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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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I'd rather have a new, unknown story for the sequel trilogy than just have them tell the story directly from the EU. You wouldn't be able to be like "I wonder what's going to happen" while watching, which would suck horribly. Yeah it's quite sad they dumped the EU, but I understand why.

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I quoted Obi-Wan from Ep3. Wasnt a firestarter.


It's natural to be excited about something, and without a doubt, dissappointment can follow. So I'd say its people like you who ruin the fun. I'm already well past the skeptic phase (Disney ). Being disappointed by one detail or two shouldnt yet make you walk out tthe premiere, have a religion for EU if you're so down about it.

I'm saying I PREFER the EU, not have a religion over it. Seriously? Ruin the fun? I'm saying that you shouldn't be so over hyped, thus making your expectations so damn high. That's LOGIC, @zefilus. Plus I'm NOT going to see it. I already openly declared that. And I'm STICKING with it.


And @@DT85, that doesn't mean they should discontinue it. There are those like me who want to see it continued and if you knew where to look, you can see how much people REALLY want these stories continued, even IF it ends up being an alternate universe like when J.J Abrams rebooted Star Trek, thus creating an alternate universe where his movies take place while in another, the events of the stuff that were made before took place.

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I also enjoy EU a lot, KOTOR and Dark Forces II are among my most favourite stories in Star Wars. And when someone asks me about my favourite character, I often recall someone from EU, not from the films. But a new movie - The Force Awakens, doesn't ruin the EU which I like. Not a bit. 


Maybe because I consider Star Wars to be a whole collection of so many stories, that they not just can contradict each other, but actually should contradict each other. Take any good mythology and you will see, that the biography of legendary heroes are often quite different, as according to different sources. And in most cases the sources are well respected.


It is only logical, that 25 000 years even in a Galaxy far-far away can't be documented the correct way. Take Earth's history - even in the last 100+ years there are things unexplainable and treated differently by different people, sides, historians, etc. 


EU can work the same way: it is no novice, that some stories couldn't fit into the EU, even without touching the movies. So it might be okey, that TFA reboots the time period set some decades after Return of the Jedi. I doubt it will significatly alter things like General Veers biography or Darth Malak and Revan's adventures. They can ignore it, but that doesn't mean they will be abolished completely. And who said, that you have to adhere to what the official comments from Lucasarts say? You can enjoy Episode VII and still have fun replaying Shadows of the Empire.


Rogue One does affect Kyle Katarn's adventures, but it happened before too. SW will still have a place for him, there is no doubt about it.

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The old EU was great, but its hardly gone. It's not part of the canon, but its still there and the material is still great. Yes it was an incredible collection of work that I enjoyed and thousands of others enjoyed, but I'm so excited for a new Star Wars saga, one that will reinvigorate the fans and tell new stories that weren't possible before. A new generation of Star Wars will be created and it will be centered around the new vision for TFA.

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I also enjoy EU a lot, KOTOR and Dark Forces II are among my most favourite stories in Star Wars. And when someone asks me about my favourite character, I often recall someone from EU, not from the films. But a new movie - The Force Awakens, doesn't ruin the EU which I like. Not a bit. 


Maybe because I consider Star Wars to be a whole collection of so many stories, that they not just can contradict each other, but actually should contradict each other. Take any good mythology and you will see, that the biography of legendary heroes are often quite different, as according to different sources. And in most cases the sources are well respected.


It is only logical, that 25 000 years even in a Galaxy far-far away can't be documented the correct way. Take Earth's history - even in the last 100+ years there are things unexplainable and treated differently by different people, sides, historians, etc. 


EU can work the same way: it is no novice, that some stories couldn't fit into the EU, even without touching the movies. So it might be okey, that TFA reboots the time period set some decades after Return of the Jedi. I doubt it will significatly alter things like General Veers biography or Darth Malak and Revan's adventures. They can ignore it, but that doesn't mean they will be abolished completely. And who said, that you have to adhere to what the official comments from Lucasarts say? You can enjoy Episode VII and still have fun replaying Shadows of the Empire.


Rogue One does affect Kyle Katarn's adventures, but it happened before too. SW will still have a place for him, there is no doubt about it.

Your philosophy reminds me of EvanNova95. He's a versus series creator on Youtube, BTW.

The old EU was great, but its hardly gone. It's not part of the canon, but its still there and the material is still great. Yes it was an incredible collection of work that I enjoyed and thousands of others enjoyed, but I'm so excited for a new Star Wars saga, one that will reinvigorate the fans and tell new stories that weren't possible before. A new generation of Star Wars will be created and it will be centered around the new vision for TFA.

