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EPVII Luke Skywalker

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Maybe Tavion could be Kylo and Ragnos' ghost could be replaced with a force ghost version of vader? Then perhaps Alora could be replaced with Phasma and Lannik (I think that as the larger gentleman who captures Jaden) could be replaced with Hux. For Desann we could replace him with Snoak possibly after we see the movie as he's described as a larger character

Actually, that would make a lot of sense.. In all honesty. But we just need some better models, that's all. So, for one.. I'm looking forward to @@DT85's Luke release and the .pk3 files of the models, so they replace the one's in the game. 'Cos as it stands the minute, they're just player models, particularly for multi-player.. And I'm not gonna lie, but I don't touch the multi-player aspect of the game, only the single player.


I do really like @@Brownjor10's first attempt at Finn (as stated that it's 1.0). So it will be interesting to see what comes next or what improvements are made.

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Ok, I'm going to have to call for help on this. I can't get a decent diffuse bake going from my high poly. I've tried a normal map overlay, curvature maps, AO maps and even custom scene lighting in Max to no avail. @@Psyk0Sith do you have any pointers? I've tried googling it but everything I find is to do with normal maps and not baking details in for older games.

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It should be pretty straight forward, keep in mind that you get out what you put in...meaning if you don't have enough details meant for normal mapping then it won't come out as good.


I bake my AO in max. Pick a standard material, change diffuse to pure white, apply to everything in the scene. Drop a light tracer light in there, keep light tracer settings with default values, except i bump the rays to 400 after an initial test. What you're probably missing is a scene floor, so create a flat plane (or hemisphere, whatever) and scale it big enough to cover the character, move it below by a lot, just don't leave it close to the feet or your gradient will be too dark and don't forget to apply that white material from earlier too. Last setting to change is supersampling: the max 2.5 star pattern can be ok but sometimes you get cleaner results with hammersley (something like 0.7) note that it doesnt influence the look of the AO, it just gets rid of artifacts.


With the normal map, you can also extract smaller/sharper details with a tool like crazybump, also useful to isolate cavity/spec maps info instead of doing a bake for each one.


That should lock in 90% of the shading/detail work. The rest is just defining material and adding manual highlights

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@@DT85 made some basic costumes (i was using the new ModView so that the beard shows correctly).


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:o That facial appearance is uncanny, @@DT85  :shifty:

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I'd say push the contrast on all of the textures

reduce the grunge on his belt buckle, atm it looks very muddy - probably paint some shine on that (a vertical gradient could do the trick allready)

belt could use some detail aswell, probably some wear around the edges


EDIT : maybe also darken the inside of his nostrils a little

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