SP much. You can adapt, I am sure. The main trick is in trap_R_RotatePic2RatioFix.
  22. @DT85, https://github.com/entdark/jaMME/blob/master/codemp/cgame/cg_draw.c#L216 Check all ratio var related things.
  23. The mod is made by XaeroX (Chain Studios): https://code.google.com/archive/p/qeffects-gl/
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