Problem. There have been certain fans attacking those like me that want the EU to be continued, even if it's alternate universe. There actually has been a LOT of slander towards the group I'm a part of. But we kept fighting. Now if we could co-exist, I wouldn't mind that. All of you seem like pretty decent Star Wars fans, with whatever you like and dislike, hence why I'm being so open with you all about this. 

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Well I'm sorry that that has been happening. The old EU a lush branch of the Star Wars story that should be respected and enjoyed. I don't see why anyone should dislike you for that. As much as I would love some closure to some of the EU's stories, it is a tad unpractical for Disney to produce 2 timelines simultaneously. However, it could be treated more like the comic book genre where "what-ifs" and alternate timelines are common occurrences.

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Well I'm sorry that that has been happening. The old EU a lush branch of the Star Wars story that should be respected and enjoyed. I don't see why anyone should dislike you for that. As much as I would love some closure to some of the EU's stories, it is a tad unpractical for Disney to produce 2 timelines simultaneously. However, it could be treated more like the comic book genre where "what-ifs" and alternate timelines are common occurrences.

But it STILL can be done, of course. The two timeline stuff can be done with Star Wars. And yes, there are stories for EVERYONE to enjoy, even those who like ALL of it.

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Maybe the expanding of the StarWars universe was a mistake. The original trilogy had such an impact worldwide, that comic books etc. were sure to follow. Isn't this new trilogy made according to Lucas' visions of what would/should happen? I'd expect true StarWars fans to support this "meant to be" storyline even if it is labeled Disney. I mean, really, it shouldn'tbe this conplicated to point out which is canon and which isnt and based on what facts. Im sure if FANS had their way we would have a version of episode 1 without JarJar and THAT would be called "canon".

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The above discussion has just reminded me, that in most cases the Star Wars fans are divided into two opposing groups, which surely can't be true. In fact there are many people, who stick to different opinions: some enjoy the movies only (and don't take any new or old EU into account), some like EU more than the movies (e.g. there are people who believe KOTOR2 plot to be better than of the Saga), some enjoy Original Trilogy (OT) and certain portions of the old EU, some like OT and The Clone Wars (a strange, but yet reasonable combination), etc. etc.


I don't think anyone can be blamed for loving the original EU. For me that part still lives despite Episode VII, even though I ignore the Yuzhang Vong invasion, that is perhaps the only part I don't like. We must be frank: it's one of the most disputable things which shouldn't have happened in Star Wars (No, I will not forgive! Chewbacca!))))). However I do find a place for Yuzhang Vong in Star Wars, as a species far away and a possible threat.


I consider myself to be a SW fan, which enjoys knowing most things in advance, so I try to learn a lot about The Force Awakens, just as it happened with Episode II, Episode III and series like TCW and Rebels, as well as games of KOTOR2 and TFU. I must say, that TFA has an unprecedented level of secrecy, but what can be learned shows good signs, true to what I expect from Star Wars.


I know of the Versus series, but didn't know of EvanNova95's approach. I must be frank, I use the same principle in myd own Star Wars projects, binding different things together.

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The above discussion has just reminded me, that in most cases the Star Wars fans are divided into two opposing groups, which surely can't be true. In fact there are many people, who stick to different opinions: some enjoy the movies only (and don't take any new or old EU into account), some like EU more than the movies (e.g. there are people who believe KOTOR2 plot to be better than of the Saga), some enjoy Original Trilogy (OT) and certain portions of the old EU, some like OT and The Clone Wars (a strange, but yet reasonable combination), etc. etc.


I don't think anyone can be blamed for loving the original EU. For me that part still lives despite Episode VII, even though I ignore the Yuzhang Vong invasion, that is perhaps the only part I don't like. We must be frank: it's one of the most disputable things which shouldn't have happened in Star Wars (No, I will not forgive! Chewbacca!))))). However I do find a place for Yuzhang Vong in Star Wars, as a species far away and a possible threat.


I consider myself to be a SW fan, which enjoys knowing most things in advance, so I try to learn a lot about The Force Awakens, just as it happened with Episode II, Episode III and series like TCW and Rebels, as well as games of KOTOR2 and TFU. I must say, that TFA has an unprecedented level of secrecy, but what can be learned shows good signs, true to what I expect from Star Wars.


I know of the Versus series, but didn't know of EvanNova95's approach. I must be frank, I use the same principle in myd own Star Wars projects, binding different things together.

