Śăļvõö Posted August 18, 2015 Author Posted August 18, 2015 The next release is an entire pack of models, the second version. There will be new models, npc files, and I'll fix some errors in some models. However this is the current list :Mon Calamari RobedSullustan RobedJabba the HuttDuros RobedRosh Penin RobedWeequay RobedKaminoan RobedQui Gon JinnSaesee Tiin RobedYarael Poof RobedAnakin SkywalkerKlatooinian JediEeth Koth/Agen Kolar RobedHutt RobedIthorian RobedVoolvif Monn RobedColeman Trebor RobedLuke StormtrooperKi-Adi Mundi RobedKit Fisto Robed (hoping I can add the new head)Trandoshan RobedWampa RobedPlo Koon RobedNoghri RobedWat Tambor with tunicGran RobedNeimoidian RobedBith RobedDesann RobedTwi'lek female robedtusken robedhowler robedrodian robedgungan/jar jar robedAcklay reskinaqualish jedibarabel mercenarybarabel jedibattledroid c3pobattledroid jedigamorrean jedigrievous reskinfour armed grievous reskinhan solo stormtrooperc3po jedidr. connors lizard (from Spiderman)sora bulq jeditrandoshan jedi with toshi's robejk2 tusken model for jk3 yarael poof jedi for jk2Acklay Jedi robedRaptor Jedi robedHan Solo- Carkoon Pit suiteYoda episodes V-VIDT85's Ep. VII stormtrooper reskinChancellor Palpatine reskinEwoks reskinDarth Sidious reskinSenate EmperorToshi's Luke RobedNew grievous model (not mine) with new capeChancellor Robed (and Hooded)Hoth LukeHoth Han SoloMace Windu Reskin I'll update this list removing or adding some models because I'm not sure I can make all of them, but probably I'm gonna add some others based on the requests.
Śăļvõö Posted August 18, 2015 Author Posted August 18, 2015 I would love to see a more accurate skin of Mace Windu. The face doesn't look right on the one we have now. He tried, but if it is not good he couldn't do better, hope it is good according to you...
Barricade24 Posted August 18, 2015 Posted August 18, 2015 The next release is an entire pack of models, the second version. There will be new models, npc files, and I'll fix some errors in some models. However this is the current list :Mon Calamari RobedSullustan RobedJabba the HuttDuros RobedRosh Penin RobedWeequay RobedKaminoan RobedQui Gon JinnSaesee Tiin RobedYarael Poof RobedAnakin SkywalkerKlatooinian JediEeth Koth/Agen Kolar RobedHutt RobedIthorian RobedVoolvif Monn RobedColeman Trebor RobedLuke StormtrooperKi-Adi Mundi RobedKit Fisto Robed (hoping I can add the new head)Trandoshan RobedWampa RobedPlo Koon RobedNoghri RobedWat Tambor with tunicGran RobedNeimoidian RobedBith RobedDesann RobedTwi'lek female robedtusken robedhowler robedrodian robedgungan/jar jar robedAcklay reskinaqualish jedibarabel mercenarybarabel jedibattledroid c3pobattledroid jedigamorrean jedigrievous reskinfour armed grievous reskinhan solo stormtrooperc3po jedidr. connors lizard (from Spiderman)sora bulq jeditrandoshan jedi with toshi's robejk2 tusken model for jk3 yarael poof jedi for jk2Acklay Jedi robedRaptor Jedi robedHan Solo- Carkoon Pit suiteYoda episodes V-VIDT85's Ep. VII stormtrooper reskinChancellor Palpatine reskinEwoks reskinDarth Sidious reskinSenate EmperorToshi's Luke RobedNew grievous model (not mine) with new capeChancellor Robed (and Hooded)Hoth LukeHoth Han SoloMace Windu Reskin I'll update this list removing or adding some models because I'm not sure I can make all of them, but probably I'm gonna add some others based on the requests.I would personally upload these files individually. Having all these files into one pack would be a bit confusing. Śăļvõö likes this
