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R.M.S. Titanic - AngelModder

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I will keep this teaser short and simple as the pictures say it all... The R.M.S. Titanic will include 6 varieties.

At sea Titanic High end -  This will have interior (most of this is finished just needs some finishing touches.)


At seat Titanic Low end - No interior

At sea Olympic High end - This will have interior (most of this is finished just needs some finishing touches.)


At sea Olympic Low end - No interior.


Sinking - This is a accurate depiction of the sinking, it breaks, its light go out (using a shader change to make all the glow maps shut off just before she breaks) The funnels fall accurately, and this does include an interior. She also strikes the iceberg and from there takes the full time to sink. I felt keeping the sinking time realistic allows people to experiance what such a horrific event in maritime history would have been like. The lifeboats disapear after she strikes the iceberg and re-appear out in the water in the proper order and at the proper times they were launched. 

Sinking low end - same as the above but the only interior is as the junction where she breaks just directly forward of the third funnel and is purely for an asthetic touch


At this point and time I am not revealing how much of the interior is going to be shown, but let me just say its almost as much as the virtual sailor model. the ship is built exactly to scale and according to the ships line plans, meaning theirs only a 70 foot spot (where the engines set between funnel 3 and 4 thats acctualy perfectly level design wise, the rest of the ship curves high to the bow and to the stern accurately. This map was said by many to be impossible to build... After 7 years of trial and error here it is. To be released on April 10th 2014.... Are you ready to go back to Titanic? 














Merek, Unifermius, Futuza and 12 others like this
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That FPS is a little worrying.

Let me clarify this is not a perfect map.. if you have a old school low end machine don't even try it... If you have less then me again dont try this map...

My computer sux, It's state are garbage were talking I3 3 gigs of ram and a POS graphics chip. Now 30 fps ='s most peoples 90 for me... 10-15 ='s about 40-60 for most folks. Ive had some mid and high end machines test this. The mid level was a i5 4 gigs of ram and a 1 half 1 gig graphics card. and the high end was a 17 with 8 gigs ram and a 2 gig graphics card... nei9ther one of them experienced any low frame rates, the lowest reported was around in the 70's with 10 people in the server during the sinking variety  which is the most fps demanding since the exterior/interior can not vis from each other due to them being entities. Comparatively this map is as demanding as Blueice twilight v2. The day time versions are better as the exterior/interior area vis'd off from one another.


Also another note, I was using JA++ post processing and Qeffects pro during that interior shot...

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why don't you vis like a normal human being and stop blaming the machines...ffs this should be a walk in the park to PVS...

You know you seem allot more intelligent when you don't speak. If you had read the posts above and or knew any real technical skill involving maps you would not have even posted this "attempt to belittle my technical skill". So instead I will simply use my vernacular skills and express that obviously you pay attention to nothing and that is why in my opinion this has got to be the most ignorant post I have seen to date. And I've seen plenty in my days among map-craft.

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Why not make everything else besides the boat an entity? That way A) the boat collision would be smoother and B) you can vis the boat properly. ~25 FPS is borderline unplayable, let alone 11.

Again you have failed to read any thing... secondly why the hell would I make everything else and entity the "SHIP" its not a boat is what sinks, the iceberg moves TO the ship creating the illusion its moving and striking the iceberg. From there the entire ship has to sink... inside and out.. There are no openable doors as the ship is a func static that is sinking, so theirs no areaportals, Other vis techniques would be rendered pointless as a func static is a detail and can not block any other detail brushes from drawing...



Any ways I have deadlines to meet and I lack the time nor will to teach you.

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Uhhm dude Ive been mapping and modding since JKO XD! I learned mapping for JKO/JA from darth G and Lizard King... Half the tuts that were on map-craft I re-wrote when he was putting up the site :o.. So Im not exactly a new hot shot... I was once part of JKG, until SJC pissed me off with his work ethic LOL.

You quoted the wrong person there. :P


And yes, calming down would be a great thing here. For both of you.


AngelModder and AshuraDX like this
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vis also includes hinting.

