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Star Wars Rebels

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And I would really like to see some in depth stories of the stormtroopers. That would be nice.

This. I loved that part of the Clone Wars. From the looks of it, they may be going with the OT method of making the Stormtroopers look just as dumb as the droids. I really hope I'm wrong because that is very flawed. You don't go from an army of elite soldiers to a bunch of clumsy idiots in a matter of years.

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Thanks for kind words. But that's what I believe.


Empire strikes back had mostly positive reviews if not more. It's just that Episode IV laid the traditions of Star Wars, which are observed in all further materials, be it Knights of the Old Republic, Dark Forces or The Force Unleashed. As for Episode V - people were annoyed by C-3PO. To tell the truth, I remember that people were comparing the protocol droid in ESB to Jar Jar Binks in Episode I.


I like what @@CrimsonStrife says about the show getting darker. It's a interesting trait, which underlines the fact, that the series become more mature, more serious. I rewatched selected episodes from seasons 1-5 (my favourite is Season 3), where we can see, that the first one is more about Clones, Jedi adventures, droids, duels and cool space battles and starships. There is almost no philosophy (even though some stories present challenges of friendship, devotion, etc). At one point the characters begin to grow up, including Anakin and Ahsoka - I guess that's the moment when people started less criticizing her in CW. The show changes significantly by Seasons 5-6, where we see "imperialization", deeper dramas in characters' lives and the closeness of both Episode III and Episode IV, even if it seems strange.


You might notice, that even the music in the show changed from funny, adventurous and sometimes childish songs to more mysterious, unorthodox motives, closer to SW classic soundtrack.




We might expect a bit more about stormtroopers here, but I guess some patterns from the Original Trilogy will prevail - stormtroopers are "personlesss", unlike clones, which gained individuality even being almost identical to each other. Certain memes or new stuff are most likely to appear in the show, but I doubt stormtroopers will ever get off their helmets - that's never happened. At least I can't remember that in any source with them.



Though in Episodes IV and VI certain characters take the armour to disguise themselves. In Episode VI we see as one of the Rebels takes the uniform and helmet from scout trooper.



It is said Billy Dee Williams will participate in the series. I am almost certain Jennifer Hale will kindly provide her wonderful voice for one or more characters in the show. :)

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Personally, I don't mind the new cartoonish style at all. Look at Zelda Wind Waker for instance, the game was quite dark despite the toon graphic style.


The only thing that disappointed me was the script. Far too generic. FAR TOO GENERIC. But perhaps it will get better. Hopefully.


And I would really like to see some in depth stories of the stormtroopers. That would be nice.


Generic indeed, but it's marketed towards kids so they had to keep it simple enough to understand. The Clone Wars had a relatively simple premise also.

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Generic indeed, but it's marketed towards kids so they had to keep it simple enough to understand. The Clone Wars had a relatively simple premise also.


The story shifted towards more seriousness over time. For instance, what do "Banking deregulations" have to do with children? :) What about corruption in the government? These episodes among several others are for older audience, or it seems so. There was even an article that Clone Wars is becoming less an animation and might be considered to be the best political series at the time.


SW Rebels take place 5 years before battle of Yavin. This means, that Ezra Bridger will grow up and become a young man, with his own ideology and principles, formed through struggle against the Empire and Jedi teachings. Episode IV will the peak, just like Episode III was for Clone Wars. It will be the time, when we might even ask questions like "Will Ezra survive up to Episode IV?" or "Why can't we see Kanan near Obi Wan Kenobi?" (the same happened with Ahsoka Tano).

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You're right, @@NumberWan. I tried re-watching the series from the beginning, and I just can't get past the first two seasons. I always end up skipping them and moving to the third. In the first two seasons Ahsoka is very much a child, and story doesn't seem to be pulling in so much as the later seasons. I haven't analysed it detail yet, but I presume this is because the first two are relatively simple in premise, made for children mostly (in a strange/elaborate kind of way), and avoid tackling serious relationships.


