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Mysteries of the Sith Mod

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DT retired from the mod, hhunter6 has been inactive completely for a long time, the only person that for sure is still in is Ramikad.


We had plans to do MotS if the JK mod ever finished, our direction is quite different though, we didn't want to recycle a bunch of existing content and just convert the levels over. We aimed to completely recreate everything only using the original games levels as 3d reference. We actually have a really good start, the first level is totally playable, the only thing missing from it is 8t88 which I have modeled but needs textures and animations.


We mainly need mappers, skilled mappers, as for the other 2d/3d artist position I have a person in mind I wanna ask but only until we get the level design team bulked up.

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alright, but i've got one question, why not release the df2 mod source files? i know ramikad did upload some screenshots somewhere in the inactive df2 mod sub-forum, and one of them showed a model of one of the enemies in df2, reused in mots, i remember it was a droid

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The files weren't released because although DT85 left the mod he wanted it to go forward and it's not completely dead.


Which reminds me, @@DT85, could you send me a link to the source? While the engine code is majorly out dated due to all the updates to OpenJK the artwork of course is very much relevant.

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Got it, @@DT85 could you remove the link? We still want to go forward with the mod, it's been slow but moving, would rather keep the content private until release.

It I might be so bold -- why? I get that it's all very work in progress, but JKHub has excellent licensing policies for modders to keep content from being stolen, and it might serve to drum up some additional interest. Regardless it's really your mod, so take my feelings with a grain of salt. I'm not trying to make any waves.

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It never drew interest before when it was released. I'd rather just do what we planed on originally and release a demo. Releasing everything now will just get people to try to do what's happened with these mods already and go in multiple directions by different people.


Even though this MotS mod exists I still would hope for another in the future that isn't recycled content. I'd hate to see a version of DF2 that is the few levels and models we had while the rest is just recycled stuff.


Besides, swagmaster has what he wanted, the only other thing that might be of interest to others is the improved lambda model which is just a static map object but I planned on making it into a vehicle to replace the base model and release it outside like the AT-ST.

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Got it, @@DT85 could you remove the link? We still want to go forward with the mod, it's been slow but moving, would rather keep the content private until release.

i kinda also wanna know why, the source didn't have much in it other than .max files, .psds(which are textures i managed to convert with gimp), .map files(which are actually useful), menu textures(buttons and some of the menu art are enhanced), the full cantina music track, some of the df2 enhanced textures(including the hud, but that looks like it hasn't even been finished), and the video, which looks like its only the very intro cutscene, with the text crawl and jerecs ship

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Read above, the mod is still being worked on, why would we want all the stuff out in the open?


When I posted my message I meant for DT to PM me the link personally, didn't think he was going to openly post it.


You don't see every mod for JA publicly releasing all the source files do you? Why should we be expected to?

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Read above, the mod is still being worked on, why would we want all the stuff out in the open?


When I posted my message I meant for DT to PM me the link personally, didn't think he was going to openly post it.

your post had appeared before i was even done typing, it was only after i reloaded the page that i saw your response was before mine, also, if you want modeling help, ask @@Jeff, he's actually a cool modeler who does things pretty accurately :)

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Read above, the mod is still being worked on, why would we want all the stuff out in the open?


When I posted my message I meant for DT to PM me the link personally, didn't think he was going to openly post it.


You don't see every mod for JA publicly releasing all the source files do you? Why should we be expected to?

I think that's a fair answer. I hope others respect your wishes as well. Admittedly I did download everything just to check it out, but I won't share it per your request.

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Thank you both, I have plans to release things outside unlike mods like MB2 unless it for whatever reason won't work outside of the mod like a character with a custom skeleton. Characters like Maw which won't work in base MP.

That's good to hear, Mini. :) It would be nice for people to be teased with some things you worked on while the main mod the models were created for itself is still worked on. Nothing wrong with a few teasers here and there, right? :D

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Just messing around. I'm not really planning on doing much with these. Still, it's cool to see what was done and what wasn't. I'd like to see Altyr5 complete, but I'm in no hurry due to the Dark Forces project.











That first screen shot was ment for the cutsceen where Mara encounters the hut as an FYI.  

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