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TFU General Starkiller

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I don't know if any of you remember this costume from tfu, but this was a depiction of what he would look like considerable later in the war (had he of lived). If you guys could make this skin somehow that would be awesome.




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Dunno, but there were tones of requests for him and the only one ever made was by Unsung Hero and later re-textured from the MB2 team. Also some bad looking versions or reskins around which personally I don't count since they are far from what Starkiller looks like. One old HellKobra model version 1.0 and his verison 1.5 used for the Deseart Gear. Mostly people wanted to port the original one from TFU into JKA, but no one ever made it. There was a topic on the Industrial Starkiller Outfit, that i made a frankenstein + reskin, and there was a guy, who made a port, but he seems offline from the community from a long time. Oh and there are 1 ported Lord Stalker version (that is with the Vader-ish costume) and the Sith Stalker made for JKA from scratch. That's all i guess. Personally I would like to have only his "Dreaming robes" from TFU-2 when he entered the cave on Dagobah.

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Dunno, but there were tones of requests for him and the only one ever made was by Unsung Hero and later re-textured from the MB2 team. Also some bad looking versions or reskins around which personally I don't count since they are far from what Starkiller looks like. One old HellKobra model version 1.0 and his verison 1.5 used for the Deseart Gear. Mostly people wanted to port the original one from TFU into JKA, but no one ever made it. There was a topic on the Industrial Starkiller Outfit, that i made a frankenstein + reskin, and there was a guy, who made a port, but he seems offline from the community from a long time. Oh and there are 1 ported Lord Stalker version (that is with the Vader-ish costume) and the Sith Stalker made for JKA from scratch. That's all i guess. Personally I would like to have only his "Dreaming robes" from TFU-2 when he entered the cave on Dagobah.



I wish we could get the "Cybernetic Reconstruction" (or however you call it) suit. You know,the one with no jaw and stuff?


Yes me also.



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Yes me also.


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This one is counting more like a resking/frankenstein, since it is using the head of Unsung Hero's model. As far as I know, there is no other model with more accurate head of Galen Marek

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This one is counting more like a resking/frankenstein, since it is using the head of Unsung Hero's model. As far as I know, there is no other model with more accurate head of Galen Marek

I have been using the jedi adventure robes model I got from here. I don't remember where I got it, but its very accurate. I wanted the general one because it would fit in with the timing of jedi academy more. 

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The reasons you haven't seen this made are pretty obvious, look at how complex that thing is! You can't possibly frakenstein your way out of it, not matter how creative you are. Another problem is only a few crappy reference images available. Finally only a handful of JKHUB modelers could do it, but if they're not interested you'll have to play TFU instead.




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Then port it 




(But yeah,I can understand how hard this is)

Also for reference images,you could use in-game screenshots.

Both illegal and impractical. You can get away with, technically speaking, porting a model from a game like Battlefront 2 or KotOR, but the models in TFU are far too complex for Jedi Academy's tired old modification of the Quake 3 engine to handle. Polycount is far too high, specular and normal maps aren't possible without rend2, not to mention the difficulty of extracting the model from a game not built for PC, converting it to something Jedi Academy can use, and rigging it to fit with the JA skeleton.


But mostly, it's illegal.

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Both illegal and impractical. You can get away with, technically speaking, porting a model from a game like Battlefront 2 or KotOR, but the models in TFU are far too complex for Jedi Academy's tired old modification of the Quake 3 engine to handle. Polycount is far too high, specular and normal maps aren't possible without rend2, not to mention the difficulty of extracting the model from a game not built for PC, converting it to something Jedi Academy can use, and rigging it to fit with the JA skeleton.


But mostly, it's illegal.

If I may say, it WAS done before with the Lord Starkiller model, which I have for private use. Also...TFU and TFU2 BOTH got PC Releases....:/

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  • 7 months later...

TFU2 Starkiller was ported to jka some month ago,you can find in a starkiller pack

but yeah i really want this Sion :D

Although is a great model and I cant stop playing with the Starkiller pack, I think it only uses the ported head (maybe the shoulder armor). I don't think the body was ported. At least it looks like the bottom part of the torso doesn't match the legs.


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