minilogoguy18 Posted April 8, 2016 Posted April 8, 2016 Well, Maz kanata didn't work for me as a little master. She is no way Yoda... So I hope the mysterium, established by Grand Master in previous episodes, will return together with his appearance at least as a Force Ghost. Which isn't impossible, given the fact, that we her his voice in TFA. Not sure how Force Ghosts work, but if we stick to the films only, I presume, that they can be seen only by those, who are most connected to them. Thus Luke can see Yoda and Obi Wan, but not Qui Gon (but Vader could). Rey didn't see any of them, so the rule remains true. We haven't seen a moment yet, when for instance a Force User would be able to see a Force Ghost, while being with others nearby at the same time (e.g. can Luke see Yoda, when Han is nearby? And can Han see Yoda in this instance? What about Leia instead of Han, would she be able to see Yoda's Ghost?). It seemed to me that in RotJ no one could see the 3 ghosts that Luke was smiling at, or at least that's how it seems when Leia walks up to Luke.
dark_apprentice Posted April 8, 2016 Posted April 8, 2016 SPOILER read on your own Star Wars News2 hrs · SPOILER ALERT!!!!! DO NOT READ FURTHER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.As you may or may not know, I have a contact in Pinewood. The contact has seen a prosthetic of Yoda on the Episode 8 set. This is 100% accurate and I'm happy to be quoted on this post in the future. Will update as soon as I know more! Repeat: Yoda is definitely in Episode 8. TheWhitePhoenix and NumberWan like this
NumberWan Posted April 9, 2016 Author Posted April 9, 2016 It is obvious, that they need more connections with the Original trilogy and the entire Saga. They tried and tried a lot, not without a result. But still most "bridges" were destroyed logically due to a plot: Vader dies, the Emperor dies, Yoda dies, all major Imperials (like Tarkin, Piett, Jerjerrod) are dead, there are no Jedi (Mace Windu, Luminara Unduli, Shaak Ti, Ki Adi Mundi, etc). Minor villains (Grievous, Nute Gunray), minor heroes (Biggs) and minor background characters (Mon Mothma) are dead too. So they have to think of something. \ The tiny details in Episode VII worked as a hint, but something must be still present in Episode VIII. So I am not actually surprised we will see, what we will see. Fans divided into groups regarding what works fine in TFA and what doesn't. dark_apprentice likes this
dark_apprentice Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron) on Episode VIII: "It feels like we're making an independent film"
NumberWan Posted April 21, 2016 Author Posted April 21, 2016 Well, spoilers are coming again, and we have something to think about. Some news actually make me feel joy. The major line is that there will be an actual explanation, why Rey is strong in the Force. J.J.Abrams already said, that her parents don't show up in Episode VII, so it's neither Luke, nor Leia. I am still positive she is of Luke descent, but I think, she can be Skywalker being the child of neither of the twins. She simply will continue their legacy without blood-relation. Some things about her family and probably the family of another character could be revealed in Ep.VIII. Benicio Del Toro was supposed to play an evil guy, which is still possible, but the newer rumour suggests he is a major Politician, who is now ruling the Republic after the death of the previous Republic Leader (as seen in TFA during the destruction of Hosnian Prime). Even in this role he can be truly evil, playing a double agent for instance. Finn will have a girlfriend, played by the new actress as mentioned earlier. The shots from the Croatian-based SW City is where we see her for the first time together with Finn on a horse. Yoda, Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker might appear in Episode VIII. Frank Oz was spotted on the set, and the two other actors for Obi and Anakin are rumored to have been invited. The film is believed to be filmed in Las Vegas – does this mean, that the rumour about the casinos in Episode VIII are true? The working title for the film can be "Star Wars: Echoes of the Dark Side" The Source
DrXann Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Reverse colored A-wings are supposed to appear in 8 alongside the newer X-wings.
NumberWan Posted April 22, 2016 Author Posted April 22, 2016 I didn't notice the reversed color at first, but the model was obviously the A-Wing.
