eezstreet Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 Also, Ep7 content is locked behind DLC if I remember right. The DLC will be available on launch.
Tempust85 Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 Surely there's sniper rifles with zooming though? :\
Circa Posted May 12, 2015 Author Posted May 12, 2015 They announced that Battlefront won't have classes. Instead it will have a Call of Duty - like progression system. Also, there won't be Battlefield squads, instead there will be a buddy system like Medal of Honor: Warfighter. So just to recap:- No ironsights (or zoom feature)- No 64v64- No driveable AT-AT- No space battles- No classes- No single player campaign- No bots- No LAN- No prequel content. So nope, still feel good about not preordering it. Considering how much content they've straight-up removed from BF2, I'm not going to buy it.Source? They said something about classes before. AT-AT wasn't "drivable" but was similar to the AC130 in Battlefield or CoD where you control it from the start or in certain parts of the game. No "campaign" but there will be dynamic missions that will be much more replayable than a campaign, because every mission would be different. Again, this thread is going in circles... .!¡!.
eezstreet Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 AT-AT was drivable in Battlefront 2: ( No ironsights, there might be zooming but their wording is weird: space battles: campaign, only 20v20: galactic conquest and AT-AT is on rails: prequel content, Episode 7 content will be locked behind DLC: LAN is based on BF3, BF4 and Hardline not having it.No classes, only COD like progression. No squads, MOH:Warfighter buddy system: Just compare statistics:The original Battlefront had 16 maps, 10 planets. Battlefront 2 had 18 maps and 17 planets. Currently Battlefront has 4 planets, plus Jakku which will come out as DLC.
P4KISTAN Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 Times have changed, and not for the better. Eezstreet summed up the situation pretty well. I'm pretty sure most of us saw this coming once we figuired that DICE was gonna make SWBF. I'm more confident about Visceral's Star Wars project. BruceJohnJenner, Jeff, eezstreet and 1 other like this
Lamented Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 No prequel content? God damnit. Why the hell not? At least, anything between the end of AOTC, TCW and ROTS was the actual war in Star Wars, honestly. I'm pretty sick of the media shitting all over the prequels and ignoring their good qualities. Just wait for the stupid Boba Fett retcon movie. And I'll be pissed if they make prequel content an additionally expensive DLC. I want to fight on this in the game when it releases: Geonosis #1 (Attack of the Clones)Geonosis #2 (Second Battle from TCW)ChristophsisTeth #1 (Fighting to get on top of the platform)Teth #2 (Obi-Wan's rescue invasion)Rishi OutpostKaminoCad Bane's Cruiser (Basically based on the TCW episode from Season 2 where Torrent Company has to board a Separatist cruiser led by Cad Bane to try and retrieve a holocron. There would be interesting elements at play here like gravity generators and the risk of the ship's soon destruction once a fire hits an artillery shell)KirosUmbara #1 (Invasion -- Includes the possibility to hijack Umbaran starfighters for an advantage)Umbara #2 (Supply lines -- Basically, Umbaran insurgents can attack the Republic forces holding the tower while any march towards the enemy could result in a heavy chaotic blast zone, and you'd have to stop the Seps from supplying arms by using starfighters to go in the air and destroy the supply ship)Mandalore (Basically, Republic and Separatists fight to claim Mandalore with the Shadow Collective out of the way. Whoever succeeds will expand to 2,000 neutral systems. This could be a priority Republic campaign mission, given in Rebels it's established there's an Imperial academy on Mandalore. How else do you think that started?)Cato Neimoidia (Notably at the beginning of the Temple-bombing arc in TCW, this was pretty interesting because it seemed to be a dogfight in an interesting floating-city environment, or something. Perhaps you could land on a city and try to destroy each other as well. Just a thought.)Ringo Vinda (Ringo Vinda was a planet at the beginning of TCW Season 6 surrounded by a ring-shaped space station commanded by Admiral Trench, and it was a dangerous battle of endurance with the Republic pushing through legions of droids in corridors, securing defense posts, and pushing up to the commander of the Separatist forces in a larger room that seemed to have several cover points and such.)Scipio (In the Clovis arc of TCW, the Republic launched a mercy mission and invaded Scipio once it had fallen under Separatist control. Sep cruisers would attempt to flee orbit of the planet and meanwhile, the 501st would fly down to the planet and onto the platforms, fighting droids wherever they might be. I assume they were occupying many different sections of Scipio.)Anaxes (From the TCW Bad Batch arc, Anaxes seemed to have a very large landscape for battle that included different elements such as islands, forests, big bases and defense points, and ships.)Coruscant #1 (Attack on the planet surface.)Coruscant #2 (This is the mission to rescue the Chancellor. It could be waaay better, too. Imagine if you boarded the Invisible Hand and tried to rescue him yourself. There could also be challenges, like the ship tilting and offsetting you. And if your allies in the Republic cruiser hit the ship hard enough to implode half of the ship away, you could either try to get off on an escape pod if one is left or try to pilot it to the surface as safely as possible.)FeluciaMygeetoUtapauMustafarWould make the game 10x better. BruceJohnJenner, NumberWan and P4KISTAN like this
Onysfx Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 The thing I'm most disappointed about is the lack of prequel content. Clones vs droids was so much fun, and unique. I found clone wars more fun than the GCW era personally. NumberWan likes this
Tempust85 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 We have created new game modes and made new maps to cater to their specific experience. You could see a tiny snippet of this in our trailer where you saw the Fighter Squadron mode, where you engage in huge Starfighter battles over canyons big enough to be truly epic. Then, for those not in the mood for large scale battles, we have created Missions where players can, for example, take on armies of AI or test their piloting skills. All our Missions can be played either alone or cooperatively, making them perfect for some quick Star Wars action when you have a friend over.
