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DF2 Mod

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I would like to continue with the DF2 mod in whatever way it may happen as I thought with the 2 of us working together we could have made it happen for sure. It was though a lot of content that needed to be made since we started from nothing as there are no good DF2 characters or maps already.

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I'm all for it, I'm just curious what your intentions are.


Mainly sharing of code. Obviously, DF2 Mod would have its own fork. That, and the sharing of any HD assets that are created for JKA & JK2. I suppose both things could be done without a merge, I just kinda thought it would be cool to add DF2 Mod to JK:Enhanced. :P

Jeff, LucyTheAlien and Circa like this
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At this point I'm not even sure what merging means. JK: Enhanced supposedly enhances the already existing JK games, but DF2 Mod is a remake, not an enhancement of an already existing game. But again, I don't know how things work here. I wouldn't mind DF2 Mod (which I really want) to be based on JKE and have its features, but I don't think it should be included as part of JKE... "series", if that's what you had in mind (there seems to be a verb missing in the first sentence of the OP). But JKE having enhanced versions of JO and JA while DF2 Mod being something like JKE: DF2 could work, I suppose.

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Thanks for the compliment @@Archangel35757 but Im not sure if I can handle the star wars style of maps :P


You can ofcourse make it yourself more easy if you use stuff from different star wars games and remake them or when you have rend2, you can just use their buildings/levels as ase models and clip it.


But then again thats not that fair to do.. Another thing thats possible is make presets like battlefield does. Buildings/objects that repeat through different maps on unique terrains so the maps could become somethin like battlefronts or halos maps. And no idea what DF2 is at all :P


That was also what I was hoping to do, making prefabs o buildings then making a terrain, fill it with water, trees, rocks, other folliage and then the presets but I wont do it unless rend2 hits sof2 ^^ otherwise its a waste of time

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It's more work than its worth. I'd need to manually write a .cfg, not to mention animations in SoF2 are named differently. Kyle will need saber/force animations, he gets them later on kinda like JK2.

Ah... I was thinking Dark Forces... not DF2-- still I think bringing in a few SoF2 animations would enhance combat/gameplay.

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I have been playing around putting bf2 assets in maps, My mapping skill is pretty lame at this point otherwise I'd contribute. I have been reading a few tutorials on map building in blender. May be the way to go as radiant is harder to use.


Why do you say that Radiant is harder to use than Blender? It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. It's much faster, in my opinion, to draw out the BSP, apply textures, add lighting, and compile rather than open up a 3D modeling program and model the entire map and hope that the geometry carries over correctly.

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You can ofcourse make it yourself more easy if you use stuff from different star wars games and remake them or when you have rend2, you can just use their buildings/levels as ase models and clip it.

I wouldn't go that far :P You still need the BSP hull (made from brushes) for proper vis.

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Well, I plan on making the game more moddable, so sure, forking my branch might work. I'm actually okay with the idea of merging since it IS JK:Enhanced after all. Good to see that someone finds my codebase useful. :)


I haven't currently forked your code as it's just JK2 stuff and no JKA (extra force powers, 2h sabers, etc) yeah? I did however steal your viewmodel code and made it work without json.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I'm sorry I have been away for this long, the last months were very stressful, I had to get things right with the university, did visit my family here and there, was in holiday, working and trying to get time for myself. So I'm sorry I didn't get you any update, I didn't even had time to map, but I hope you're still interested in this project, as I am. At the moment I'm involved in three projects, and I want to map on them all of course. Unfortunately I don't know how the next months will look like, but I hope I will get the time to work on JKA again, for that's what I really want to do :)


I hope you guys did well in the last time, projects like that are always hard to handle, especially when some members are inactive (yea, I know :D), but when the work goes on and one sees the first efforts, it's just great, espacially when you share it with other people. So, I hope this goes on and I can map in the next days, at the moment I'm ill since more than two weeks, thanks to my work in the kindergarden, where someone is always ill :D


Go on and best regards


Setlec, Circa and Bek like this
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