Ramikad Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Well, spoilers are coming again, and we have something to think about. Some news actually make me feel joy. The major line is that there will be an actual explanation, why Rey is strong in the Force. J.J.Abrams already said, that her parents don't show up in Episode VII, so it's neither Luke, nor Leia. I am still positive she is of Luke descent, but I think, she can be Skywalker being the child of neither of the twins. She simply will continue their legacy without blood-relation. Some things about her family and probably the family of another character could be revealed in Ep.VIII. Actually, The update in that article says that Abrams corrected himself later, saying that "she doesn't discover her parents in Episode VII, not that they may not already be in her world." So we're back at square one concerning Rey's parents. We'll see how that goes. NumberWan and TheWhitePhoenix like this
NumberWan Posted April 22, 2016 Author Posted April 22, 2016 @@Ramikad Oh, I didn't know that. Most sources seem to forget this fact and keep the old news posted. In any case, even without his re-statement about Reys' parents, we can always remember what Obi Wan told Luke in Episode IV about HIS father. And his phrase in Episode VI – "So, what I told you was true – from a certain point of view".
dark_apprentice Posted April 23, 2016 Posted April 23, 2016 Ok, i ran yesterday into a massive spoiler on the story of Episode 8, where they say it will be very close to the Godfather 2 movie, but from what i read there.... damn you stop copy-pasting Original Trilogy in the new one WOW. I will spoil only this: Del Toro's character is refered as "The Hunter", Kylo is a bigger p*$^ than Ep.7 and SPOILER ALERT (ESB content) Kylo Ren is almost killed in a lightsaber battle with Rey, when he cuts her arm and says: "No, Luke is your father" - until that moment Rey was told by Luke himself, that her parents were murdered.So PLS, Disney STOP ripping of the OT saga and start to crate your own one, even if people will hate you for making not that good product, as Lucas did with the prequels trilogy and some people dislike those movies, but just do you own and stop using so much reference to ANH, ESB, ROTJ.* Oh, and yes Luke is talking with Force Ghosts of Ben Kenobi, Yoda & Anakin Skywalker and they tell him he must train Rey in the ways of the Force. TheWhitePhoenix likes this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted April 23, 2016 Posted April 23, 2016 Ok, i ran yesterday into a massive spoiler on the story of Episode 8, where they say it will be very close to the Godfather 2 movie, but from what i read there.... damn you stop copy-pasting Original Trilogy in the new one WOW. I will spoil only this: Del Toro's character is refered as "The Hunter", Kylo is a bigger p*$^ than Ep.7 and SPOILER ALERT (ESB content) Kylo Ren is almost killed in a lightsaber battle with Rey, when he cuts her arm and says: "No, Luke is your father" - until that moment Rey was told by Luke himself, that her parents were murdered. So PLS, Disney STOP ripping of the OT saga and start to crate your own one, even if people will hate you for making not that good product, as Lucas did with the prequels trilogy and some people dislike those movies, but just do you own and stop using so much reference to ANH, ESB, ROTJ. * Oh, and yes Luke is talking with Force Ghosts of Ben Kenobi, Yoda & Anakin Skywalker and they tell him he must train Rey in the ways of the I...NOT...surprised...? Somebody pick up the phone, because I F***ING called it! (Props if anyone gets the reference.)
NumberWan Posted April 23, 2016 Author Posted April 23, 2016 @@dark_apprentice I heard some bits of it too. It is obvious, that if they copied ANH in the form of TFA, just making a girl the main hero, as the latest trends dictate, so what prevents them from making a nod towards TESB, but with a negative meaning? At least some designs don't look like the Empire in the new film. If Lando reappears in this film, it will be even closer to Episode V. No matter what they say, I am positive, Rey is Luke's daughter. The separation between the two might have occurred on different terms, like she was hidden from Luke in oder to keep safe both Rey and her father, as together they attract too much attention by the dark forces like Snoke. TheWhitePhoenix, dark_apprentice and Ramikad like this
