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Kualan's Kitbash Workshop

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@zeƒilus I've put your request on my list of things to do.


Some more WIPs. These are ones that have been designed specifically for my Tales From The Clone Wars machinima comic, but which have some scope for customisation (as does anything that uses a Spanki or Gweth head).


Male Agent in Operational and Dress Uniform:



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Female Agent in Operational and Dress Uniform (NB: The female Imperial officer body is a preview version from the Dark Pastime mod, so will not be released until that mod is):







Mace Windu Travel Outfit:






Asajj Ventress Rogue Outfit:





Has the Republic Agents been released ?


Update time! Here are the models I've been working on recently, mostly for my comic series as usual but I've also knocked up a robeless commando version of the Senate Guard as requested:


Amelia Jendri has received an update to the Neomarz head she had been using before, now using the Gweth head and featuring a skin modified from one used in the RPMod community:


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The Senate Commando, containing ported material from TFU courtesy of Lt Claim:





Sarella Drayson's Bounty Hunter Disguise, blending elements of Zam Wessell's kit and the Imperial Knight armour:





Traylis Gregar, a Quarren mercenary who will feature in an upcoming issue of Tales From The Clone Wars:





Railas Tok (Desann model) kitbashed with a ported SWTOR Mandalorian armour set, and reskinned to a new colour scheme:





Thoughts and feedback always welcome.

I'm gonna go ahead and shamelessly ask XD, would it be possible for me to take a look at that ported Mando armor from SWTOR? I can use it as reference for an actual legal model. I can see there is quite a few things in here that have yet to be released but yet still look beautiful... (Trust me, I have the same problem. I've done hundreds of skins for thestarwarsrp.com and plan on releasing them sometime in the future... maybe...) If you've lost interest or rather don't have the time to finish them I can always see what I can do.

GPChannel likes this

I'm gonna go ahead and shamelessly ask XD, would it be possible for me to take a look at that ported Mando armor from SWTOR? I can use it as reference for an actual legal model. I can see there is quite a few things in here that have yet to be released but yet still look beautiful... (Trust me, I have the same problem. I've done hundreds of skins for thestarwarsrp.com and plan on releasing them sometime in the future... maybe...) If you've lost interest or rather don't have the time to finish them I can always see what I can do.


Check this link, it is a rp'ing site for the old republic it has a model pack with the ported Mando, might help you!



AuriusPheonix and Torki like this
Posted (edited)

Check this link, it is a rp'ing site for the old republic it has a model pack with the ported Mando, might help you!




​You wonderful sonovabitch. This gives me loads to work with, Thank you. This may very well lead to a bonified TOR skinpack/model pack

Edited by AuriusPheonix
  • 2 weeks later...

Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:



yeyo JK, Noodle, Bek and 11 others like this

Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:




Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:



amazing work sir !!

yeyo JK likes this


Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:




What about PM?


damn, there's so many nice models! where can I get 'em?

Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:



the_raven likes this


damn, there's so many nice models! where can I get 'em?

Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:




many thanks :)


I might release Phasma as she is at the moment now - I can't for the life of me come up with a good-looking "finger gauntlet" armour. Modelling it on looks too blocky and weird with some animations. Might just texture the finger armour on and be done with it. Other than that she is practically done. I'm also keen to get her out there in the near future as I won't have much JKA time for the foreseeable - most of my modding time is going on my Skyrim mod.


I might release Phasma as she is at the moment now - I can't for the life of me come up with a good-looking "finger gauntlet" armour. Modelling it on looks too blocky and weird with some animations. Might just texture the finger armour on and be done with it. Other than that she is practically done. I'm also keen to get her out there in the near future as I won't have much JKA time for the foreseeable - most of my modding time is going on my Skyrim mod.

@@DT85 might be able to give you a hand with that. Seeing as how his work on the Ep. 7 Stormtrooper is basically the same as Phasma. Plus he wants to stay away from anything that's skin related, so with it being armor, it shouldn't be a problem.

  • 3 weeks later...

Now... can we have Mas Amedda?


Dude, I've already answered this so many times. Mas Amedda and several other models I didn't include in the dropbox pack contain content from SWTOR that I don't necessarily feel confident in making public due to it being a live, active property (unlike the Force Unleashed or Galaxies). They were made primarily for use in my webcomic.


Only reason I even posted a screenshot of the Mas Amedda model was because I was asked to. If my attitude about those models change, I will post in this thread.

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