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Legacy Of Kain Mod

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Do you Know?
Legacy of Kain is an old saga of 5 adventures game of 1995-2003, Blood Omen, Blood Omen 2, Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance.
Was become by silicon knight, after by eidos interactive and at the end the the story end with an open cutted final.
Now square enix has doing a game about legacy of kain world, but is a moba complety disconneted by the trama of old games.
I am doing my project as hobby by six years, but only in the last years i found a truly help that boost my realizzations.
this is the story of LOK for people that not know the game:

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eidos never product rthe sequel, the dark prphecty,
so the story, never be ended.
defiance has a gameplay VERY VERY simnilar to jedi academy.
And so this is my idea:;
a mod conversion of JA, that allow to kain to end his task.
i am working abount that by years.
at moment i am doing the md3 map object.,
i have already all enemyes of souol reaver 2, blood onme n 2 and defiance animated and workied as NPC for the game.
the project is very ambitious: some material i found in the Blood Omnicide project, a 3d remake of blood omen.
i have a large amount of materials
but i am alone on that.
If someone can help me i be very grateful.
The trouble is ...
the code.
because my project is a SP.
and i need to do some manipulation of thre code.
I have already replaced ALL weapons of SW and all Force powers, in sound and effect, for making the vampiric spells or the elemental shot.
this is the list of what i need.
i am not good to code, i am simply a newbie, and i have very troulbe of heal in real life that slow me very fast. at the end, for me this is an hobby.
But if someone can help me with something i credits and be ever grateful.
Sorry for my bad english.
Here there is what i need:

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Well... i post here, for having some idea, or help for doing that's things on my expansion.
sorry, but i am ALONE with thgis project, i have just a friend at moment that help me with graphics.
news powers can be used by item dislocated in the level

Edited by Asgarath83

Uhm, sorry, i pasted somethings, of My notes about the project, asgarath and rekius are two reavers like raziel.

is a long story. I am sorry for error of digitation, i am reduce by an influence, and in every case, i have some problems of heals, so when i digit on the keyword i shake my hands. :\

Try to not anger with me for that. :\


That's really hard to read.


I have a few LoK models and I'm a fan of the series, the 2 I made are Kain (soul reaver-defiance version) and a vampire raziel. A friend (Corto) made the wraith raziel. None are in game but if you find someone to finish them up I'll let them go.

Asgarath83 and therfiles like this

Well, in original, i using the Kain Raziel XIII models, yes, as the first release, maaaany years ago. i use for making

some wraiths of Alliance as raziel descendent.

yes the mod shoul be a great show,

the models i am using now are the original models ripped by the game. is a freeamatortial project and i will credits the software hgouse.

some models i recretae in HD (soul reaver 1 corrupted vampires zephonim clan was the more BAD to do.)

they passed ten years, the eidos not has more the right of lok, now they go the square enix and square enix is now busy in the new game of nosgoth. The mod is freeware so what's is the problem? O.o Models of defiance, soul reaver 2 and bo2 are very nice

and detailed. i get some issue in the physic and weight, but they work on modview all pretty wells.

And yes, should be a great show, i am trying to contonue a story ended ten years ago.

Ashura: NO, i am not using google traslate, is my bad english. sorry -_-

Minis: at moment i not need models, the unique model i need is the Hylden King, but a friend is still working on that. also for external

of Vorador Mansions, and for a Soul Chatjhedral created on the ruin of Sanctuary of clan of soul reaver as residence of the wraith clan. how is possible that's be other wraiths i explain at the end of the story. Elder God jokes. >_>


However, my more horrible trouble is for the coding, because i am a disaster like coder and SP code is again a new

territory for every programmers. :\

f someone can give me a little hand on the code, can contact me.

i NOT want someone do the job for me,. is not correct. but if someone can explain me how to create the class damage weapon, the saber charging reaver and the new force power\dark gifht of vampires with a tables like that:




i use visual studio 2010 and open jk code.


i l know some rudiment of C++ but i am not a programmer.

in real life i am a science fiction writer, but the book i publish for moment is not again traslated in english. is in a leterary banishment.

if goes to final, (12th of 64 places in top ten ... i need again a 50 of votes >_> ) maybe i can do a translation. Italian market of book is saturing and sf is not a kind of book for my land. ._. and really, i not like much to live and to be italian, but i cannot change that, sorry.



