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JAWS Skins & Ish

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I am requesting this from my other thread since no one seems to be interested into this:

As i have already mentioned in previews thread, where i had the skin file problems, I am working on re-textured version of the Damaged Vader from TFU game, because i don't find the existing once here to be close to what it is in the TFU game. At the moment the model looks pretty much like this and this is how the model looks like duringgame play. That's pretty much what I could done so far with the model.

Model is from Toshi's Anakin/Vader model.

Original Face texture is from AngelModder
New/Edited face texture by me

Here is a Photoshop idea of what I would like to see, but even after few Blender tries i could not bring to reality.
for this frankenstein photoshoped image I used just as an example the leg from C3PO and Savage's robotic arm.
Originally in TFU the left arm is with Vader's glove on the palm, but it could be just a full robotic arm (as the one from Savage, that i used as example).

I would really appreciate any help from the masters of Blender. 

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The jetpack's pretty low on the back of the bothan model @@JAWSFreelao and there's a few missing model tags not listed in your .skin file (the errors for missing parts that appear when you load it up in modview).

The kalani skin is interesting though xD but it has the same issue with the missing model tags in the .skin file. I feel like the chest guard parts feel a bit too big on him though.

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Dope.'ll get around to it today. In the meantime, here's some previews of what I've been up to. Credit goes to itachasen for Plo's original model, Asgarath83 for Ahsoka, and Spanki for Mace. @@Circa, the only one I'll even have a chance of releasing here is Mace, as only his arms were a port, correct? The rest will be provided upon request through a third party. #protectJKHub







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