z3filus Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 There's always something tio complain about, but Im sure the game will be good. Jolly and Tempust85 like this
NumberWan Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 @ I think, one of the early complaints it that the new Battlefront will feature fewer options, available in previous games and what is actually confirmed already. For me Star Wars is the six films now, not three or 2,5. However it is true, that the lack of some things will be compensated by other aspects of the new game.
Barricade24 Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 What I don't get is if companies want to make money, why don't they just give the people what they want? Their game would potentially do better and you would have a more loyal following. Lamented likes this
Xycaleth Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 It would cost twice as much to make as take twice as long to make. Botdra, therfiles, Tempust85 and 1 other like this
eezstreet Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Because games these days is all about DLC$ instead of selling you a full product. Damn shame when you're selling something with 50% as much content as something that came out 10 years ago at 150% of the price. And please - "good graphics" is hardly an excuse when it's the same engine that powered three games now. No sale from me. They can do that nickel and diming bullshit when they're actually on par with content from the first game, at least. I mean, they have already announced the first DLC before the game is out. NumberWan, BruceJohnJenner and Lamented like this
Xycaleth Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 And please - "good graphics" is hardly an excuse when it's the same engine that powered three games nowWhat does this have to do with anything?
eezstreet Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 What does this have to do with anything?What other justification do they have for the $60 price tag?
Xycaleth Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 @eezsteet D'oh, I was referring more to the "when it's the same engine that powered three games now" part. I'm sure you know that "good graphics" requires more production costs etc, but just because three games have used the same engine doesn't reduce those production costs. I don't think any of the money goes towards the R&D of the engine - I imagine that would have been covered already.
Lamented Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 What other justification do they have for the $60 price tag?$70*
eezstreet Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 @eezsteet D'oh, I was referring more to the "when it's the same engine that powered three games now" part. I'm sure you know that "good graphics" requires more production costs etc, but just because three games have used the same engine doesn't reduce those production costs. I don't think any of the money goes towards the R&D of the engine - I imagine that would have been covered already.I'm saying that it might be a little bit more justifiable if they had to develop a new engine for it. But seeing as how this is (basically) a Star Wars themed Battlefield game with a mere fraction of the features of either Battlefield or Battlefront, nothx. BruceJohnJenner likes this
Xycaleth Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 But seeing as how this is (basically) a Star Wars themed Battlefield game with a mere fraction of the features of either Battlefield or Battlefront, nothx.I don't have hard figures but my educated guess tells me the majority of the costs come from paying artists, and also marketing, which will be around half the overall costs of the entire game. Programming is a very small portion of the production costs.
Tempust85 Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 Is there really bitching about a $60-$70 pricetag? New games in Australia are usually around $89.95 or $99.95. This game for PC is $89.95, and $99.95 on consoles. I'd love to have a $60-$70 pricetag....
DrXann Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 Why did they decide to add very little maps.Did they forget that the prequels are canon no matter how people view them they're part of the overall saga.Here's another thing game developers in general need to stop the trend of releasing incomplete games.Why is it expensive? Games should be 60$ unless its a special first release.
Lamented Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 Is there really bitching about a $60-$70 pricetag? New games in Australia are usually around $89.95 or $99.95. This game for PC is $89.95, and $99.95 on consoles. I'd love to have a $60-$70 pricetag....I didn't bitch about it, I just corrected him. But it's still stupid that prices are higher than usual.
z3filus Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 New games on any consoles cost a lot today, I only buy games that are on Steam sale. Assassin'sCreed games are the only ones I buy "fresh".I'll probably buy this StarWars BattleFront game after the it's first been tested -> updated -> fixed, for a very very cheap price. 2 years from now. AshuraDX likes this
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