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Imperial Architecture Study

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This is a map I've been working on for a few months.


I started this project to try to imitate the way Raven built its indoor Imperial environments for Jedi Outcast. I played through the Kejim levels (Which I think are the best maps in the entire series of games) and took rather extensive screenshots of the way they were built. 


This map is not designed to imitate a particular location, or even to be anything terribly original. It is a symmetrical figure-eight shaped CTF type map.

I'm using all stock textures, with a couple ported over from Jedi Outcast.


Here are some of the better looking screens I've gotten.









Unfortunately, the entire level is rather boxy and flat. A few weeks ago I discovered a much more efficient way to build detail in levels, and I'm rather disappointed in the way this one is turning out now. I'm still debating on whether I should push through and try to fix this one up, or ditch it and make a new higher quality map.


Here are some of the worse looking screens I've gotten.






As you can see, this area here is still mostly unlit, and also breaks from the architectural style of the rest of the map.




So, tell me what you think.




swegmaster, Langerd, yeyo JK and 1 other like this

the jedi outcast style was big and bulky. so you nailed that one atleast, the lighting is poor but that's how I remember JKO maps.
if you'd add some NPC's and release the map, I'm sure it would be worth downloading. Another thing you could do is to cut the map
into pieces and release several prefab files, of imperial corridors, imperial hall, imperial shaft  etc. etc.  that would be useful for new mappers    :)

Langerd and Asgarath83 like this

To be honest - i love stick to the movies. Jk2 and specially Jk3 were ... in my opinion not to much to the movie :/ And that was a big disappointed for me . T3_byss for example was Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser . In the first place... It completely for me doesnt represent any location of the imperials at all... It looks interesting yeah but imperial atmosphere is none...

Jedi Outcast  have many places where we feel the star wars universe. Bespin (but i prefered it white not brownisch O.o) ,Imperial asteroid base doomgiver and yavin. We felt the atmosphere here.

BUT as You said and i must agree - Kejim map + all imperial maps in the JK2 were fantastic! And Your map is a great tribute to them :)
The places are very dark but i love maps like that! Jk2 was very dark in the most part. The consoles in the last screen should emit more light.

My little advice - Look at some screens in the google of death star interiors and even star destroyers :) You can also make doors like in the Episode 4 when Vader was blocked from our heroes.

Great Job so far! This is for Jk2 only right?

yeyo JK and Ramikad like this

It's really nice. the imperial spirit is into your map. keep the work man! :)

i agree about prefab idea and also with @@Langerd review of JKO atmospheres. but i suspecte that in Kejim... was the first map of JKO . i think that mappers of ravens will again taking confidence with GTK Radiant programs

Yes, the dreadnought of byss was cutie, but i breah more the darkest imperial air into the cairn and the doomgiver levels.

i loved the part when kyle need to pass avoiding imperial detecting him and giving alarms. is really a gameplay like metal gear solid XD.

"i am Kyle "Snake" Katarn, at your service!" :D

Langerd likes this

It's really nice. the imperial spirit is into your map. keep the work man! :)

i agree about prefab idea and also with @@Langerd review of JKO atmospheres. but i suspecte that in Kejim... was the first map of JKO . i think that mappers of ravens will again taking confidence with GTK Radiant programs

Yes, the dreadnought of byss was cutie, but i breah more the darkest imperial air into the cairn and the doomgiver levels.

i loved the part when kyle need to pass avoiding imperial detecting him and giving alarms. is really a gameplay like metal gear solid XD.

"i am Kyle "Snake" Katarn, at your service!" :D

Imperial base = Strong fortress

Imperial base with Kyle = these guys are so f@^ked XD

Ramikad, Asgarath83 and z3filus like this

Wow, thanks guys, for all the advice!


Like I said, this map is not very close to being done. So I apologize for the lighting and building, especially in the last image. You can also see there a console I forgot to move. :shifty:


Now that I've heard your opinions, I think I'm going to go back and improve this map to a higher standard.




To be honest - i love stick to the movies. Jk2 and specially Jk3 were ... in my opinion not to much to the movie :/


This took me off guard. You're right, of course. Looking at some reference from ep4, the games don't really have the same look at all. I guess it's been too long since I've seen the movies!  :D I still like the style of the games, but now I feel I ought to run back through the movies to see what I can take from them.