@@NumberWan Well, keep that part alive. It's still in your title after all, :)


"Dark Forces 1 & 2, Shadows of the Empire, Rouge Squadron, Kotor 1 and 2 are Star Wars CANON no matter what."

And on the other fanbase division, unfortunately, there's some truth to it, and it IS a shame really. Hell, I'm sure MANY of us have heard of the "Original Trilogy Purists" who only accept the original 3 and nothing more. If only the fanbase wasn't so DIVIDED, then maybe things would've been different. Maybe if the canon hierarchy for the EU wasn't in sections, then maybe there would've been more acceptance? I don't know, just my two cents. I personally loved how Chewie died, brought me to tears. But everyone reacts differently to different things. I'm sure you and I BOTH wish for a united Star Wars Fanbase.


Maybe the expanding of the StarWars universe was a mistake. The original trilogy had such an impact worldwide, that comic books etc. were sure to follow. Isn't this new trilogy made according to Lucas' visions of what would/should happen? I'd expect true StarWars fans to support this "meant to be" storyline even if it is labeled Disney. I mean, really, it shouldn'tbe this conplicated to point out which is canon and which isnt and based on what facts. Im sure if FANS had their way we would have a version of episode 1 without JarJar and THAT would be called "canon".

Umm, they THREW OUT George Lucas's original scripts for Episodes VII-IX, even thought Disney PROMISED him they'd use them. So to answer your question: No. It's not Lucas's vision. Even George Lucas himself had NO IDEA what they were doing and that they threw out his scrips to come up with what we were presented. But anyways, you're right. It SHOULDN'T be complicated to know what is canon and what's not. *Points to the EU Hierarchy Levels.* Unfortunately, there are those who just either are too ignorant or just don't care to read a book, play a game, or look up stuff when all it takes is a few keyboard typings and a few clicks. And that was a characteristic of those people for some time, even before Disney bought out Lucasfilm. And would you believe that some actually ATTEMPTED to do that, erase JarJar? I honestly didn't even mind him when I first saw him. Am I honestly one of the few to do so? Yeah, he can be annoying, but I don't wanna punch him through the gut. 

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Huh.. this is another confusing factor; how much IS George Lucas involved?? I keep hearing so many theories, Disney owns the brand/ frenchfries but you'd think they would want to honor Lucas by continuing the story as planned. I'm still hyped about it, but confused.


I like JarJar. He was like a backup plan for Lucas, after such a long break from StarWars. It would have been great without him but i dont honestly want him erased.

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Huh.. this is another confusing factor; how much IS George Lucas involved?? I keep hearing so many theories, Disney owns the brand/ frenchfries but you'd think they would want to honor Lucas by continuing the story as planned. I'm still hyped about it, but confused.


I like JarJar. He was like a backup plan for Lucas, after such a long break from StarWars. It would have been great without him but i dont honestly want him erased.

George isn't involved AT ALL. Basically, when he signed the contract, from what I think, Bob Iger LIED to him. And Jar Jar is just one of those things people hate so much, you just get tired of seeing them hate on him.

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I found the new (Japanese) trailer purely by accident. Funny, that it includes a few additional scenes and even some more lines from the main characters. And we see Kylo Ren with other characters in one shot at last. 


The character played by Ken Leung is seen in the background as one of the Resistance leaders.


Remarkably Jakku might have the same moisture vaporators like on Tatooine then.

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Me myself can tell for my point of view (which i don't wan't any one of you to take on 100% for the right point of view), but as an Artist and someone who constantly create lots of stuff for the numbers, and also as someone working on the very other hand with less quantity but more quality I can only say this for myself:

I really love the OT of Star Wars. I can say that i am a big fan, but somehow it's stupid for me to call anyone "big fan" of anything, don't make me tell you why... but for sure I give a shot to everything new and / or that continues an already existing story (not only for SW). I do not like so much the PT movies (episodes 1, 2, 3) BUT, i do enjoy them as well as they are some part of the story. I can agree and disagree with all of you for many stuff and we are all right for our own points of view. Also even the TFU and TFU2 games, that turned out to not be a canon and are even "stupid" for some SW fans (talking for people that i know in person, not in here!). So about the upcoming Episode 7 The Force Awakens. My personal view is - let's just watch it first, than I'll be able to say anything if i like it or not (but i am already sure on almost 100%, that it will gonna be amazing masterpiece), still no clue for the next 2 episodes of this new trilogy, but still guessing they'll be as good or as possible good as they can be (since JJ won't work on them as far as I know).