NumberWan Posted April 23, 2016 Author Posted April 23, 2016 I guess, I will have to post this one separately... There are rumors, which weren't mentioned earlier, and some are just crazy. Reddit is known to have posted "false alarm" in the past, but some ideas are at least curious. BE CAREFUL. Empire Strikes Back Stuff There are similarities between ESB and Episode VIII, but fewer than with TFA and ANH. The story is divided into 3 parts: for Rey, Finn and Kylo. Rey is training in the ways of the Force with Luke on Ach-To, which was shown in TFA ending. Meanwhile Finn and Poe travel to an extravagant city (Croatia), but are betrayed there and captured by Kylo Ren who uses them as bait to draw Rey out of hiding. It is assumed, the duel between the two would take part in this city (Industrial complex – I hope not). Family Ties (Crazy) and Jedi stuff Luke tells the story, how his Jedi were wiped out, and that Snoke seduced Kylo and a few of the other students to the Dark Side and tasked them with killing everyone. Luke and a few others survived, including a young Rey who was subsequently dumped on Jakku by Luke. Rey's mother died in that attack. Rey has her guesses and believes Luke is her father (which can be true). She tells him about it, but Luke says "No, you are my father". (this is the craziest and possible the most foolish idea, however it could be explained...) Luke also says "you are a child of the Force" Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker. I can't really believe it, but this falls into the category of SW mysteries, which are often connected to Oriental teachings about life and death. This aspect of reincarnation is why Luke was searching for the first Jedi temple. Perhaps it was the place, where the Chosen One prophecy was born? Luke learns there, that the Chosen One is coming to the Galaxy every time, should the Galaxy be out of balance, which also proves Anakin wasn't the first Chosen One (out of spoiler, we can assume Revan was another Chosen One in the Old Canon). This status is also the reason, why Anakin was so powerful, when Qui Gon found him on Tatooine. Luke believes Rey to have this power, and thus he thinks, that the Chosen One is always struggling between the two sides of the Force. But there is always a chance to fall to the Darkness, which would be far more terrible than what an ordinary Jedi failure cause. In this regard Kylo Ren is far less dangerous. As Rey trains, she has new visions, in which she talks with Anakin Skywalker, who explains her, "The latter tells her that she is him, but different, and there’s a quick scene where we see hundreds of other Force ghosts who are implied to be past chosen ones." When Rey decides to save her friends, this reminds Luke of his training with Yoda, when he also left to Bespin to save his friends. He warns the girl about this, but says, that he is not Yoda, so he decides to go with her. Political Stuff and more Finn and Poe participate in some events aboard the Resistance cruiser (perhaps we see walls of it in the latest A-Wing shots). The ship is heading to a new Republic capital, where they meet Leia. She wants to persuade the remaining Republic forces to fight the First Order, and the two heroes will be presenting the arguments together with her. As it was revealed earlier, the Republic is now run by a dictator named Lord Vikram (Benicio Del Toro), backed by the senators, who were away from the capital in Episode VII. It is revealed, that the destruction of Hosnian Prim greatly affected the communications of the whole Galaxy. So Vikram tries to reestablish contacts (and bring the Republic back together). He agrees with Leia on the war, but wants these communications back really bad. This is important for him, as he wants to gain more ships to his (still little) fleet. In a talk with Leia, Vikram says, that the General is allowing her personal emotions over Han's death get in the way, and "Leia throws it back at him by telling him he was always a little snake of a politician when they would argue back in her senate days". This new Republic world can't attack the First Order bases, but is well-protected itself by an advanced planetary energy shield. Perhaps this planet is the Croatian location. Leia asks Finn and Poe to investigate certain areas, where spies of the First Order can be, and she believes Vikram might be playing both sides. In this task they are accompanied by Leia's aid Chala. Finn develops romantic ties with this girl. They conduct the mission in the underbelly of the city. Just like in case of Episode V and Episode II, this episode has to introduce a romantic line into Star Wars. Finn, Poe and Chala find Vikram's aide, who has evidence of contact between Vikram and the First Order. Leia and some Resistance fighters confront Vikram and throw him in jail for treason. He denies any ties, and distrust rises against Leia. Finn and Chala have a moment and Finn mentions his confusion about why Vikram didn't just lower the shields for the First Order. They walk into a room and Phasma is standing there and Chala draws a gun on Finn and forcibly takes the codes for disarming the shield from him. She says she planted the evidence, used Finn to get the codes, and basically that she thinks he's a dirty traitor to the First Order. In a moment of pure pottery, Phasma makes Finn lower the shields. The First Order fleet jumps out of hyperspace and invades the planet, quickly capturing Finn, Poe and Leia. Kylo starts to torture Finn using the Force, knowing that it will draw Rey out of hiding and into his trap. dark_apprentice likes this