Even A New Hope dives into adult themes of personal loss and tragedy, and the prequels deal with political concepts, but the Clone Wars series managed to dive deeper into these themes and present a more personal/engaging and realistic experience. I guess that's why I love Ahsoka's story so much. ^_^


That's why I was sad to see it go, too, especially after things started to get really interesting. David (the director) and the team really took things to the next level, story-wise, and it was really catching on… I'm just glad that in the end they managed to conclude it somehow.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Well, there is one good thing about Clone Wars and its ending for sure: the experience. I mean, that after all these years of work Dave Filoni and his team learnt quite a lot of things about making animated series, working with the animation itself and about Star Wars by the way.


I do hope, they'll use the already proven methods to create the episode of Rebels. I would say, that I feel positive here: just look at the previews and trailers. I saw Ugnaughts, Aqualishes (in a peculiar helmet), Rodians and other species. The clothing style is also to admire: while some characters have something done with their hair (in the background, look precisely), others wear gear and hats, inspired by old concept art for Star Wars IV-VI. 


I myself recognized a helmet (or whatever it is), which can be seen on an older concept art for Obi Wan Kenobi. You can see this here in minifigures released much later, which take upon that early design.

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  • 1 month later...

So... A new sub-era for Star Wars began (or is beginning for some of us). SW Rebels showed the first episodes, and I guess this means, we must change the name of this thread as well - to Star Wars Rebels.


What can I tell? Without spoilering in the very first sentence I would say, that it would be wise to compare it with Clone Wars, to be specific - with the CW movie and the first episode. I must say - they are sooooo simple, naive and even dull compared to the Rebels. I mean it. 


About the plot (spoilers).


The series begin with what most of us already saw in the trailers. We see Ezra and Lothal and this story with the crates, stolen by Kanan and his team. It is revealed, that the team of Ghost is a Star Wars version of Robin Hood - they steal resources like food from the Empire and give it away in a city like Tarkin town (characters comment on this name btw). Ezra is hesitant to join them, and this is a pivotal moment/idea in the first episode - Ezra is close to what Luke Skywalker says in Episode IV - "It's not that I like Empire, I hate it". Truth to be said - most of the Galaxy (as it seemed from the previous SW EU sources like games and books) stays out of Imperial business.


However talks with characters like Hera makes Ezra doubt his way of life.


The first episode includes a few subplots, I would say - the crates mini-story, which introduces the characters, and then the story around wookies and Kessel (as well as a mission to an Imperial spaceship.


The story introduces several minor characters like Imperial officers (all made differently, unlike clones in CW). Agent Kallus is also an interesting guy here, but I won't say more - he shows some really nice traits as a second villain of the Rebels.



Imperial feel (possible spoilers)


I like the idea, that the authors worked hard on understanding the Imperial traditions, rules and design. Stormtroopers are seen for the first time harassing ordinary citizens and aliens. Though we see a predecessor of AT-ST here, they move very much like what we see in Return of the Jedi. TIE fighters fly awesomely. Somehow, when one was destroyed I remembered the good days of playing Rogue Squadron 3D. :)


No significant names of the Empire this time, except for Tarkin and one more guy. :)



Reference to Episodes IV-VI and I-III (minor spoilers):


Most of the even neutral designs use the feel of the Original Trilogy. For instance the city of Lothal boasts the architecture close to Tatooine and Alderaan, as envisioned before the new films were released. We can see a few of vehicles from Episode IV, and most citizens wear clothes similar to peasant and farmer apparel seen in Episodes IV-VI. In general these look like Mos Espa or Bespin people. Perhaps the reason is in the Ugnaughts. Most definitely :)


An attentive fan would notice scratchers and details often seen on Millenium Falcon, the Ghost is definitely based upon the legendary ship.


Episode I - III also have influence, but less. Clone Wars series are referenced by appearance of some aliens (though new models), cars and other minor details. Mostly it's in the plot, mentioned. I don't know, but sometimes the characters say things, which imply that they are aware of heroes of the Old Republic during the conflict with separatists.




