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[JK2] Boothand's manual block system update thread

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Hi :)


So I'm making a mod for JK2 that can be played just by connecting to the server and binding +button14 to a mouse button. It's a bit like Mount&Blade, but... more. And better, I think.

Turning out very fun! I have a devserver up usually these days, working on it whenever I can (and a bit more). Just here to say it's actually playable now on a competetive level even.. but I would like some feedback if any of you wanna give it a try even though it's still just been one week of development.


Current features:


  • No idle block (only at the saber box).
  • Choosing the right direction gives a guaranteed block (otherwise, you must aim very well)
  • Block by direction keys.
  • Block by mouse movement (option).
  • Cancel attacks into blocks.


Here's a clumsy video showing some of the last updates ^^





Circa, ent, Langerd and 9 others like this

I would like to see more as well. How does that work for other NPCs, like Reborn and Desann maybe?


It seems the movements are slower, but it's explainable, otherwise you would have to have a very good reaction.


I used timescale just for testing, as well as g_knockback 0. But it is to be played full speed. :)


NPCs aren't in JK2. But I would like to modify bots to have some more intelligence, and use some blocks as well.


Very nice Job here Boothand you should have moved this to JKA instead :D

But keep going with the coding and you can get far with it ;)

Boothand likes this

OHMYGOD I want it now! Looks way more fun than Warband :D


"Come to my server and help test it out (1.02)!" - how?

I know, right? :D


If you own Jedi Outcast, you can get JK2MV. www.jk2mv.org. It gives you access to all three game versions from the same executable/serverlist, and you don't have to mess with your pk3s and patches. If you have the 1.04 patch, install jk2mv, then look for a server called "Manual blocking system devserver". It's not online 24/7, only when I'm around my PC and working on it.


@ @@Stoiss

When it's all finished and cleaned up, I don't imagine it would be hard to port it over. However, this is actually pretty perfect for JK2 1.02, considering I'm using a lot of mechanics that are already specific to that game version, and it would be more work to port *that* as well over. I think with JK2mv it will be easier for people to get into this, since they don't have to downgrade - and also if it becomes popular, I don't want to split the community.


But we can talk about such things when it's nearing completion :)


For now, people with a ping higher than 120ish (hosted in Europe) are gonna see some stuttery animations, since their clientside interferes too much. I hope to offer a fix for this later...

Stoiss likes this

well you should consider it in the end as the player base of jk is a lot bigger on the ja side then the jo side, if you need help let me know :)


Fightning in SP would be more like the movies!!! More realistic and harder too but make it working for npc would be anpther piece of cake hem ? :P

Asgarath83 likes this

It is played altogether without force, by the way. The plan is to make it location based damage. Something like 60 hp for legs, more for torso, and 125 for head, maybe.


Have had long discussions on speed and pacing. Originally I had set g_speed from 250 to 201 to encourage more close combat, but not everyone thinks this is the best choice. As for walking vs running, I think this boils down to playstyle. Don't want to enforce that. But it's interesting how one playstyle influences the opponent. Just saying there might be ways to get what we want simply by playing in a certain way... but too early to tell how all these mechanics should be before we get the saber mechanics balanced and fair.


Looks great! Have you thought about how well it will play when one or both of the duelists have high ping?


Thanks! If it only runs serverside, not well at all :D The animations bug out for clients who are less responsive. So I hope to eventually clean up the mod enough to offer a clientside.

  • 8 months later...

Dear Boothand, first I want to say your work looks amazing. I don't want to sound impolite, but is the project alive? I've been waiting since I saw this video, and I thought this is the perfect swordplay mod for JK2. If this project is still continuing, please reply.


Hey, thanks :)

You're in luck, I've been working on this non stop-ish for the past 2 weeks - before that, a huge break.


It's gone through some changes after testing. At the moment it's cut down on difficulty, trying just to get the gameplay I'm after before I know how many directions and stuff can be expected to be used.

Custom animations have been made/edited, based on a slow yellow style. At the moment, there's left block, right block and top block, so only three block directions, and I gotta say it's still pretty hard to block the top one in the heat of the moment, other people think this too.


It looks pretty cool though, for the side blocks, it looks at what attack the opponent is doing and if you're blocking at the correct side, it chooses the correct lower or upper animation before the impact even. I have plans for doing the same with a custom anim for diagonal blocks, though for now it will be only for the sake of eye-candy, but I think that's important.


I've spent a little time on blasters as well. Blocking gun shots requires a key-press on manual block for each shot, so it takes some concentration. Guns are more powerful, but won't fire as rapidly. Bullets gets reflected as usual, but in the exact direction you're facing, so they go where the cursor is, instead of in a random-ish direction based on where the shooter was.

In the same go, I'm making some changes to impact effects, making blasters seem more powerful by adding a lot of smoke and sparks where they hit. For now.


If you're interested in trying, I can send you the latest clientside and we could have a go, later today or tomorrow. Have not yet tested if it runs smoothly on high pings, in case you're not from Europe (?). Otherwise, it should still work as intended.


My schedule today says to make an animation rig for blender (or to try), so I can make less messed up animations.

Sithani likes this

Oh, I'm sorry but my ping should be really high......cuz I live in asia. Well, I would be interested to try it but would it work with bots?

Once again, the current state sounds AWESOME. I bet dumb people would break their fingers trying to block every shot. :)

BTW, TOTALLY getting that duck playermodel.


Haha :D

You could always try it locally against bots. They won't be doing any blocking, and since they mostly run away from you it's hard to simulate an actual fight with them. But it works if you just wanna stress test yourself against an unpredictable bot.


Oh, I forgot to say - there is location based damage (only for sabers atm) and dismemberment corresponding to which part you hit. I'll get back to you later about testing, not at home yet.

somecallmesongoku likes this

Haha :D

You could always try it locally against bots. They won't be doing any blocking, and since they mostly run away from you it's hard to simulate an actual fight with them. But it works if you just wanna stress test yourself against an unpredictable bot.


Oh, I forgot to say - there is location based damage (only for sabers atm) and dismemberment corresponding to which part you hit. I'll get back to you later about testing, not at home yet.

Wow, I get to be like a beta tester huh! Neat! And location based damage sounds wonderful!

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