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my saberbuilder worked like this :

I made a single w_saber.glm file including all of the parts

these parts are named :


the Saberbuilder I made actually just generated .skin files that *offed all parts that were not chosen and

gave the pieces the chosen textures


here are some examples :






the program also generated a .sab file which directed the game to display the specified name and directed to the .skin file connected to that name

for example , assumnig your saber was named Test the Saberbuilder would write this in a .sab file:

//Generated by SaberBuilder 0.5 C:AshuraDx
name "Test"
saberModel "models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/Saberbuilder.glm"
customSkin Test
saberLength 40
saberColor random

in the end my tool ran a command line command which simply zipped up all the required files for your personal hilt (the .skin and .sab file) and in the end renamed the file from .zip to .pk3


that's the whole "magic" behind my old Saberbuilder so no @@ChalklYne you dont need to save a few hundred models


I bet this could and most likely would be done differently for an ingame editor


an Ingame editor should work like the character customization :


this will require the creator of a new "saber parts pack" that's going to be added to the saber customization menu to

create small .skin files for each of their emitters , handles , pommels and buttons (or whatever pieces you want to be interchangeable)


If I knew anything about coding in C or C++ I could probably pull that off as I bet you can just copy&paste the Player customization code , and then make some alterations

but as my Programming skills are limited and I allready tend to produce a huge mess in simple programming languages like java I'll leave that to the more experienced coders on this site

Bek, ChalklYne and Stoiss like this
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  • 3 weeks later...

GIFT to @@Circa - Personal Hilt.


~9 hours of mindfu*k in MS Paint (>.< ) Why? My PC not handle with PS. Result's: 3 optional sabers from 2!  "Mastermind" Staff, "Encourager" Single. "Encourager & Inspirer" Dual's (Same as Encourager, but different color of metal) This baby's combines simplicity and efficiency - no beauty. I'm sorry for not accurate drawing. Idea from my head only, I'm not steal it.


SW Classic style inspired from @@Circa.


Metal - matt\shiny metallic, big touch button (equipped with a @@Circa fingerprint lock !!! xD Joke) - red color, the inclusion of the sword. "Gear" at the end of the sword is made of a rare material that turns off the sword of the enemy (2 on Staff - 1 & 1 in Singles) for few seconds, protects hands from opponent saber. Specially treated surface of the handle increases grip hand with a sword.


Staff - specially designed magnets connect Encourager & Inspirer, working only with each other. Magnets are connected to each other over short distances, your trifle will remain in your pocket, don't worry xD. 4 buttons tucked inside a special panel: provides protection to buttons\display against breakdowns\failure. 1st button - on\off, 2nd button - connect\disconnect "Encourager & Inspirer", 3rd display - Red color show's that the Sith is nearby, Blue - Jedi, Yellow - Both S & J xD, 4th - Translate the unknown Language that u can meet in galaxy to Your own language (micro hide inside hilt) xD.


The best choice for a Jedi  ^_^


http://prntscr.com/25fx10 - Outlet, http://prntscr.com/25fx23 - tail-end, http://prntscr.com/25fx2y - Mastermind Staff, http://prntscr.com/25gdna - Encourager Single.


I will be very glad that these swords will be in the Gold pack. SRY FOR BAD ENGLISH!

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GIFT to @@AshuraDX - Personal Hilt.


Inspired from @@AshuraDX Hilts that I saw.


~? hours of creation in MS Paint ^_^ Result's: 3 optional sabers from 2: "Tython" Staff, "Ashla" Single (Matt white metal with Black cut in Tatoo), "Bogan" Single (Matt black metal with White cut in Tatoo) "Force Balance Dual" ("Ashla" & "Bogan")


Material: Unknown in galaxy high quality metal. Impossible to scratch the surface. Not melt at any temperatures. Handle of blades provided with magnets that allow u create a staff from two swords. "Bogan" is equipped with a unique poisoned dart - KILLS ALMOST INSTANTLY (ONLY "Ashla" can heal this). "Ashla" is equipped with healing potion syringe that heal ANY diseases. Manufacturer is unknown. Weight of swords practically insensitive.

1st - on\off button. 2nd - Poison Dart/Heal Syringe button. 3rd - connect\dissconnect "Ashla" & "Bogan" button. 4th - 2 magnets, 


Funfick xD

While @@AshuraDX try to restore balance of Dark side of Force in himself on Bogan, he found one big statue that was ruined and something is shone in its hands. On the back of the handle of the sword was written: "Ashla". He was quite surprised to find this ancient sword. He thought - what if on Ashla there is another sword? Why Light side Saber founded on Dark side moon Bogan? Who create this hilt? Many question's floated thru his mind... After arriving on the Ashla, @@AshuraDX found one unknown exiled elder in the ruins of abbandoned city that remained after ancient war. Elder gave "Bogan" to @@AshuraDX with this words: "Use theme wisely, they both will keep the balance of Force in You. In Ancient times, these swords were found in the rift of "Chasm" on Tython. Whoever found them become mad from the power of Bogan. So now u know that they should be used together - that the only way to stay in mind. Otherwise, u will suffer exact same fate". After these words, Ancient evaporised in front of astonished @@AshuraDX. @@AshuraDX heard a voice of elder: "You learn a lot of the secrets that hide these blades, become one with them and they will show You them (secrets)"


"Tython" Staff - http://prntscr.com/26amck, "Ashla" & "Bogan" Hilts - http://prntscr.com/26amoh


I will be very glad that these swords will be in the Gold pack. SRY ABOUT BAD ENGLISH AND QUALITY OF PICS ^^'

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They really look amazing, I especially like the sixth and seventh one, remind of Sith sabers (Dooku and Darth Bane :) ). A saber hilt builder would be very cool indeed, I loved the building system in KoTOR as well, where you could also chose crystals that change the characteristics of your saber, but that would be too much I think. Great work!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Although I'm new at modding I think I can help or at least come up with concepts on certain hilts. Is there like a walk-through on making hilts, I am very curious. 