General Visual overview (graphics):


As I said previously even before the release of the show - the Rebels have a good start here. The Clone Wars experience proved to be worth of helping the authors to create something decent from the start. They pur much attention to details, textures and unique objects and decorations. While Ezra looks more like a cartoonish guy, it's clear he is to look like Luke Skywalker, but in order not to mistake them, Ezra is younger, wears orange clothes and has blue hair. This played oddly, that the character proves he has a right to exist in SW franchise.


Female characters seem to be more realistic. When I saw Sabine for the first time, she looked like a serious character, not from a cartoon.


I would agree with some reviews in the net, that while the planets, transport and most characters look good, the creatures such as Wookies are not the case here. For some reasons they look too flat, really from animations... The fur is not shown the way it should be.



Music (it will be about music only, so I am not sure whether it's a spoiler or not):


This one episode had a lot of nice soundtrack, which is based on original music from Episodes IV-VI. Sometimes very unexpectantly you hear a familiar motive. The most popular one is surely the main one, which serves as a basis for Bastila Shan theme in KOTOR. There are dozens of such pleasant melodies, which resemble the Empire, the Rebel Alliance, the classics. There are a few tracks (remix) from the new trilogy too. Absolutely new are present too.


I was so glad to hear the familiar music, not heard since the release of the Jedi Academy video game.



Humour (nothing particular to spoil).


The show presents both sad, serious and funny moments. I wouldn't call them stupid. Some of them remind me of Han Solo, of his jokes. He would understand those. I wouldn't reveal one of my favourite - it's too good. You must hear it yourself.



One more important thing. And this is not a spoiler. Not about the plot of Rebels anyways.


When I finished the Rebels first episode, I felt, that despite the cancellation of most of previous EU stories, Rebels somehow show, that those are still the true colors of Star Wars, and the new show actually cements this. At least in my opinion of an old fan.


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So... A new sub-era for Star Wars began (or is beginning for some of us). SW Rebels showed the first episodes, and I guess this means, we must change the name of this thread as well - to Star Wars Rebels.


What can I tell? Without spoilering in the very first sentence I would say, that it would be wise to compare it with Clone Wars, to be specific - with the CW movie and the first episode. I must say - they are sooooo simple, naive and even dull compared to the Rebels. I mean it. 


About the plot (spoilers).


The series begin with what most of us already saw in the trailers. We see Ezra and Lothal and this story with the crates, stolen by Kanan and his team. It is revealed, that the team of Ghost is a Star Wars version of Robin Hood - they steal resources like food from the Empire and give it away in a city like Tarkin town (characters comment on this name btw). Ezra is hesitant to join them, and this is a pivotal moment/idea in the first episode - Ezra is close to what Luke Skywalker says in Episode IV - "It's not that I like Empire, I hate it". Truth to be said - most of the Galaxy (as it seemed from the previous SW EU sources like games and books) stays out of Imperial business.


However talks with characters like Hera makes Ezra doubt his way of life.


The first episode includes a few subplots, I would say - the crates mini-story, which introduces the characters, and then the story around wookies and Kessel (as well as a mission to an Imperial spaceship.


The story introduces several minor characters like Imperial officers (all made differently, unlike clones in CW). Agent Kallus is also an interesting guy here, but I won't say more - he shows some really nice traits as a second villain of the Rebels.



Imperial feel (possible spoilers)


I like the idea, that the authors worked hard on understanding the Imperial traditions, rules and design. Stormtroopers are seen for the first time harassing ordinary citizens and aliens. Though we see a predecessor of AT-ST here, they move very much like what we see in Return of the Jedi. TIE fighters fly awesomely. Somehow, when one was destroyed I remembered the good days of playing Rogue Squadron 3D. :)


No significant names of the Empire this time, except for Tarkin and one more guy. :)



Reference to Episodes IV-VI and I-III (minor spoilers):


Most of the even neutral designs use the feel of the Original Trilogy. For instance the city of Lothal boasts the architecture close to Tatooine and Alderaan, as envisioned before the new films were released. We can see a few of vehicles from Episode IV, and most citizens wear clothes similar to peasant and farmer apparel seen in Episodes IV-VI. In general these look like Mos Espa or Bespin people. Perhaps the reason is in the Ugnaughts. Most definitely :)


An attentive fan would notice scratchers and details often seen on Millenium Falcon, the Ghost is definitely based upon the legendary ship.


