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rd-rend2 (old thread)


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Yeah, it seems to work fine but Almighty Gir will know for certain if his model looks correct.



I know most of these I've mentioned before, but here's a list of things I've noticed:


- MD3 misc_model_static aren't using shaders at all (I thought this was a normal map issue, but it's completely not caring there is a shader for a texture it uses)

- Level textures aren't having any specular applied to them

- Grass on Yavin is flat and not standing up

- Some shader animations aren't working


I'd like a guide to getting cubemaps to work. So far, all I've found out in the code is that you need to have misc_cubemap entities.

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That's a list of things I've noticed which includes EVERYTHING I have noticed, mentioned before or not. I'm not going to dive through the thread just to see if something I've noticed has been mentioned before. The last mention I saw of it was December 2013, and anything could have been fixed between then and now that I may not know. ;)

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- MD3 misc_model_static aren't using shaders at all (I thought this was a normal map issue, but it's completely not caring there is a shader for a texture it uses)

- Level textures aren't having any specular applied to them


The same happened to me with a regular misc_model. It didn't seem to accept any influence from mtr files.


When I tried using a specular map on a road, it did apply *something*. What it seemed to do, in a way, was very inverted. It put the darkest spots of my specular map and displayed it all over the texture, except where the sun would reflect, which was close to where I would walk. So it took the black parts of my alpha channel and made that visible, it seemed, which then displayed the black areas of my specular texture which were supposed to be keyed out. That's the way I interpreted it at least, but I couldn't make quite sense out of it either, when inverting the alpha channel and troubleshooting etc. I can't recall exactly what happened.









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@@DT85, you'd know if surface sprites were implemented thats an entire feature ;p


Fixing lightmaps fully and dynamic glow are on xyc's todo list I think for now...


Surface sprites and weather require major rewrite because of how raven implemented them crappily with their own GL pipeline instead of the game's rendering.

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So, I'm ignoring the lightmap problem for now cause that's blocking me from looking at other things.


Just had a look at testing specular for map textures and it seems to work fine. You can also see it using the environment cube maps. Here's a short video.



From left to right, each sphere has an increasing specularity until it becomes really shiny in the last sphere. The first sphere has no specularity, and only diffuse.


I'll release the test map with all the assets at some point so you can see how it's done :)

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