This is for Jk2 only right?


No, this is for JKA. Sorry if I wasn't too clear about that.



I'll start working on improving the map to higher standards. I will post back here in a few days with pictures of my progress.

JAWSFreelao, Langerd and Asgarath83 like this

Wow, thanks guys, for all the advice!


Like I said, this map is not very close to being done. So I apologize for the lighting and building, especially in the last image. You can also see there a console I forgot to move. :shifty:


Now that I've heard your opinions, I think I'm going to go back and improve this map to a higher standard.



This took me off guard. You're right, of course. Looking at some reference from ep4, the games don't really have the same look at all. I guess it's been too long since I've seen the movies!  :D I still like the style of the games, but now I feel I ought to run back through the movies to see what I can take from them.


No, this is for JKA. Sorry if I wasn't too clear about that.



I'll start working on improving the map to higher standards. I will post back here in a few days with pictures of my progress.

Good luck! watch a New Hope and study the Death Star architecture. ;)

Langerd likes this

And to help with that:




Too bad it was never completed.

Yep ... it looked amazing :( looked...

Wow, thanks guys, for all the advice!


Like I said, this map is not very close to being done. So I apologize for the lighting and building, especially in the last image. You can also see there a console I forgot to move. :shifty:


Now that I've heard your opinions, I think I'm going to go back and improve this map to a higher standard.



This took me off guard. You're right, of course. Looking at some reference from ep4, the games don't really have the same look at all. I guess it's been too long since I've seen the movies!  :D I still like the style of the games, but now I feel I ought to run back through the movies to see what I can take from them.


No, this is for JKA. Sorry if I wasn't too clear about that.



I'll start working on improving the map to higher standards. I will post back here in a few days with pictures of my progress.

For Jk3 ? :D Nice!!! About the imperial interiors i reccomend to check this maps - http://jkhub.org/files/file/835-imperial-outpost-part-1/


Well made as the SP map and also nice level design. :) It looked like death star but many places were made in new style

Asgarath83 likes this

I remember that "Death Star" map, it looked amazing and it was awesome to finally have a movie accurate ds map in single player, but it basically fell silent and so did my hopes 


Asgarath83 likes this

I remember that "Death Star" map, it looked amazing and it was awesome to finally have a movie accurate ds map in single player, but it basically fell silent and so did my hopes 


mmm Why losting hope? maybe some mapper of Jkhub can take the challenge, raise this map and continue the work. D:


mmm Why losting hope? maybe some mapper of Jkhub can take the challenge, raise this map and continue the work. D:


The author seems vanished. His last activity on the forum dates back to march 2013... so it would probably be more convenient to redo it from scratch.


The author seems vanished. His last activity on the forum dates back to march 2013... so it would probably be more convenient to redo it from scratch.

:( yes understood. this map need a reboot.

Langerd likes this

I know you feel this map has limitations, but it is beautiful to me. It's a huge shame that deathstar project ended as well, but I have high hopes for this project in whatever direction you take it.


So I've been working away at my projects, and decided I ought to show you how they've been coming.
First off, there is no way that I'm going to be able to fix my old map. So I started from scratch, but wanted to keep sort of the same structure of the map. ('Cause I'm lazy and symmetrical maps are easy. :winkthumb: ) The difference is already obvious, though.
The walls are no longer flat and featureless- they bump inward and outward, give way to computer consoles, pipes, and support pillars.
I'm building this more to the Raven standard of Imperial Architecture, rather than canonical Imperial designs.

Here's what the map will look like so far. Keep in mind I'm only building one half of this, and then duplicating and spinning it around.


Here's the one room I've sort-of finished.


And in-game:



Before I went and did this, though, I looked through a whole lot of reference, and decided to make a few other things.
I decided to try and make the bridge of a star destroyer. To that end, I didn't get very far, since the front windows are all sorts of difficult compound angles. Maybe later. :/
But I did come out of it with some useful things. I made a set of grebles (detail objects for visual interest) that go on the ceiling. If you google star destroyer bridge, you'll see what I mean. I built them as close as I could to how they look in the reference plates.


They probably won't be useful for this project, but maybe for later.
More to come as I add to the new map!