Episode I - III also have influence, but less. Clone Wars series are referenced by appearance of some aliens (though new models), cars and other minor details. Mostly it's in the plot, mentioned. I don't know, but sometimes the characters say things, which imply that they are aware of heroes of the Old Republic during the conflict with separatists.




General Visual overview (graphics):


As I said previously even before the release of the show - the Rebels have a good start here. The Clone Wars experience proved to be worth of helping the authors to create something decent from the start. They pur much attention to details, textures and unique objects and decorations. While Ezra looks more like a cartoonish guy, it's clear he is to look like Luke Skywalker, but in order not to mistake them, Ezra is younger, wears orange clothes and has blue hair. This played oddly, that the character proves he has a right to exist in SW franchise.


Female characters seem to be more realistic. When I saw Sabine for the first time, she looked like a serious character, not from a cartoon.


I would agree with some reviews in the net, that while the planets, transport and most characters look good, the creatures such as Wookies are not the case here. For some reasons they look too flat, really from animations... The fur is not shown the way it should be.



Music (it will be about music only, so I am not sure whether it's a spoiler or not):


This one episode had a lot of nice soundtrack, which is based on original music from Episodes IV-VI. Sometimes very unexpectantly you hear a familiar motive. The most popular one is surely the main one, which serves as a basis for Bastila Shan theme in KOTOR. There are dozens of such pleasant melodies, which resemble the Empire, the Rebel Alliance, the classics. There are a few tracks (remix) from the new trilogy too. Absolutely new are present too.


I was so glad to hear the familiar music, not heard since the release of the Jedi Academy video game.



Humour (nothing particular to spoil).


The show presents both sad, serious and funny moments. I wouldn't call them stupid. Some of them remind me of Han Solo, of his jokes. He would understand those. I wouldn't reveal one of my favourite - it's too good. You must hear it yourself.



One more important thing. And this is not a spoiler. Not about the plot of Rebels anyways.


When I finished the Rebels first episode, I felt, that despite the cancellation of most of previous EU stories, Rebels somehow show, that those are still the true colors of Star Wars, and the new show actually cements this. At least in my opinion of an old fan.



We, here in the US, are getting the Rebels movie on Disney Channel this Friday night. I wasn't even aware there was one. From all I saw on the commercials for the series and the movie it looks pretty good for those of us who like the original trilogy.

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We, here in the US, are getting the Rebels movie on Disney Channel this Friday night. I wasn't even aware there was one. From all I saw on the commercials for the series and the movie it looks pretty good for those of us who like the original trilogy.

It's a two part episode. Not really a "movie"

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They also released a few mini-episodes, which take place before the first episode.


As I said, for the most part the series seem to be enjoyable. I would really like to know, what you think about it. Don't forget to post here you opinions and impressions after watching it.

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Just got done watching it and watching the Dodgers collapse during the commercials. Absolutely loved it, except for the Dodgers failures. It'll take some time to get used to the different animation from the Clone Wars but overall I thought it was great.

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This episode has quite a lot to catch, not without drawbacks, surely, but in general I think Rebels receive positive reviews.


I am still very impressed with the eulogy, spoken by Obi Wan Kenobi in the end, when Kanan meditates. This was the moment, which made me come through the memories of Jedi Knight series, Episode IV and others like Rebel Assault and Shadows of the Empire (for me they are still pretty much canon ;) )

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I'm just glad they ditched Obi-wan's derpy look from Clone Wars. :P


So, would Kanan have been a youngling when order 66 occurred?


He was Padawan to Depa Billaba, according to the New Dawn tie-in novel, and was a  young boy during the Temple attack in ROTS.

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I just watched the episode, wasn't bad but the kid just annoys me, but in fairness so did Ahsoka and I ended up loving her. Is the girl who plays the twi'lek the same person who voiced Jan or do they just sound similar.

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