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I am sick of this... No asking for permission ilegal ports and bullshit Moddb modifications

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Well... I will start like that - I have enough... Not only because i see my works sometimes use without any permission and even without asking about using it.. I see a lot of mods lately that use models without giving shit about the credits and hard work of many of us here on the Hub.

I dont have account on the moddb but someone should stop this bullshit


For example here is my Tatooine Sith Stalker.. It is my first skin.. - https://jkhub.org/files/file/1614-stalker-of-tatooine-sp-customisation/

License: Other players may not share or modify this work without permission from the original author.

and also i gave the credits to the Darth Shiftee

http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-force-unleshead-total-conversation/images/boba-fett-his-weapon#imagebox - here is Boba Fett made by @@Corto

There are also some skins made by @@Barricade24 i believe, Toshi's Vader and good old Han Solo model.

To be honest Our site should not only deals with these kind of problems here but in other sites too.. These guys are taking our works and take all credits to themselves. This shit need to stop here!

And also i want to start discussion about porting models. Kitbashers are making some own creations and they are adding some new stuff on the table.. But Porting lately on this site and frankenstein madness is out of control. I am not only thinking that many of these ported characters are just ported without any reason.. just to port - WHICH is illegal. Even if You are not taking models and get any money it doesnt change the fact that our site is put in danger with every new ported model.
I saw many of them on the topic, on the pics but i saw many of these models in the download section.

Frankestein method and kitbashing is cool.. but ripping models from the games after huge amount is just... not in my taste. Of course it is just my opinion here but i just also want to remind this fact - these models are illegal.

I hope that someone here has a account on the moddb and will contact with these modders to at least contact with the authors..  I am sick of this and.. i think it is getting out of control


I made this comic about that kind of thing.


It's not going to stop, you won't be able to police it, especially not outside JKHub, so stop caring so much. You're not getting paid for your mods anyway, and while I get that recognition/appreciation is nice, most people won't actually look into who made something let alone go out of their way to thank them, so it really doesn't make much of a difference.


That's how I feel about it, anyway. You're free to feel different, obviously, but I don't think it'll do you any good.

dark_apprentice, Ping, Smoo and 1 other like this

I made this comic about that kind of thing.


It's not going to stop, you won't be able to police it, especially not outside JKHub, so stop caring so much. You're not getting paid for your mods anyway, and while I get that recognition/appreciation is nice, most people won't actually look into who made something let alone go out of their way to thank them, so it really doesn't make much of a difference.


That's how I feel about it, anyway. You're free to feel different, obviously, but I don't think it'll do you any good.

This is an excellent point. As Oscar Wilde said: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So if you're looking for recognition, find it in the fact that others consider your work so good that they copy it. But on the other hand, I think the issue is less about recognition and more about losing control over something that you believe once belonged to you. With other words, the issue is much more fundamental and has its roots in our obsession with private property.

McGroose, ent and Penekowski like this

Most porting isn't actually illegal as of the new eula. As long as people don't upload full unedited ports to the hub its fine. And the moddb thing does suck, I know I and a few others are reporting the pages as we see them.

Penekowski, Langerd, Smoo and 3 others like this

I've seen a lot of shit on that sight that they are taking full credit for, and it's ports or kitbashes I did myself. This is half the reason I'm done with posting anything. I never care if you use it, but for God's sake don't claim it as your own. Also the page you referenced has the Jedi Hunter skin I did a long time ago. 

eezstreet and Langerd like this

You won't see me using your stuff without your permission, I can promise you that.

As long there are credits or contact with the author (depends on license) everything is cool here ;)


I made this comic about that kind of thing.


It's not going to stop, you won't be able to police it, especially not outside JKHub, so stop caring so much. You're not getting paid for your mods anyway, and while I get that recognition/appreciation is nice, most people won't actually look into who made something let alone go out of their way to thank them, so it really doesn't make much of a difference.


That's how I feel about it, anyway. You're free to feel different, obviously, but I don't think it'll do you any good.

Well it wont stop i agree.. but it wont change the fact that it is pissing me off and a lot of the members here on hub. But the relaxing fact is that most of these modifications are dead after couple months. But even so anger and frustration is here..