Here a screnshot of a model: is a pries of avernus of defiance, of the Mortanius cultist of Hash Ak Gik, rigged and animated

with JA skeleton. i do the same thing with ALLs lok models O.o i pass all summer to do the rig works. now i am doing the MD3 objects

for the New temples. flc3.jpg


The first map of the game are the Pillars, obvious, Here Kain start his journey for restore the balance. the pillars appear corrupetd and raised in this map, but i will do ruined and devastated. I think i begin the story with a roq video of cinematic event of the end of defiance and after with an arrive of kain in the area with the Bat Forms. after, a biiiig battle Kain vs some legions of Hyldens and Demons. and at the end, a cutscene with Ariel ghost and, later, with the Hylden Seer (blood omen 2 game) the Seer is the guide for Kain for give istruction about the action for rebuild the pillars and return to the original era of soul reaver. Ariel sure not help kain. was little furious for the missing immolation of his young contropart of this era. XD.




Eh? i do the mod for hobby, passion, challenge my brain and for do a sequel amatorial of defiance.

i have already all game of Lok saga in my pc, in english and italian language. Is not possible, however to rip a lok map, also using the toools of thelostworlds site like modelex, that can be used for rip map object, or NPC or map of soul reaver 2 and 1 game.

in the case of game of soul reaver 1, of 1999, map can be easy converted by 3ds exported with model ex 3 into blender, and by blender to quake 3 map format. i do a try with the old raziel castle of razielhim clan, and this work nice. pity is all triangulate and need a looong texturing work LOL. O.o also because texture of sr1 are really of baaad quality if confrontation with modern graphic.

Soul reaver 2: map can be exporrted ion collada format by model ex 4. also artifact. for map object blender, can convert after in glm format, and so i import in 3d max, fix the objescts, convert in md3 format or in case on NPC, after root and skinning with JA skeleton, in XSI -> carcass -> GLM. this work very fine!

For map of soul reaver 2, the trouble is: the map are all structural and triangulated, so have too much vertexes., also, in converting in Quake format map, they .... and, become devastated LOl, all triangles and primitives go a part and map is a chaos of triangles in radiant LOL. this is because the maps of soulk reaver 2, but also defiance and bo2 (of that last 2 game not exist a ripping program, is possible to use 3dripper, but rthe result is not much good, 3dripper is good just for take the enemies and the objects, biut the NPC need to be rooted and this is a very BAAD work, for my lucky, a friend help me to root all NPCs and monster of bo2 and defiance O.o ) well, how i told, defiance and bo2 have the same trouble.

the maps are too many complex in terms of polygon, mesh etc etc, because are not the map project, but the compiled map ripped file,. so the unique fin is to recreate on radiant the location of Legacy. O.o

My friend has help me to do as md3 and also a map file, the Nupraptor Retreat that's appear in blood omen, the first game of saga. blood omen was in 2d , so NOT exist a 3d version of nupraptor retreat dungeon LOL. in any place, not rexist. there is a project of rremake of lok blood omen: blood omnicide. team is very kind and the map of pillars is the 3d remake of blood omnicide.

That's is the trouble.

LOL, some location of Nosgoth are very... nasty to recreate. :\

also using JA map and crediting the autors, is very problematic because the places are however very different.

in every case, was better to redo the map, the original map are copyrighted by eidos square enix. so can get some troulbe to using.

in every cose, is impossible to use the map of original games. except the soul reaver maps, but the soul reavers map are very bad with the texturing. the game is pretty OLD. :\

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/13/2013 at 5:09 PM, ChalklYne said:

Mini's back!

*look busy*


Good to see you man! Damnitt!




That was so well executed that I would be willing to lend my services once you got the ball rolling. Good show.

emmm, sorry for my bad english, can yu be more clear about this expression? O.o

  On 10/24/2013 at 7:26 PM, Asgarath83 said:

emmm, sorry for my bad english, can yu be more clear about this expression? O.o

He means when you show some progress, he will be glad to help you.


