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Jedi Knight: The Clone Wars Missions

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I'm working on a collection of new SP missions aimed to bring to life Clone Wars style action in JKA.

Originally my intention was to give them an introduction and tie them all together as well with cinematic cutscenes and a cohesive story, but I think I'll start with something simpler, and maybe add in that cinematic scripting, voice acting, and dialogue later.

I welcome any new ideas you may have for a Clone Wars style mission and its briefing.

So far I have the following ideas:

Title: Red Nexus Getaway
Location: Coruscant Underworld
Player: Jedi Padawan Celesa Chini
Sidekick: Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano
Briefing: "The Red Nexus have been alerted to your presence, and your comlink's been destroyed. Find Ahsoka and get back with her to Padme's ship before you two are captured."
Development Progress:

Title: Mygeeto Rescue
Location: Mygeeto
Player: Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano
Sidekick: Jedi Master Plo Koon
Briefing: "Lead your squad, and come to Master Krisham and Padawan Wobb's aid before they are overwhelmed by General Grievous' forces and killed on the battlefield."
Development Progress:


Title: Ahsoka's Nightmare
Location: Dream (Palpatine's Office)
Player: Ex-Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano
Briefing: "Order 66 has been executed and the Jedi are no more. Duel Darth Vader in Ahsoka's post-Order-66 nightmare."
Development Progress:
Onysfx, Anakin98, Bek and 8 others like this

I had a very similar idea and began working on a Naboo map some time ago (still, far from finishing it). On my idea, you were supposed to fight against a small invasion force on that had captured a city. 


SP missions are so much fun. Hope your plan goes well (but I don't think Ahsoka would ever be able to defeat Vader on a duel).




And yeah, that's why it's a dream, a nightmare. Gives us a chance to verse Vader as a player with Ahsoka, but it's just a troubled, dark dream in her mind after the events of Order 66, storywise.


Here's a sneak peek into the Vader fight dream 'mission':


Delmi, Jeff, DarthStiv and 2 others like this

Out of curiosity, are you building new maps or putting the NPCs on already created maps?

The latter. This is a project with a focus on creating interesting missions, story bits, and first person action sequences reminiscent of and in theme with the TV show. I'm not creating any additional assets for this mod, just selectively using what we've all created over the last decade in the community. I'm focused on delivering interesting levels and a genuine Clone Wars experience (as close as I can get it) -- a cinematic atmosphere, and engaging action scenarios.


The aim is to basically make it feel like you are immersed as a character in the show. It's the doing to the watching, as a compliment.


The idea came after I realised we have all these great assets we've created over the years, but still no means to really enjoy playing the Clone Wars action experience in JKA. The objective of this project is to create a set of SP missions that let you, as a player, step into the world of The Clone Wars, and personally live through the experience of such missions right in the action.


The only thing that makes me sad of SP, is that vehicles weren't implemented like in MP. You can only use the AT-ST and the swoops, all the other stuff doesn't seem to work. Trying to fly an ARC-170 or Jedi Starfighter is impossible :(


That sounds like something that could be improved upon in the OpenJK SP code. But you don't have too many maps where you could use vehicles effectively. Battlefront was always more for vehicles than JKA. The controls for vehicles are just more fluid there, and the level design compliments that need for space to move.


If you ask me, JK was always about the personal combat and missions. That's where it excels.


Small update: the loading screens are done, and "Ahsoka's Nightmare" is finished. I've updated the first post in this thread with the progress and images.


I'm working on the "Red Nexus Getaway" next.

Jeff likes this

You mean level screenshots? I will once there is something to show (without spoiling the surprise). It's hard to show level design without compromising the first-time play-through experience.


Edit: I think what I'll do is I'll give you mid-combat screenshots -- with all the commotion -- that'll give you a glimpse into the level complexity and immersion, as well as some sneak peeks into a few of the cinematic touches that are not too much of a spoiler.


Looks interesting - are you waiting until all the missions are done before releasing or will you giving one of them (Ahsoka's Nightmare, for example) as a 'demo' first?


Well, considering that it will be a big download because of all the assets required, I was thinking I'll release it with a bunch of missions first (3-5), and then update it with a new bunch as I continue creating new missions. It's not practical doing it mission by mission.