I'm not going to respond anymore at this point though, no point in doing so until you at least calm down.

Wow, you come at me like a dick and then when I prove a point you toss out a peace of pointless irrelevant information I already know and then tell me to calm down when obviously your the ignorant on here. Dude I remember you from map-craft. On that note Ill say no more, just keep your opinions to your self unless you know what the hell your talking about... If you knew any thing about this renderer, qeffects,vising,entity work, and or how thats' also effected by multiple players and low end machines etc... you wouldn't have even posted the bs you did above... Next time you wanna give me and idea, do it without the attitude. 

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To be truthful, I don't really remember ever being on Map-Craft. I did a search through my email, and neither "map-craft" or "map craft" brought up any results, which means I either deleted the map-craft registration email (i don't normally delete that stuff though, but maybe) or it went to my Junk mail and was swept by the system. I do believe you though, as I have a tendency to be a dick to people and fuck shit up majorly. I apologize for that, but it's part of my nature. I would've changed the post, had you not quoted it/seen it already.


Anyway, I think the approach you are taking with the ship is wrong. Instead of the ship being a moving entity, the water and everything else ought to be moving, for the reasons I stated above. The argument you stated above isn't really valid, because it doesn't actually make any sense. For example, in the Flintstones and other older cartoons, the background is moving when there is high velocity movement (ie, the Flintstones' vehicle), instead of the actual people moving onscreen. Now granted, we're working with the Titanic here and not The Flintstones, but the same principle could apply here too.


I suppose that would depend on the angle that you take with the ship. If you're going for something like James Cameron's film, this would be difficult and look very bad, especially with the ship splitting in half. But you could also try a different approach here as well, by making a teleporter system that transports the player to different versions of the interior: one for vertical, one for half-way vertical, one for the ship-split occurring and one for "normal". In these sections, the ship would slowly change to match the variations in the different sections. Unfortunately this is going to not be perfectly seamless, which I imagine is what you were going for.


To accomplish this, it'd require some pretty complicated ICARUS scripts, but it's feasible. First, the easy bits: you'd need to change the target/targetname of the main teleporter that leads into the ship's interior, and the destination when leaving. Easy enough, I suppose. But then you would have to worry about the actual people in the interiors, they would need to move too. So, you might make a giant teleporter in those interior sections that remains deactivated until you need to actually swap. There would be a scriptrunner as well which gets run, and calculates the position of the destination (in the next interior section) based on 8 ref_tags which are at the vertices of the triggers. From these ref_tags, get the position of the activator and add it to the origin of the next section's ref_tags, taking into account the angle of the ship.


Now, that's all supposing that you actually do get FPS issues. Like you say above, others get better FPS on your maps, but I'm still a little concerned about the FPS and entity counts (and to a lesser extent, the actual choppiness of collision due to JA's fantabulous collision prediction system) because it's a giant func_static being moved as opposed to a section of BSP that has a background around it. I suppose this is all contingent on the level of detail used in the interior, but I digress.

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To be honest I don't really see how fps would effect a map like this that much anyway - it doesn't seem like a map I would ever play very competitevly since I hardly doubt the level would be designed to be balanced and have good flow since the Titanic isn't built that way in the first place.  That's not necessarily a bad thing since that doesn't really seem to be the focus of this map.  However, as eezstreet has mentioned, if there are ways to improve fps - that's always good no matter what kind of map.

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JKG Developer

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My FPS in MBII drops to around 20 in firefights (on DOTF).


My specs:


ATI radeon x1200

AMD Turion x2 @1.90GHz


I can tell I'm going to get a huge FPS drop on this map. People complain saying 30-40FPS is low in MBII...that annoys the crap out of me. I drop down to 12FPS consistently, and still play. Not to mention the constantly throttling of my internet speed by BELL down to 1KB/s during gameplay...


Also, I would suggest making some of the doors swung open in the titanic (since you can't make them seperate entities in a sinking ship), ya know, so people can still enter some rooms, that would be cool :).

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