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Ice Station Wampa

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I may use this. Story wise I'm not sure a portrait of the Emperor is something this guy would want since he is trying to assassinate him but you never know! 


That is a good idea about the screen captures and stuff. I don't have Photoshop but I'm sure I can find a Gimp tutorial on it. 

put throwing knives in it, or blaster shot decals over his face XD

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What WOULD be cool would be to have that image hanging on a wall. Really large, in a dark room with spotlights on it and one spot light where you would stand to view it. Kinda like where this guy goes to vent his frustration.Then, there could be a speech that the Commander gives to the painting as to why he will be dethroned and and all that. This would make a wonder ending scripted scene. Then Kyle walks in...

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To get a gradient light, you can adapt this shader:

(To not have it flickering, simply remove the animmap line)




	qer_editorimage textures/bootland/lampshader
//	qer_trans 1
	cull none
	surfaceparm	trans
	surfaceparm	nonsolid
	surfaceparm	nonopaque
		map textures/bootland/lampshader
	animmap 16 textures/bootland/lampshader.tga textures/bootland/lampshader2.tga




Two gradient .tga files with an alpha channel like this (and this) was used here:



They can be textured on a simple re-shaped box.

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To get a gradient light, you can adapt this shader:

(To not have it flickering, simply remove the animmap line)




	qer_editorimage textures/bootland/lampshader
//	qer_trans 1
	cull none
	surfaceparm	trans
	surfaceparm	nonsolid
	surfaceparm	nonopaque
		map textures/bootland/lampshader
	animmap 16 textures/bootland/lampshader.tga textures/bootland/lampshader2.tga




Two gradient .tga files with an alpha channel like this (and this) was used here:



They can be textured on a simple re-shaped box.



I don't think I'm going to use this on the museum but I think I'm going to replace some spotlights in the non-imperial sections of the project with it. It'll fit better. 

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I just sort of skimmed over your posts Jeff. Is your mod based on Strange Brew filmed in Prince George B.C.? I do like your level so far. Curious to see what you have in mind for gameplay.


Yeah, same movie. I thought they filmed most of it in Ontario, though. That is besides the point. There is also quite a bit of Black Mesa influence in it as well. I wanted to try to make more real life areas with Star Wars stuff in it.


Originally, I wanted this to based more on Breaking Bad in regards to blue meth and these Imperials are making it and selling it across the galaxy using Rodian smugglers. By the time it got to making a meth lab it was getting to be too difficult. Most images I saw were of home labs and the images for Walter White's lab were good but the understanding of it wasn't there. I've seen Strange Brew a bazillion times since I was 6 so I'm familiar with the story so I  decided to change my story to beer instead of drugs and kinda mirror the film. My ending had to be changed, also.


These changes only affected my first map, the Rodian Outpost. I had to change some stuff and allude to the beer instead of the drugs. Not a big deal. Maps two, three, and four were finished before story change but really have very little to do with the new story. They are there to show more of an Imperial footprint. It isn't until the end of four and throughout map five that more information of the plot will be revealed with map six being the microbrewery itself. As of now I am working on the level where we finally work our way to head of it all. 


This project is to have 6, possible 7 maps (5 are done) that is designed for first person/guns only. I've modified ammo counts, health, and limited the amount of power ups and ammo found throughout the maps. Weapons types are limited, too. This isn't going to be a player has all the advantages custom level. All the NPC's are scripted and they have better aim, more aggression, and quite a few Stormtroopers use alt-fire. The first level is easy then it gets a bit trickier. For a good experience your going to need the Ultimate Weapons Mod and Hapshash's Stormtroopers and Officers because those 3 make it that much better to play.


As far as gameplay its all single player. If you mean what do you expect to encounter in the game? then, its pretty straightforward and linear. There will be computer screens you access throughout and you will gain information on what is actually going on here. Some of the information you access are e-mails between people within the facility and you get to read personal messages between friends and stuff. Really makes you feel guilty about blasting people after reading those. You may have to turn on a ceiling crane and jump on a crate it is carrying to traverse a gorge. Well, you do. 


Once it is released someone else can make MP maps out this if they want. There are some areas that would be good for dualing. I'd also say probably there is potential for maybe 4 or more free for all maps as well with some modification. Hell, maybe more.


I'm pretty much accomplishing what I want in regards to the abilities I have and all the people who have contributed with ideas, textures, models, shaders, and general help. I think these 6 or 7 maps are going to be it for me and then I may download Blender.  :

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Never thought I'd actually ever get to this point, but, I am done with all my rooms I wanted to make in this project. No more new architecture. No more redesigning paths for the player to take. Its all done. This isn't to say I'm finished, but, its a lot of smaller stuff now. This is mainly going back to the older maps and fixing some lighting, textures, and stuff i learned how to make better in the later maps that also appear in the earlier ones.

I still have to write out my final cutscene and get that scripted. Have a pretty good idea for really cool ending scene.


These will be the last two shots for a while I guess. Just a hallway and Commanders office.