Śăļvõö Posted August 18, 2015 Author Posted August 18, 2015 I would personally upload these files individually. Having all these files into one pack would be a bit confusing. In that case I will update the files which have been already published and not add them in the pack, so I reduce the number, and I subdivide them in three packs. The first pack of ten characters is with the following robed Jedi Knights :barabel jedibattledroid jedigamorrean jediyarael poof jedi for jk2Toshi's Luke RobedAcklay Jedi robedRaptor Jedi robedChancellor Robed (and Hooded)aqualish jedic3po jediwatto robed The second pack is made of reskins :grievous reskinfour armed grievous reskinYoda episodes V-VIEp. VII stormtrooper reskinChancellor Palpatine reskinEwoks reskinDarth Sidious reskinMace Windu ReskinAcklay reskinSenate Emperor reskin Various frankensteinings belong to the third pack :barabel mercenarybattledroid c3pohan solo stormtrooperHan Solo- Carkoon Pit suiteNew grievous model (not mine) with new capeEp.2 Watto This 3 packs will be released separately and might be updated in the time I'll be working for them. I still accept requests, even if someone wants a jk2 model entirely converted (as it is,not modified) to jk3 or vice-versa. So I'll release a pack with converted models from jk2 to jk3 and vice-versa. I have already made the jk2 tusken by major clod for jk3. I'll do this with others models, when possible, if requested: otherwise, this last pack won't be released. In that case, I will provide you a link of that tusken I made anyway because I heard it could be useful, and I think this of other models in order to facilitate frankensteining work for beginners, using already converted models. If someone is interested, some time ago I made a Doctor Curt Connors (LIzard) from Spiderman with a frankensteining. It is not so good and it isn't Star Wars, but if someone wants it, tell me and I'll give you a Dropbox Link for it. Here is an image : Continue writing requests, probably I'll find some interesting I never thought of, and enrich my content, maybe making another pack of models (I hope) @@Barricade24 Hope all this is good for you, on the other hand, 10 models per pack aren't too much Barricade24 likes this
z3filus Posted August 18, 2015 Posted August 18, 2015 He tried, but if it is not good he couldn't do better, hope it is good according to you... once again you've taken someone elses photoshop work and just added contrast to it, same as with the EA quigon, that you used, this is EA windu. Put some more effort to it dude.
Śăļvõö Posted August 18, 2015 Author Posted August 18, 2015 once again you've taken someone elses photoshop work and just added contrast to it, same as with the EA quigon, that you used, this is EA windu. Put some more effort to it dude. I'm sorry,man, you're wrong ! That was made with Windows Paint, and I'm not kidding, from a normal image, nothing more. Infact, despite it is however good, it has a lot of pixels. This is what I know about it. I'm not lying.
Rayce Posted August 18, 2015 Posted August 18, 2015 You need Gimp. It's 1,000 times better than paint. JAWSFreelao, Barricade24, Langerd and 1 other like this
Barricade24 Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 You need Gimp. It's 1,000 times better than paint. This times 10,000! JAWSFreelao likes this
Onysfx Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 Haven't tried Gimp myself yet, I think I should give it a try next time I want to edit a photo. Cerez and JAWSFreelao like this
Barricade24 Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 Haven't tried Gimp myself yet, I think I should give it a try next time I want to edit a photo.Indeed. Take it from someone who used to use paint, GIMP is far more superior. Cerez likes this
Śăļvõö Posted August 20, 2015 Author Posted August 20, 2015 I know you are bored of my robed models, but I think this old project I found would be interesting to play with... In fact I'll make a more interesting frankensteining, an Episode 2 Watto, hoping I can make it almost as the original, together with a little reskin : Cerez and krkarr like this
Bart Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 Out of curiosity, wouldn't you try to rework Saesee Tiin (Iktotchi) in Jedi robes? As you might probably see, there is a small bug within the model. It works fine everywhere, but if you open your .glm in Blender, and try to do anything, it seems like head_horns UV mapping is bugged and it's impossible to export the model back after some changes.