But speaking about money stuff.. I was making my Morin modification but I stopped working on it for a while.. This world that i created - It is 100% created by me.. in my head ..on my drawings.. And thanks to Your plugins for Blender (I always recommend Your work to the others) i could put them in my favourite game.. Change this game... Even if i am not getting money out of it .. If i would saw THESe models somewhere without credit.. I would go with more serious actions againts it.



ports suck make mods urself

Well my opinion is like that... If its not illegal like:



Most porting isn't actually illegal as of the new eula. As long as people don't upload full unedited ports to the hub its fine. And the moddb thing does suck, I know I and a few others are reporting the pages as we see them.

@@Seven said ..I think it is still ...  too many of these things.. Everybody on the Hub should at least try to create some models from scratch.. that is why it is fun! Creatiing stuff is fun! But ripping it from the game in the maaaassive amount can put in danger our site and can kill future works made from scratch for this game.. If someone will think about Force Unleashed characters... Lately he will go for the ports... @@ChalklYne for example made all his force unleashed models from the first verts.. And with all his older works he was getting better and better with the new ones.The same with @@Rooxon . I remember his older works... and His progress was impressive for me. 



I am also thinking about it .. in this way - If You want do anything like that in the future or You want to get better.. start making Your own works! Practice.. make concepts even came up with the ideas BUT in some way.. Try to make it all by Yourself.


I will put my ... Cloud City map pic here.. Thanks to this Hub I am making things that i Love to create. And many thanks for that ..This pic means a lot for me..






As long there are credits or contact with the author (depends on license) everything is cool here ;)


Well it wont stop i agree.. but it wont change the fact that it is pissing me off and a lot of the members here on hub. But the relaxing fact is that most of these modifications are dead after couple months. But even so anger and frustration is here..


But speaking about money stuff.. I was making my Morin modification but I stopped working on it for a while.. This world that i created - It is 100% created by me.. in my head ..on my drawings.. And thanks to Your plugins for Blender (I always recommend Your work to the others) i could put them in my favourite game.. Change this game... Even if i am not getting money out of it .. If i would saw THESe models somewhere without credit.. I would go with more serious actions againts it.



Well my opinion is like that... If its not illegal like:



@@Seven said ..I think it is still ...  too many of these things.. Everybody on the Hub should at least try to create some models from scratch.. that is why it is fun! Creatiing stuff is fun! But ripping it from the game in the maaaassive amount can put in danger our site and can kill future works made from scratch for this game.. If someone will think about Force Unleashed characters... Lately he will go for the ports... @@ChalklYne for example made all his force unleashed models from the first verts.. And with all his older works he was getting better and better with the new ones.The same with @@Rooxon . I remember his older works... and His progress was impressive for me. 



I am also thinking about it .. in this way - If You want do anything like that in the future or You want to get better.. start making Your own works! Practice.. make concepts even came up with the ideas BUT in some way.. Try to make it all by Yourself.


I will put my ... Cloud City map pic here.. Thanks to this Hub I am making things that i Love to create. And many thanks for that ..This pic means a lot for me..





You've come a long way with the Bespin mod, @@Langerd. My advice: Please, don't give up on it and continue to work hard. And if you need our help, like for beta testers or advice, you can always come to all of us. :)

Langerd likes this

I gotta say I agree... I never even thought about ripping things from others. If I don't create it on my own, it's not worth the while, really. When I was offered to freely use others work, even then I didn't and rather modeled my own thing around it or something.

JaceSolarisVIII and Langerd like this

@@JaceSolarisVIII There's a difference. The stuff that's ported is often used for private distribution and the person who made it makes very clear that it isn't their work. This is a completely different situation.


And even if it was the same, people who make stuff have every right to defend their work. If EA found us to have a KOTOR skin and issued a C&D, we have no choice but to honor it.


Speaking as staff...we have no say over what gets uploaded to other sites. It's really none of our business. We're rooting for you though. If you have a qualm with a file uploaded there, you can report it or talk to an administrator.

Seven, Langerd, Smoo and 2 others like this

Meanwhile most of the posts on this forum are about ripping battlefront models,sounds etc and adding them to jka.....HHHMMMM.

Even before ports were legalized, people were still asking for ports from TFU, now first chance was taken to port all of it's crap, and from free radical's cancelled Battlefront 3, and even DICE Battlefront, which:


Most threads are about ripping stuff from Battlefront? :huh:

It doesn't really make sense, Battlefront models around 50k vertices, far beyond what JKA can handle, the models would have to be drastically reduced in quality, and then it would look like a mess

Langerd likes this

@@JaceSolarisVIII There's a difference. The stuff that's ported is often used for private distribution and the person who made it makes very clear that it isn't their work. This is a completely different situation.