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I just watched episodes one &two.  I can totally agree with some of the older posts, that episode one has the OT spirit, spiced with gungans tho.
I wanted to puke once I saw just how mellow episode two is, it's like the bald&beautiful meets starwars. Next up is episodes three & four, and definetly
looking foreward to that, just seeing the transformation from Ewan to Alec is amazing. Ewan was the best actor possible for the role of Obee huan.

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For now I feel, that Episodes I and IV are close in many aspects, closer than Episodes III and IV. Not only visually and to some extent with the plot (Strong Galactic Empire, Jedi and rural Tatooine - Royal Naboo, Militaristic Trade Federation and rural Tatooine). Episode IV was the first to establish the best of the SW traditions and the first to introduce classic Star Wars contrasts. Episode I was the first to revive the traditions and the first to flourish the contrasts of the OT. 


There are also other similarities like the thing, that both for Episodes IV and I the team went to Tunisia to film Tatooine, and in both cases, if I am not mistaken, the whole shooting process could have been jeorpadized by a strong storm, which caused a lot of problems for the sets and teams. Besides these storms were a rare thing, as according to Behind the scenes videos, and took place once in 30-45 years or so.


Now with Episode VII I believe we might notice some similarities as well between Episodes VII and IV, surely some time after we have watched them.

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So i'm going to open up some speculation.


We currently know that Kylo Ren is after Anakin's Blue lightsaber, who fails to do so up to the point where Kylo battles Finn with the same weapon.

Now skip back to the Original Trilogy. Notice how Vader in ROTJ lost his hand and saber the exact same way that Luke did in TESB? This could mean one of two things:


1. Vader's Red saber didn't survive the blast of the Death Star.


2. Somehow the Red saber survived the blast of the Death Star.


If option 1 is the reality, then fine this needs no more explanation. However if option 2 is the reality, then out there is a floating Vader hand with his Red lightsaber.


So I was wondering if perhaps Kylo fails to obtain the Blue saber of Anakin, and instead hunts down the Red saber? I find this a rather interesting subject as to the whereabouts of Vader's Red saber, and why Kylo could not search for the Red saber instead of the Blue saber. Or perhaps they are saving this for Episode VIII or Episode IX? I'm unsure but Star Wars has a habit of losing things down big drops.


Here's a list:


- Obi-Wan loses his saber down a drop in Episode I and uses Qui-Gon's saber.

- Darth Maul falls down the same drop with his lightsaber.

- In Episode II Padme drops out of a Gunship into the sand.

- In Episode III Obi-Wan drops his saber and is retrieved by a Clonetrooper.

- In Episode III Mace Windu drops from a building, but i'm not sure about his saber.

- In Episode V Luke loses his hand and Anakin's blue saber down a drop.

- In Episode VI Darth Sidious falls down a drop (with his lightsaber? Not sure).

- Also in Episode VI Vader loses his hand and saber down a drop.


Those are all of the ones which I remember myself. I really think that there's something more going on with Vader's red saber that is yet to be revealed in the new movies. I doubt they would leave the explanation of such an iconic weapon to just be 'blown up with the death star'.


If Kylo does indeed know about the red saber, why does he persue the blue saber (light side) rather than the red (dark side) version? Since he is a bad guy he would naturally obtain the red one? Unless he is not a bad guy after all, which would mindscrew me.

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@Kylo Ren

There is also a place for an idea, that Kylor Ren is looking for Anakin's lightsaber, believing that to be Vader's saber. What happened on the Death Star prior to the explosion - is not a known fact. Some data from the remnants of the Empire might only reveal, that Vader arrived with Luke to meet with the Emperor. After that - no information. So the pursuit of the relic might be connected to the idea of "wrong gods and idols", because the Empire should have treated Vader as a traitor, but it seems his true identity and story are kept secret.


It can also be a reason, why Kylo looks for all the relics of the times of the OT: to keep the story alive and the main base for stabiliaty and strength of the First Order.

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Counting days now.

I'm looking foreward to the scene when when the kids realize just who's saber they have with them, this comes down to the same fact @NumberWan
brought up ;no one should know about these duels or how they ended, not even about the one that took place on Bespin, where Luke lost his hand.
I can accept a weird creature finding, and selling/offering the saber to Rey and Finn, but they should have no idea of who that saber once belonged to.
I'd imagine Han Solo to recognize his friends weapon, hence; telling the kids about the past, " it's true, all of it - the darkside, the jedi - they're real "


check out the trailer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGbxmsDFVnE   pause at 1:45 and try to guess
who is lying down on the ground, what has made Rey so sad. I'm thinking about our hairy old friend..


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