Once again, the desk shows up better in game. The carpet is a new texture from someone on Deviantart I think. I'm honestly looking at having nearly 50 sources to cite for all these freaking textures I used. There are 326 all new textures and about 20 new shaders. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I completed the changes to the first level, although I did not change the opening crawl yet. I have a roq video I edited from the game to include as well. I know this is in Kejim scripts so I'll probably do this last. I'm about halfway through level 2 now. 


This is the biggest change I had to make, the cargo area. I redid the overhead crane, the lighting, merged the two areas together, added more cargo and added more Rodians. 





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I added a Double Dragon and Mortal Kombat game in there since my token machine didn't work out to well. 




I still have to add the table legs since I totally forgot them. Going to put in some tv's on the wall and figure out a better sign. I decided on Emperor's Wok. Sign says Hunan, Cantonese, Szechuan,   Dine in or take-out,  Phone# KL5-5555. I may just go with a longer text sign above the yellow lights and put in two more menu item images.





Looks nice !

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Well, things are going much more swimmingly than I thought going through the old maps. I'm nearing completion of map 5, which contains part of the previous map and part of the lab/testing area of the station. Only a few more slight tweeks and I'm up to the final map, the brewery. Hurray! Most of the changes involved textures, adding in some details, tinkering with npc placement and count, as well as trying to fix some other issues that happened to crop up. I should be on the final map this weekend.


There is still a bit to do there, though. 


Here are some shots from the more utilitarian areas of the station. 




If you go back and look in early posts was the reactor area which i didn't care for. When i found that the shuttle model fit, I decided to make a landing pad there instead.  There is a fuel tank and on top of the platform there is actually a re-fueling hose I made with cylinders, vertex editing, and some imagination! You navigate some pipes below this to get to the next area. 





This is a security/control room just before the hangar area. Made some servers or mainframes, doesn't matter, in the back there with some texture from Carin. There are computers and other stuff up there too but you'll have to play it to see it all.


Both of these areas were built about 4-5 months ago.

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If anyone has one lying around, I'm looking for a shader that would look good for a computer terminal. Something that glows or gets the players attention. It would be for the e-mail/message terminals the player can access throughout the facility. If anyone has anything let me know.

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The following link contains maps 1-4 of my project if anyone wants to test it out. You need Jedi Outcast. This contains the Rodian Outpost, Waste Facility, and the Upper and Lower sections of the Imperial Base. These are also only test compiles, not final.




There is a README file in there so please read it all. Its short and will explain stuff.


Maps 5 and 6 will not be available until the project is released. This is all you are getting.

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Yesterday started the finalization of map 6, the last one. Yippee! Now that I have pallets of beer riding a conveyor belt through the storage areas it looks really neat. Going to be quite a bit of movement in this last map.  I've had several weeks of not looking at the brewery level I finished so now my brain is seeing things I didn't see I could do before. 


On top of that I'd like to thank @Onysfx@Boothand (Who actually did a live video playthrough!) for their help in testing my project and finding some stuff I may have overlooked.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Still going through the final map. I'm not sure what I did this time around but I'm nearing 15,000 brushes and still haven't hit my max shader error I usually get around 12,000 brushes. I only have several more areas to finish up so it is moving along.


The first image is just a small storage area. You'll actually crawl through that ductwork in the game. The second image are hops storage silos (st least the tops of them) that you'll see in passing through the fenced catwalk.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Just another update since its been a few weeks. Thanks to @ZeroRaven and his post about some obscure texture pack that I used the wayback machine to look for just to see if I can, I found some new textures to use for pipes, crates, and some other odds and ends. Pipes looks the best, though.


I'm now on now finishing detailing the microbewery floor, which is the second to last area to finish. I have to get the bottles to go along the conveyor belt and have the beer cases move along their path. After this, will be the final part of the entire project. Our player meets who is in charge of this whole thing. 


Then its npc's & computer terminal messages and this one should be finished. 

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The map reminds me of Black Mesa, in Half Life.


I really like the Black Mesa design quite a bit so I thought where I could I'd incorporate it into whatever I can. I found a free use stucco texture then made a stripe on it like in Black Mesa textures, although my textures are a bit cleaner since this facility isn't old like Black Mesa is. In certain areas I wanted to keep it true to the Raven design like when using the Kejim wall textures and how hallways were designed. In some areas Black Mesa's design was much better in regards to more utilitarian areas. This project is really a cross between the two.

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Tested out the bottling line in game last evening and it looks freaking awesome! Every 48 units there is a path_corner and each path_corner is assigned a func_train which is the beer bottle model. Then, linked together, I have a perfectly flowing bottle line. 

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Here's two images with the bottles in motion.




This shot above shows the bottles with the Palp's Blue Ribbon on coming out of the filling and lableing machine. 





This shows the bottles on their way to the filling and labling machine coming from the bottle making machine. Having very little photoshopping skills I just renamed some glass texture I found on Google Images and added it to @Boothand 's bottle MD3 and I have my bottle that isn't filled. It's pretty basic but it works for what is needed. 


I have one more func_trail to make and that will be the glass blocks that go into the bottle making machine. That one will be much more simple than the bottles.

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