Also, given the difficulty of acquiring permissions for use of the assets, I was thinking I will not be uploading this project to JKHub, but host it privately from my own Dropbox account. I will of course attempt to credit everyone for their assets work, and help, and I'll include the original readmes for all the assets I can.


Given that this is a non-profit, freely distributed fan project without derivative work, there shouldn't be any problems, but to go around asking for author permissions for use of a hundred files that may have been created as long as a decade ago seems both like an extremely difficult and a fruitless undertaking. It would make releasing this mod sometime within the next decade quite impossible. And we need the assets to play the missions.


This expansion/mod will also be Windows only, and using a custom build of OpenJK to run -- the needed files and installation instructions will be provided. Get ready to have at least a few GBs of hard disk space available, and playing most of the missions will require an up-to-date, fast computer and graphics card (due to the visual complexity of the maps and the large amount of NPCs and details loaded). The minimum system requirements will be higher for this expansion pack than for the retail game.

Noodle likes this

It could be nice if you could make a "OJP Coop compatible" version of these maps.


OJP co-op? o.O I'm not familiar with it.


The OJP Coop adaptation is just a serverside modification of camera scripts.

Enable, Disasble, Move and Pan commands are replaced with set( "Enable/Move/Pan/Shade", "<...>")


The camera commands for OJP are :


Activate Camera mode :
set ( "ENABLE", "1" );

* Desactivate Camera mode :
set ( "DISABLE", "1" );

* Move the camera to a point :
set ( "MOVE", "< -2873 2369 -105 >, 2500" );
< -2873 2369 -105 > = coordinate of the camera destination : the camera move from his actual position to the destination
2500 = time in millisecondes of the deplacement. 0 is an instant deplacement

* Change camera angle :
set ( "PAN", "< 5 225 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2500" );
< 5 225 0 > = angle (high/low, left/right, rotation axis)
< 0 0 0 > = oh, keep 0
2500 = duration



Lights modifications are not supported. The game will not consider these lines.

There are sometimes some scripts which doesn't work. You must test yourself the map to be sure it works with OJP.

If you want, I can help you doing that. I have experience converting Sp maps for OJP.


Once the maps are coop usable, they should be compatible with all OJP derived mods (OJP, OJRP, JKE, Legacy, EoC III)


Nice to see a new clone wars project! :D I need to think about all the episodes i seen every clone wars episodes, so i can give a nice mission idea.I'm going to be linking a few mods that you could use in the project for now.  http://jkhub.org/files/file/2486-anakin-skywalker-clone-wars/




http://jkhub.org/files/file/504-clone-wars-cartoon-player-models-pack/ maybe that for a special 2003 clone wars mission ( maybe Me vs Ventress duel on yavin 4, etc )

Also I would want to include that from the clone wars, Barriss vs me fight should be made as well, and to not say it's all about mine duels I'll share a few more :D

Sidious vs Maul & Savage real epic duel 

Obiwan and Ventress vs Savage & Maul

only duels came to my mind, maybe defending the village in season 1 me and obi and soka and a few bounty hunter? was real fun mission for sure. ill update this post once i get a few more ideas:) Btw http://tf3dm.com/search/?q=clone+wars&format=All+Formats&search=Search if someone could port most of these characters onto JK models you could basically use like 90% of them into your mod or as separate add-ons.


Okay, change of plans; I'll be going all-out on this one! :sun:

  • Extensive and advanced cutscene cinematography.
  • Wider range of character facial expressions.
  • Voice acting using authentic audio material from the show, and high quality additionally recorded audio material.
  • Uncapped, realistic lightsaber combat.
  • New player view and bullet-time options.
  • Scripted NPCs and missions.
  • Atmospheric level details that help capture the world of the show.
  • Curated Clone Wars character (and map) collection for Multiplayer. Best of the best of The Clone Wars and the prequel era.
  • First person lightsaber view option for Multiplayer.
  • Extensible design (and potential tutorials I'll write later) for other people to expand on this mod and design and share their own, new missions for it.
I'll still stick with the 3-5 mission release for the first version of the mod. Most likely 5 missions -- but they will be fully scripted missions, with intros, outros, and other cutscenes included.
Archangel35757, Jeff, Kualan and 1 other like this

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