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Aquatic Monster Models

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I created an underwater map for my mod, and am in need of a few aquatic creature playermodels.  I attempted to modify the howler model to be a Sando Aqua Monster, but I am just no good with models.  If anyone is willing to perform this task, the models that I need include:  Sando Aqua Monster, Opee Sea Killer, Colo Claw Fish, and Firaxan Shark.

Below are some links to reference pictures of each one.


Sando Aqua Monster



Opee Sea Killer



Colo Claw Fish




Firaxan Shark




If anyone is able to make any those models, their help would be greatly appreciated.


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Code mod would be necessary since there isn't any current AI that will move underwater in such a way.

and there's no NPC Class that wont drown underwater


I made several test NPCs that function perfectly for the map that I have set up,  I actually didn't use water in the map, I have it set up a completely different way because my previous map (which I did fill with the default water) wasn't very realistic.  My map uses "space" and some lighting effects instead of water (it works out way more realistic than water), and for whatever reason, NPCs are able to breath in space in my mod, and if you set them up like this:



playerModel sando
weapon WP_MELEE
health 2000
headPitchRangeDown 30
reactions 3
aim 5
move 3
aggression 5
evasion 1
intelligence 5
rank crewman
playerTeam TEAM_FREE
enemyTeam TEAM_FREE
snd rancor
sndcombat rancor
sndextra rancor
yawspeed 40
// walkSpeed 173
// runSpeed 173
walkSpeed 55
runSpeed 200
dismemberProbHead 0
dismemberProbArms 0
dismemberProbLegs 0
dismemberProbHands 0
dismemberProbWaist 0
moveType "flyswim"
Then they can move and attack, just fine.  My only problem is that I am awful with modeling, and my Sando Aqua Monster test model came out terribly.
P.S. in case you were wondering about how the player would breath underwater, I thought it would be more realistic to only be able to go out into the water either using an environmental suit (which I made one, compiled as a vehicle) or an aquatic vehicle (I am using Naboo Starfighters for now, and may eventually switch to a Gungan Sub later).
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Yeah....  I really need these models, one way or another.  They don't have to be perfect, but I don't have the time right now (with mapping and learning to edit source code) to learn how to model, then get good at it over a year of experience or so, simply to create a few playermodels.  Eventually I will learn to model, but I don't have the time right now, and I need those models to be able to test my next few maps.

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Nobody even takes requests anymore. It's kind of disappointing. Look at how many unfulfilled requests are in this forum.


Hmm, do you know of any sites that I would be able to contact someone who would be able to help me with these models then?

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Nobody even takes requests anymore. It's kind of disappointing. Look at how many unfulfilled requests are in this forum.


If I could model I would do it. I try to help people with requests as best as I can.


I try to fullfill requests if possible but I allready got so many models to finish , especially Omegasigmas Death Egg Robot...

or texturing kain for Mini

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needs to be flatter , the head is way to tall atm , move the tongue down

it's sticking right out of it's throat right now so move ti down , and a little more forward


also get rid of that arc in the upper jaw , that doesn't match the reference at all


oh I keep forgetting things :

the whole body needs to be flattened it's not a snake it's some sort of eel

but unlike most eel the colo clawfish has its fins at the sides of his body sorta like a flounder

keep an eye at the reference pictures mate ;)


you often get stuff wrong jsut because you're to lazy to pay attention to the reference

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yeah i feel that lol... the reference had me a bit confused as to how skinny he was or flat it just looked like a sideways eel kinda to me. hell i dunno


more like this?




jaw snarl removed and a little flatter eyes a bit closer together

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oh hell good lookin out dude! yeah thats a lot better lol cool thx man gimme a lil while im thinking of bbq'ing




flatter like this though u think? i gave him that nice side ridge squashed him a bit and fattenned out his belly just a little

hoping im ready to uvmap this so i can paint em

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