And even if it was the same, people who make stuff have every right to defend their work. If EA found us to have a KOTOR skin and issued a C&D, we have no choice but to honor it.


Speaking as staff...we have no say over what gets uploaded to other sites. It's really none of our business. We're rooting for you though. If you have a qualm with a file uploaded there, you can report it or talk to an administrator.


"And even if its the same,people who make stuff have every right to defend their work"-----practically admits it.


Nobody is saying anything about there right to defend there work.That,s the whole point of my post.Plagiarism is actively supported by the staff here (you). If i thought it was worth it i would report the previous post to the staff ,but that would fall on def ears and start a flaming session.If i rob a bank and send you some money and the police caught me and i said "oh no officer,its just for a friend"."Dont worry officer its not my money(work). Then that would be OK in your book? Stealing is stealing.

I play all the mods from the hard work the guys here on jkhub make.I'm not a modder in any way and yes i love this game.Been playing it since it came out.I respect all the effort put in by you guys.

And yes,even you.I thought your gunslinger mod was very cool.But if someone ripped your mod and altered it slightly then passed it around saying "hey i didn't make this,but here you go". Maybe you could sympathize some what.

You seem like a smart man,but what you are saying is foolish and makes you an "accessory after the fact" for receiving.BY LAW.


My point is this..People are leaving the community and stopping making mods for exactly this reason,soon only the hyenas will be left.And non of the hyenas will be able to supply anything to anyone when the real creators have left.


Please understand,I don't mean to be malicious or disrespectful in any way to any one at all.But there is no defense for plagiarism in any form.Just ask shia labeouf.


This subject/topic puts a smear of darkness on jkhub and its just a shame to see talented modders have to post such things.....



Just to be clear.Making something on your own that has already been made by someone else ,is not plagiarism.Taking someone else s work and altering it to work in a different environment is.


So it's the staffs fault if people request ports? Half of these haven't even been done let alone released as new work.

Smoo likes this

So it's the staffs fault if people request ports? Half of these haven't even been done let alone released as new work.

No its not the staffs fault at all.Its the staff who should "NOT" be support it.Being staff gives them no authority over this matter and if 1 member of staff supports plagiarism in any form.Then many will see this as a green light to do it.This site is the best there is out there,but should not support this matter in any form and lead by example.


I don't make the rules and neither do the staff and they should set the standards and keep to them.That is where they fail.


No its not the staffs fault at all.Its the staff who should "NOT" be support it.Being staff gives them no authority over this matter and if 1 member of staff supports plagiarism in any form.Then many will see this as a green light to do it.This site is the best there is out there,but should not support this matter in any form and lead by example.


I don't make the rules and neither do the staff and they should set the standards and keep to them.That is where they fail.

Read the new eula. Don't go attacking people if you don't know what you're talking about.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Read the new eula. Don't go attacking people if you don't know what you're talking about.

Its about the principle.Look at the very first post on this topic.We are loosing our modders.

I have attacked nobody.

I am defending people.Cant you see that.......?


My point is that this activity should not be supported by the very guys who enforce the rules on this forum.


Is it time for slander now...I do know what im talking about or i would not post..............


You seem like a smart man,but what you are saying is foolish and makes you an "accessory after the fact" for receiving.BY LAW.

Your argument was not just about principle.


Your argument was not just about principle.

That,s correct.But it is still a matter for consideration.

My "Argument" for want of a better word is about this.


Accessory After The Fact   Definition

Someone who assists another 1) who has committed a felony, 2) after the person has committed the felony, 3) with knowledge that the person committed the felony, and 4) with the intent to help the person avoid arrest or punishment. An accessory after the fact may be held liable for, inter alia, obstruction of justice.



This has a little bit more weight in a court of law than


Definition End User License Agreement (EULA)
Contributor(s): Brent J. Roraback, Tselly Regev

An End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal contract between a software application author or publisher and the user of that application. The EULA, often referred to as the "software license," is similar to a rental agreement; the user agrees to pay for the privilege of using the software, and promises the software author or publisher to comply with all restrictions stated in the EULA. The user is asked to indicate they that "accept" the terms of the EULA by opening the shrink wrap on the application package, breaking the seal on the CD case, sending a card back to the software publisher, installing the application, executing a downloadable file, or by simply using the application. The user can refuse to enter into the agreement by returning the software product for a refund or clicking "I do not accept" when prompted to accept the EULA during an install.


We do *not* support ports. They are not allowed to be hosted on the Downloads section. Other people are free to request them for private use, but we don't condone it.

Langerd likes this

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