Kualan Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 Out of curiosity, wouldn't you try to rework Saesee Tiin (Iktotchi) in Jedi robes? As you might probably see, there is a small bug within the model. It works fine everywhere, but if you open your .glm in Blender, and try to do anything, it seems like head_horns UV mapping is bugged and it's impossible to export the model back after some changes. Yeah, seen this as well. No idea what is causing the bug but it would be great if someone was able to explain/fix it. @Śăļvõö can you let us know how you overcame this error? It seems specific to the Saesee Tiin model, but I see you successfully used Blender to make this: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2191-saesee-tiin-in-jedi-robes/
Bart Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 Yeah, seen this as well. No idea what is causing the bug but it would be great if someone was able to explain/fix it. I guess it's some sort of problem with exporting JK2 models. I tried to fix it for my friend, but just couldn't do it, especially with no knowledge on Blender and just testing it randomly, lol.
Kualan Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 I guess it's some sort of problem with exporting JK2 models. I tried to fix it for my friend, but just couldn't do it, especially with no knowledge on Blender and just testing it randomly, lol. It's specific to the horns surface of the Saesee Tiin model. I've been able to import/export other JK2 models like Eeth Koth and Jabba the Hutt with no trouble (just involves a workaround).
Śăļvõö Posted August 22, 2015 Author Posted August 22, 2015 Yeah, seen this as well. No idea what is causing the bug but it would be great if someone was able to explain/fix it. @Śăļvõö can you let us know how you overcame this error? It seems specific to the Saesee Tiin model, but I see you successfully used Blender to make this: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2191-saesee-tiin-in-jedi-robes/ You need UV mapping, however @@Jeff did it,because even I couldn't solve this. Ask him
Bart Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 It's specific to the horns surface of the Saesee Tiin model. I've been able to import/export other JK2 models like Eeth Koth and Jabba the Hutt with no trouble (just involves a workaround).Interesting. You had the same problem when trying to frankenstein Saesee from the scratch? Oh, just seen the post above. @@Jeff, any hope for a miracle?
Kualan Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 Interesting. You had the same problem when trying to frankenstein Saesee from the scratch? Oh, just seen the post above. @@Jeff, any hope for a miracle? Yep, I've tried it from both the original JK2 model and the edited JK3 one. Same problem with both. I mean, the error itself explains the problem - there is a "vertex without UV coordinates". But I can't for the life of me figure out which vertex it is referring to. Even doing a Google search for that exact error quote only gives two (two!!!) results. One of which is a topic on this very website about that model!!!
Bart Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 Yep, I've tried it from both the original JK2 model and the edited JK3 one. Same problem with both. I mean, the error itself explains the problem - there is a "vertex without UV coordinates". But I can't for the life of me figure out which vertex it is referring to. Even doing a Google search for that exact error quote only gives two (two!!!) results. One of which is a topic on this very website about that model!!! So it seems we discovered a kind of Holy Graal for Blender modelling...Except it's the negative opposite.
Veosar Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 I have to disappoint you guys, you're not first . Ask @@mrwonko, he is the one who made Blender exporter after all. I had similiar issue some time ago, it's all about remaking UV Map from what I remember, but I'm not sure about that.
mrwonko Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 Ask @@mrwonko, he is the one who made Blender exporter after all.No, please don't! Writing the exporter was enough work, now I need to support it as well? Why did nobody tell me?!? Veosar, Bart, Kualan and 1 other like this
Kualan Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 Help us @@mrwonko , you're our only hope. Śăļvõö likes this
mrwonko Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 Help us @@mrwonko , you're our only hope.Oh I'd have such an inappropriate response to that. But rules & common decency etc... ... stop derailing the thread! JAWSFreelao likes this
Jeff Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 Interesting. You had the same problem when trying to frankenstein Saesee from the scratch? Oh, just seen the post above. @@Jeff, any hope for a miracle? You need UV mapping, however @@Jeff did it,because even I couldn't solve this. Ask him I'm trying to remember what I did, it has to do with UV's and I think remaking it worked. But any changes after that caused the issue again.
Bart Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 I'm trying to remember what I did, it has to do with UV's and I think remaking it worked. But any changes after that caused the issue again. So basically... Every time you change something in that model you have to remake the UVs on the Iktotchi's horns? @@Jeff
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