Noodle and Langerd like this

So I've been working away at my projects, and decided I ought to show you how they've been coming.


First off, there is no way that I'm going to be able to fix my old map. So I started from scratch, but wanted to keep sort of the same structure of the map. ('Cause I'm lazy and symmetrical maps are easy. :winkthumb: ) The difference is already obvious, though.

The walls are no longer flat and featureless- they bump inward and outward, give way to computer consoles, pipes, and support pillars.

I'm building this more to the Raven standard of Imperial Architecture, rather than canonical Imperial designs.





Here's what the map will look like so far. Keep in mind I'm only building one half of this, and then duplicating and spinning it around.





Here's the one room I've sort-of finished.






And in-game:









Before I went and did this, though, I looked through a whole lot of reference, and decided to make a few other things.


I decided to try and make the bridge of a star destroyer. To that end, I didn't get very far, since the front windows are all sorts of difficult compound angles. Maybe later. :/

But I did come out of it with some useful things. I made a set of grebles (detail objects for visual interest) that go on the ceiling. If you google star destroyer bridge, you'll see what I mean. I built them as close as I could to how they look in the reference plates.








They probably won't be useful for this project, but maybe for later.


More to come as I add to the new map!

This map looks awesome!!! Sooo Jk2 atmosphere here :3 (even better)

  • 4 weeks later...

Looks pretty good! I would use the wall lights reasonably sparingly though, more like screenshot #3 than #4, that is a little too much on the eyes.

  • 2 months later...

Wow, has it really been four months since my last post? 


The map is starting to take shape now. I've got a clear idea of the boundaries and what it'll look like when I'm done.

There is still a lot of work to do, though. Let's have some pictures!


Here's a shot of the room from my last post. It's changed a little bit.


Where that staircase leads to in the top photo- This room is still very rough.


Here's most of what is going to be the main room.


A little alcove off the main room. I'm pretty happy with the way it's turning out. Most of it is behind the walls.





I've got some questions for you, though. First, a technical question.

Why are some of the models not lighting properly? How can I fix this?







Finally, an aesthetic question.

What do you think of these lights I put in at the bases of the walls? Should I keep them? remove them entirely? Only use them sparingly?






I'd say the map is roughly halfway done, or a little less. Most of the roughing out is completed,and lighting and detail work is pretty much done in two areas.

Hopefully, I'll have a little more time to work on this when Christmas break comes.


Stoiss and Langerd like this

Wow, has it really been four months since my last post? 


The map is starting to take shape now. I've got a clear idea of the boundaries and what it'll look like when I'm done.

There is still a lot of work to do, though. Let's have some pictures!


Here's a shot of the room from my last post. It's changed a little bit.


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Where that staircase leads to in the top photo- This room is still very rough.




Here's most of what is going to be the main room.




A little alcove off the main room. I'm pretty happy with the way it's turning out. Most of it is behind the walls.








I've got some questions for you, though. First, a technical question.

Why are some of the models not lighting properly? How can I fix this?








Finally, an aesthetic question.

What do you think of these lights I put in at the bases of the walls? Should I keep them? remove them entirely? Only use them sparingly?






I'd say the map is roughly halfway done, or a little less. Most of the roughing out is completed,and lighting and detail work is pretty much done in two areas.

Hopefully, I'll have a little more time to work on this when Christmas break comes.


You are the one that was making the maps for Jedi Outcast aren't You ? ;) Good Stuff nice work!


About models.. hmm I think they should be misc_model_static (You placed misc_models right? )


I've got some questions for you, though. First, a technical question.

Why are some of the models not lighting properly? How can I fix this?

Use misc_model_static instead of misc_model. Models that have lights(shaders) need that.


Use misc_model_static instead of misc_model. Models that have lights(shaders) need that.

Not always .I use for misc_models shaders and they works fine (for example glowing shader and even deformvertexes function)

Grab likes this

Ah, thank you. That cleared those models right up!

But remember! The misc_model_static does not catch light enities. They usually use spec shaders (ships like z95 for example) and in some places they look really off. Your maps are pretty dark so i recommend checking out the textures for MD3 models and use the misc_model entities because they are working with the light in the maps. Models rly make map more detail and better looking :) So make sure You can use them in the best way you can!



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