dark_apprentice Posted April 23, 2016 Posted April 23, 2016 Well they better don't put a 4th Death Star // StarkillerBase or whatever is called and don't use lines such as "No, I am your father/mother etc" after limbs are chopped. TheWhitePhoenix and NumberWan like this
z3filus Posted April 29, 2016 Posted April 29, 2016 check if these are real or not, ep8 concept art ; NumberWan likes this
NumberWan Posted April 29, 2016 Author Posted April 29, 2016 I thought, I've seen this picture already. Now it reminds me of Alexandria from Cleopatra (1963) and Onderon. I actually like the look of it, but the other pictures suggest, the Falcon lands in a seaport area (like the view of larger ships on the background), near the markets and lover class quarters, but the earlier pictures from Croatia showed quite exquisite clothing's. Maybe that's where the aristocracy dwells, and the main heroes spend some time in lower levels before revisiting the rich part of the city. dark_apprentice likes this
dark_apprentice Posted April 29, 2016 Posted April 29, 2016 The Falcon happens to have back his original circled dish? xDRian Johnson posted new tweets with picture from the Ep. 8 set
NumberWan Posted April 30, 2016 Author Posted April 30, 2016 Another set of pictures leaked. The most notable ship and a few locations. One looks like a Palace. Source
NumberWan Posted May 5, 2016 Author Posted May 5, 2016 Another rumour from Reddit, so it's likely not true 99%. But at least this is something new in terms, that Star Wars Episodes IV-VI don't include such things... The scene takes place on the Jedi planet from Episode VII. Luke and Rey are near the old tree, where Jedi master's hut is also located. This planet is visited then by another character – Kylo Ren, who has a strong discussion with Rey. The whole situation is something, that Luke doesn't like at all, and he tries to stop the two young people from engaging in a duel. But a peaceful solution doesn't seem to help, so Luke uses his power to crush and bring into air the whole structure, where they are. It's sort of demonstration of his power, as well as anger, thus revealing, that even though Luke is a Jedi, he isn't far from strong emotions, which can lead an unexperienced person to the Dark Side. Source dark_apprentice likes this
z3filus Posted June 14, 2016 Posted June 14, 2016 Another set of pictures leaked. The most notable ship and a few locations. One looks like a Palace. Source Look like a Casino to me. One rumor mentioned a casino scene in the upcoming film. Something like the classic cantina scene, but on a new level.
NumberWan Posted July 7, 2016 Author Posted July 7, 2016 Given the fact, that on IMDB both Hayden Christensen and Ian McDiarmid have no active film projects in 2016-2017 (the latest being in 2015 and 2014 respectively), we can assume, they can be involved in the new films. Hayden might indeed reprise the role of Anakin's Force ghost, while Palpatine can be in the Rogue One (why not?). Genevieve O'Reilly, who played Mon Mothma in Episode III and now in Rogue One, also had no projects for 2016 except for the TV series, and suddenly it was revealed she is both in Star Wars and the new Tarzan movie. I can't believe they'll wrap filming on July 22. It hasn't been a year even since Episode VII...
TheWhitePhoenix Posted July 7, 2016 Posted July 7, 2016 Given the fact, that on IMDB both Hayden Christensen and Ian McDiarmid have no active film projects in 2016-2017 (the latest being in 2015 and 2014 respectively), we can assume, they can be involved in the new films. Hayden might indeed reprise the role of Anakin's Force ghost, while Palpatine can be in the Rogue One (why not?). Genevieve O'Reilly, who played Mon Mothma in Episode III and now in Rogue One, also had no projects for 2016 except for the TV series, and suddenly it was revealed she is both in Star Wars and the new Tarzan movie. I can't believe they'll wrap filming on July 22. It hasn't been a year even since Episode VII...Which makes me a bit worried. I hope they don't overextend their crews and eventually oversaturate Star Wars to the point where people are like "Oh, another Star Wars. Great.". That's my ultimate fear in this movie a year plan.
NumberWan Posted July 12, 2016 Author Posted July 12, 2016 So there are new photos from the sets in Dubrovnik. Some things are familiar, though others are very unexpected. One of the photos shows two Royal Guards from Episode VI, walking through the street. There are also some hooded people, who look like the Emperor, but they are surely the new characters, with only a slight resemblance. The question is why would the Red Guards be in Episode VIII – it is something I would expect from The Rogue One. The picture also includes what seems to look like Luke Skywalker, at least the grey cloak and the beard give that impression. Two other figures seem to be an older man in black hood, and a woman in similar clothing. I guess, they are just patrons of the local casino or so. You can see more here Bek, swegmaster and Śăļvõö like this
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