ChalklYne likes this
  On 10/24/2013 at 7:37 PM, Circa said:

He means when you show some progress, he will be glad to help you.

ah, well, okay. i end 2 fase of work and i realize a little trailer of mod with Kain, Raziel and same enemy.

But really, what i need more of every other thing? a coder that help me with Power of force i need and for the weapon class differenzial dmg, and some modificatiojn to weapons code. okay, wait. i show you a large amount of material ASAP. :)


Sorry for late. at moment i am working about the sword and blades of my mod. when i end all blade i can config the NPC and SAB files, and so i can do some video of testroom with character for show to you. I hope yu enjoy the work. See ya soon. :) I need again to do the blade of soul reaver 2, blood omen 2 and defiance. If not, my NPC with what fight? With melee? i think is not the kind of video you wanna see. LOL.

See later. :D

After this work, will come the time of the coding ... (aaargh! *scream like the Scream of Munch* ) and for coding i will need really some help, oh poor me. :\ Well, except the force powers, i not need strong hacking of modification. it's just some change to weapons trappedeffects, the class damage function added to the game for all weapons and not all for demp2. for the new dark gift \ force power i suppose i can manage via Behaved \ Icarus with a particular game system. :) 

Really are too much complicated to do at moment. the single player source code is again unknown. I need some experienced and talented help and at moment only MP code is knew for well.

Well, see when i end the weapons. Ciao!

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, but can we get a few spoiler tags in that first post so this thing isn't so ridiculous to scroll through? My mousewheel started smoking.

Circa likes this

Done :)

Now i have at good point for map object so i am working for efx of elemental reavers and swords. it's take a large amount of time because after i need to configure all SAB, NPC, and SHADER files, but after i can work about code. :)


After i am ending that's part, i make some video using my testroom and some original Map of JA for testing NPC and blade and weapons, so yu can see how is changed the ui, the Menu, the Hud, the effects of weapons, how are the elemental reavers and How are the weapons and force power modded for be elementals shoots and Vampiric Spells.

they are not perfect. for that, i need to change a lot of thing into the code: for correct the issues of Efx of weapons, for add the class damage for elemental vs creature, for make elemental resistance and elemental weakness ton every CLASS of enemy, and for create the missing powers of Vampires and vampires hunters \ sarafans.

Dark magic, against Sacred Magic. :D Very cool.

ChalklYne likes this
  On 11/5/2013 at 8:35 PM, ChalklYne said:

Sorry, but can we get a few spoiler tags in that first post so this thing isn't so ridiculous to scroll through? My mousewheel started smoking.


That, or break up the points by using the "return" key so it's much easier to read, @@Asgarath83. Same goes for all your extremely long posts.  :winkthumb:


  On 11/5/2013 at 10:13 PM, Circa said:

That, or break up the points by using the "return" key so it's much easier to read, @@Asgarath83. Same goes for all your extremely long posts.  :winkthumb:

Oh, My. well, i am famous for the long post also in italian forum. for some utent thatlove the short messages that's is little stressing. LOL.

ehm, well, i have posted so many times that i cannot remember all my long talks. I remember that's hint for future. Thanks Circa. :)

a motivation because i had not do is also because i got problem with the forum interface of JKHUB, is very different of Forumfree.

So i not found the spoiler botton LOL. i pass ten minutes yesterday for discover that was in special bb codes. :D in the italian forums is at side of QUOTE function. :)


Okay, as i told, i am working with the blade. i am doing the effect of the elemental reavers for the wraith race. here can yu see 2 reaver with their knockback attack: the water reaver, and the eartth reaver. the first reaver give a little tzunami wave into the area that push away the enemy, also damage vampires because water for vampires of Nosgoth are like acid.

The Earth Reaver create huge knockback damage and a little earthquake.




Enjoy! :D I have also done the Dark, light, Fire and Air Sword.

Now i need to do the effect of other swords.

- Spectral: kill the ghosts.

