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Cloth sim experiments...

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bullshit @DT85


some of us only have this much to say, I personally don't know anything about scripting/modelling or whatever it is you're doing.

Nobody here is trolling or changing the subject, and I hate to see you jump at each comment that isn't helping anyone,

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Would it perhaps be possible to maybe do 1 bone specific for flaps that would handle all front back and side flaps instead of doing individual bones for each side?  I have yet to do custom bones or animations so it's why I ask.

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Wouldn't really work as there would be either too much clipping or bogus looking movement. Things like side cloth would really need to have their own bones to look decent.


While I'm having a break from this, I'd like everyone's input on what bones should be in this. Inb4 boob jiggling lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Model I use has slide flaps to go with the front and back ones roughly same length as on the model you've been showing off.  Basically just add side bones so you can have functioning side flaps and you more or less got everything a person would need for animated cloth for really any model people in game could come up with.  Only other one could think of is for low hanging cloth around the wrist aka like hapslash jedi robes perhaps another bone there so those animate and motion as well. 


I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to go so crazy as to adding tons of bones.  More work and all that jazz etc.  I would attempt it myself if I had the proper knowledge base to go through doing it just because I'm that damn stubborn on the level of detail or content I want.


Anyway on a side note.  I was curious about the step by step process or a link to some guides at least to get the animated bones or the animations to function on said bones into 3ds max IE get them into 3ds max and have my own attempt at doing this.  Been reading up on some of the process aka blender and so forth.  My mind set on this is the more people attempting this the greater chance it has of getting done in the next year or so depending on how much time and energy is sunk into this plus files being shared between people and so forth.  I'm willing to learn how to bake animations and what not to the bones and such since I already got the rigging meshes to skeletons and getting them into game, this is just something new for me to learn from the ground up basis.


Main reason I ask is I got free time to really dig into this and if I can get more or less to the point of self sufficent confidence of knowing how to bake and animate through at least one full animation loop I'm just gonna take off like a rocket and hammer out as much of it as I can as I do with mapping.  Plus would make lot of custom models I got look a lot better in game rather then the current way of clipping flaps and what not.


Also what would really also be great about this is when it's all done release the model you have open source aka so people can skinwrap off it like some of us currently do.  A good rigged up model to skinwrap off of with all the animations already set in place would make getting all the current models from hapslash to toshi vader and so forth updated on these new animations in a matter of days rather then having to go through and rig again and again.  Plus it would possibly give some people who have never tried doing meshes and incentive to do there own custom model work since it's a more streamline processed plus those that really wanted to would go more in depth and figure more things out.  A nice and or great way to really get people into doing more aka interaction between file editors/creators and the player base.  It would be like...like.....well christmas is coming up so think that should give you the idea.



I've done a crude drawing basically of what I think most people would probably say in terms of what could be animated.  Again I wouldn't expect anyone less you really are commited to fleshing it out THAT much or perhaps a long term goal of what could have bones and be animated.  Basically if it's more or less some sort of fabric kind of addition like you would see on sith or jedi robes sort of look and you played the game and you seen part of the mesh clip through the fabric, that would more or less be what should be animated.  Talk about a long project..... :shrug:







Loaded all 17000 animations off the Jedi Outcast humanoid into blender.  So if I even manage to get anything now I'll update when I can. :P

Took me about 20 minutes or so to just click the export button, so I wager that's about what it would take to import all of that into the modeling application also.  Saves time loading it all up rather then picking and choosing tons of animations.

Edited by Oobah
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