Take your pick. :P


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my saberbuilder worked like this :

I made a single w_saber.glm file including all of the parts

these parts are named :



the Saberbuilder I made actually just generated .skin files that *offed all parts that were not chosen and

gave the pieces the chosen textures


here are some examples :






the program also generated a .sab file which directed the game to display the specified name and directed to the .skin file connected to that name

for example , assumnig your saber was named Test the Saberbuilder would write this in a .sab file:

//Generated by SaberBuilder 0.5 C:AshuraDx
name "Test"
saberModel "models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/Saberbuilder.glm"
customSkin Test
saberLength 40
saberColor random

in the end my tool ran a command line command which simply zipped up all the required files for your personal hilt (the .skin and .sab file) and in the end renamed the file from <NAME>.zip to <NAME>.pk3


that's the whole "magic" behind my old Saberbuilder so no @@ChalklYne you dont need to save a few hundred models


I bet this could and most likely would be done differently for an ingame editor


an Ingame editor should work like the character customization :


this will require the creator of a new "saber parts pack" that's going to be added to the saber customization menu to

create small .skin files for each of their emitters , handles , pommels and buttons (or whatever pieces you want to be interchangeable)


If I knew anything about coding in C or C++ I could probably pull that off as I bet you can just copy&paste the Player customization code , and then make some alterations

but as my Programming skills are limited and I allready tend to produce a huge mess in simple programming languages like java I'll leave that to the more experienced coders on this site

Will the saber builder be like an attachment to the saber chooser menu at the beginning of the game or are you just generated a random saber in the "~' "shift" menu while ingame.  

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Uhm, hi. Well I'm here so it didn't die, post your ideas and I'll see what I can do, but honestly... I'm capable of doing any saber, it's just that I don't like copy-pasting textures and am making everything from scratch, than filtering it further and making them more realistic step by step... well, not that anyone would care probably hahaha, just telling you 'cause I opened my third beer tonight :D kinda feel like talking :D

I'll try to read the whole thread and catch up to everything when I have time, but does anyone mind telling me the long story short about this pack? and who is putting it together and such things? I'd maybe like to contact those people.

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Oh well, he can send them to me, but... don't judge me, I work with gmax. It's the way I learned back in the old days and even with an amateurish program like this, if you know what you want to do, you can do anything. :3

So i'd help me if you can send me an .gmax file... just sayin'

I've looked over this thread very carefully. I think I can re-do the model by myself, even with the same ratio's from detail to detail... as @@ChalklYne made the gif where it's spinning around, it's mostly just basic combination of a cylinder and boxes. 
It would help me though if I had a total list of what hilts we're gonna need.. Has anyone done that yet? Maybe I've overlooked it but I doubt I saw it, I just saw that we need reworks of JKA and general Star Wars hilts. I mean... is that all? :P

Edited by Rooxon
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  • 4 months later...

Okay, first off, sorry for double posting but this thread is dead it seems, some people have been asking me for requests here and there but none for means regarding this project. Well, some things changed, the name and what more, but I've been wondering still... Specifically what sabers do we need now? Maybe I can find some time to work on them on my own.

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Well we do still need the rest of the double bladed lightsabers completed, but we also do need new weapon models. I feel you guys need to start collaborating a bit more, from what it seems that multiple people are working on the same thing. Anywho you should probably start working on new player-models possibly? I've heard you say that you had experience in making them.

Here's some suggestions:


- A new Chewbacca model

- New Merc models and other alien species.

- New cooler looking reborns

- A new R2-D2 model?

(The old one looks sooo cheap.)



(When compared to this)



- New updated Jedi models. 

(I replaced mine with most of the Jedi models from this pack http://jkhub.org/files/file/1707-spankis-jedi-customization/

but it would be neat to see an actual updated jka Jedi models)

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- New Merc models and other alien species.

See the Trandoshan thread - there have been several suggestions for new species and other changes to mercs. :)


I think the R2D2 model just needs a new skin. I recall BlasTech making a bunch of new droids (including a new Probe model) and some of the base reskins made the original models look excellent.

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Okay, first off, sorry for double posting but this thread is dead it seems, some people have been asking me for requests here and there but none for means regarding this project. Well, some things changed, the name and what more, but I've been wondering still... Specifically what sabers do we need now? Maybe I can find some time to work on them on my own.

Well, in addition to your remakes of the base hilts, we still need a few more originals. @@ChalklYne made a few, but not sure if we'll see those any time soon.


This thread is about saber hilts, guys. :)

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Originals like out of own ideas, right? huh well I could really help here, I've done like tons of sabers already, might as well make 10 or 20 additional sabers or saber-weapons suited for this pack, just tell me any ideas or if you have wishes already. @@Circa, is there any plan on changing the SP story or let's say, continue it? 

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