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The Force Unleashed Luke EPVI

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I have this model it is ready to be rigged and put into JKA. All that it needs is someone to do this. I can't as I have no idea how to, and I could not give it the love it deserves.



Just so people know.. I would like the HEAD frankensteining onto a regular Luke body so it looks something like this:




After it's frankensteined I will re-texture the head.

Smoo, yeyo JK and Merek like this
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Would need normal maps baked into the diffuse and the poly count lowered before even thinking of rigging it. :P


See I would have no idea about that! But if you get any spare time I would sure like you to consider this.. If I don't ask I may not recieve anything. :rolleyes:

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I think porting TFU models to Jedi Academy would be a bad idea.


Let me explain it like this:

Imagine you have a big project, no matter if it's a model or a skin. You put lots of time and effort into that project, share the progress with everyone and get good responses.

But then BAM!, somebody else releases an already existing version of what you have intended, in higher quality and ported from another game. It gets a lot more attention for work that

has been practically made in notime (just porting and rigging), which is unfair considering that you've put days, if not weeks or months, to get your model right.


I'm not completely against porting. I find it actually quite impressive that somebody can fit a very detailed model from another game into Jedi Academy.

If it's done right and if every issue has been solved (by using some pieces of a model or by giving credit to the original author), I can't see any problem with that.

And if a model hasn't been made yet and somebody wants a quicker solution, that's fine either. But I think it's unnecessary to port a model from another game when

a model has been made already.

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So you're working on it? :o

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Nope. As i have said many time and will repeat again and again, I can only make some really bad ugly frankensteins and re-textures, but not portings. I just happen to have all the TFU1, TFU2 and Battlefront-3 original models and some are ok to open with Blender, but don't know why they don't work with the textures they've got.

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I think Toshi made a superb Luke model, probably one of the best Luke models created for any star wars game. I don't think it will need a replacement, at least for Jedi Academy. 


I'm not looking for a replacement, i'm wanting a TFU version. :huh:

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I'm not looking for a replacement, i'm wanting a TFU version. :huh:

With due respect, but your request is kinda contradictory. First, if I understood correctly, you were asking for a complete port of the model. A few posts later, you said that you actually wanted

the head frankensteined on another Luke model (you haven't mentioned that in your first post). And now you want a complete port again?


I have to agree with @@Jolly and @@dark_apprentice, Toshi's Luke is the best version for JA, because it was exclusively made for it. A port of the Luke model would just be wrong, because it wouldn't look as good in JA as

it does in TFU. Keep in mind that TFU has a more modern engine than JA has. The shading and lightning on the ported Luke would just look flat as JA is missing the ability to display both features realistically.

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With due respect, but your request is kinda contradictory. First, if I understood correctly, you were asking for a complete port of the model. A few posts later, you said that you actually wanted

the head frankensteined on another Luke model (you haven't mentioned that in your first post). And now you want a complete port again?


I have to agree with @@Jolly and @@dark_apprentice, Toshi's Luke is the best version for JA, because it was exclusively made for it. A port of the Luke model would just be wrong, because it wouldn't look as good in JA as

it does in TFU. Keep in mind that TFU has a more modern engine than JA has. The shading and lightning on the ported Luke would just look flat as JA is missing the ability to display both features realistically.


I would like the head of the TFU version frankensteined onto an already made Luke body and released as a TFU Version of luke (not a replacement of another Luke which I don't even care about). Why is that so hard to grasp?

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To be fair Toshi's Luke head looks closer to ROTJ than TFU does, if anything I'd change the clothes which can be done with re-texturing.


What don't you guys understand? I don't want it to look like ROTJ I want it to look like TFU Version. Why is everyone talking about Toshi's version I am not even interested in it.. this Thread isn't even about that model..

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What don't you guys understand? I don't want it to look like ROTJ I want it to look like TFU Version. Why is everyone talking about Toshi's version I am not even interested in it.. this Thread isn't even about that model..

TFU Luke is supposed to look like the ROTJ Luke.

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