- Spirit: purify by corruption, use sacred damage.

- Hell reaver: an infernal version opf fire reaver i know why i use.

- Sound ReaveR: cutted by sr1, thats sword stun the enemies.

The other elements are hybrid reaver sword and in my project is necessary complete rtasks into dungeons with magic forges for imbue a sword with the power of 2 elements, for example, in the magma forge, need to combine the earth and fire power.

the hybrid reaver are thinked like upgrade to the blades of defiance.

eveyr sword has 2 version, one normal with no knockback and the other charge and with max power with knockback. reavers will exited in battle. more enemy kill, more powerful sword begin, every ten victims, sword can use knockback attack for a lot of seconds. :D XD (i suppose i can make that's with a script. )


Elemental Hybrid reaver:



Smog reaver: create huge cloud of smog. dark + fire together.

Vacuum Reaver: suck the air and pull the enemies. dark + air.

Poison reaver: poison the enemy. dark + water.

Dust reaver: create storm of dust with huge damage, like earth, and knockback, like air.



Lightning reaver: like energy reaver of kain,. the wraith version.

Radiant Reaver: combine fire and light power for create a sword that make plasma damage, and burn enemyes with warm and radiations.

Astral reaver: a sword with power of the dark and light together and effect into the space, and time, end energy.



Warm reaver: fire + air: hot the area with a warm wave that stun enemies.

Magma reaver: more dangerous of fire reaver, a sword with a power of a volcano inside! :D



Fog reaver: create a cloud around for blind the enemies. 

Storm reaver: well, create storm of ligntning and wind upon victims.


Water :

Ice reaver: Frost enemyes.

Crystal reaver: crystallize enemies in glass only an efx, but shoul be cute to see.



Mud reaveR: create a little swamp that slow enemies movement.

Stone reaver. make enemy into stone. convert in stone the flesh hitted. create huge quakes.



Kain Reaver:

after i do that, i need to create 9 blade for the vampire Kain, for the fragment of balance embleme.

the Reaver of Kain have that's powers:

Blood reaveR: drain blood by enemies

Conflict reaver: enflame the nearest. enemy fight each other like mindtrick level 3.

Dimension reaver: create a space distorsion with teleporting effects. I suppose is possible to make a strange effect with multiple Kain ghost md3 model that go to chase enemy araoun area LOL.

Energy reaver: electrocuted the enemyes with yellow lightning.

States reaver: combine power of element for making acid dmg and destroying flesh or coesion of the victims.

Death Reaver: very dangerous. i not need to explain what do, right?

Time reaver: animspeedscale and movespeedscale effect. create distorsion in the Time.

Balance reaver: the last sword is more powerful of all, i have not again idea or how i do, is a sword.


Well, when i finish all that, i configure NPCS and SHADERING, after i am ready for encode.

bye! :)






  • 3 weeks later...

If i can avoid to use kain and raziel original model shoul be better. So if someone can do the models for jedi academy at level of deteaiol of defiance shoul be really a big help. Other NPCs of lok... welll, they are ripped. so i cannot host the ended mod on JKHUB site after i end. but remalke all NPC of Blood omen 2, soul reaver 2 and defiance is pratically impossible and huge works. too many models and animation. So i use the ripped and rooted model of game weighted for JA with the skeleton. :\

Almost Kain and Raziel non original, maybe would be better, yes. :\ but the Kain_RAZIELXIII pack have models ... mmm, they are not much detailed. Kain have not the mouth movement and jaw weight... i wanna something of better. I have the soul reaver and i make alsoi the wraith elemental reavers. :) I am ending just now the efx of States pillars. hug, bleah, puah! Acid explosion of Font of Putrescensce spell. LOL.


Waaaaay back I was thinking about a dual axes special animation. The one where Kain spins around like a blender from the first game. If you are using anything from the first game I'll make that for you.


You can also hit me up about stances for the Reaver sword or other characters.


@@Psyk0Sith nope Kain is not textured , I was going to do so and had quite some progress

I knid of forgot about that , until now


I'll see wether I can find my old psd's and probably get back to it sometime soon

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