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BarabelMaster's Projects

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I thought since others showcase some of their models that they are working on I will too, this first concept is a rp character for myself, it is an alien race that I created;





The Next is an Arcona Merc made from a port from Galaxies;





Finally I have made a Barabel Merc have been working on the Barabel Model for a long time did my best to make it as accurate as I could, I have 7 different skin colors for the Barabel




Bek, z3filus, Delmi and 9 others like this
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  • 2 months later...

They look good, but be careful with some of them - you might want to consider a private release instead of the Hub as some come from live, still active properties as opposed to what is effectively abandonware (like SWG is).

Yeah, similarly to your thread I was going to keep the ones with Active game assets private :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is one long requested, this isn't exact but it is the same species, I still have to fix the arms but the head is near done


Besalisk (Pong Krell & Dexter)






I bolted the arms to the pelvis so they are attached to the model they just don't have any rigging, I am planning on modelling them so they fold around the chest, that may look more natural.  I also updated the head, this head is for my own custom stories but I can always reskin for a pong krell




Edited by Jrue
Śăļvõö and Noodle like this
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