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Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast source code released!!

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Seen it, it's not accurate. They had already cleaned up the Bink+FeelIt mess before the repo was pulled down. There are other concerns.


tinny: those names are more incorrect than what they are now. The codeJK2 folder just needs to be cleaned out of the JK2 engine code. The structure is fairly simple:


codemp/ - jamp.exe, uix86.dll, jampgamex86.dll and cgamex86.dll

code/ - jasp.exe and jagamex86.dll

codeJK2/ - jk2gamex86.dll code


Calling it jk2sp/jasp/jamp would just lead to way more confusion, as people would be thinking that it contains jasp.exe ONLY code. Or whatever.

  • 2 weeks later...

PSA: Was able to get the Xbox code to compile just fine. Going to have to pick up a spare Xbox and turn it into a dev kit.


I didn't say I'd publicly release it. I'm merely hobbying. If I were ever to release it it'd be back on primarily Ravensoft code with just Xbox-specific rendering and processing code left. I doubt I'll ever get that far, though.


The xbox code is PC-friendly per-se, it just isn't usable without a XDK of some sort. I have no idea where you'd even be able to find the XDK.


EDIT: PM me for more information


I've had a copy for a long time just because I love collecting that sort of rare stuff. Visual Studio 2003 I get through the university I work at. But like I said, it's just a hobbyist thing. I have no intention of bringing down the effectual thunder. Though admittedly I'd highly doubt Microsoft would waste money pursuing anyone with a 10+ year old XDK (the 360 uses a totally different XDK from what I understand). Most original Xbox homebrew used this XDK.


Oh, and I don't know if this plays into any perceptions, but I never had any intention of doing anything on the 360. Producing from that XDK would definitely be much more of a red flag. The original Xbox hasn't been in production since.2007, so I feel much safer in that realm. I actually enjoy the challenge of modding on consoles, with two of my previous major mods (Battlefront II and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance) being ported there.


You'd think so, but interest just sortof dropped off 4-5 years ago. I guess since Halo 1 & 2 are on PC nobody felt the need to continue the emu. Pretty much every other great Xbox game is multiplatform. Too bad we didn't accidentally get the GameCube source code for JO. That would have been super interesting to look at. I know nothing about dev'ing for the GameCube, but from a nerd/hobby perspective it would have been interesting.


Back on to the topic - I don't really plan to do much with a compiled XBE (XBox Executable). I'd like to put PK3 addon support back in while retaining GFC/GOB support (these are the console equivalent of PK3 and are meant to stream content so that it stays within the 64MB of system memory). That way I can add in small mods like maps and characters. Past that I'd love to integrate the Elite Force source code some day so I can play EF on my Xbox. It'd also be nice to use Vicarious Vision's rendering tech to do a vanilla Quake III, but I don't really play that (I'm more of an Unreal Tournament kind of guy) so I don't see myself bothering.


But no matter what the XBE is typically distributed on what the homebrew community calls "the usual places". I don't see the point for cloak-and-daggering at this point as no company will waste money chasing after long dead tech, but were I ever to release an XBE, that's where you'd find it.


Guys, so Raven sort of tried to port SP ai code to MP but it's sorta half baked in and glitchy.  Is it considered "game changes" and not allowed in OpenJK if we fix that and start porting things from SP to MP that are borken like ai and model loading or would that be legitimate fixes for OpenJK?


I'd personally like MP to use C++ but not everyone shares the same sentiment as I do. :)

Converting everything to pure C would probably be more desirable. Copying/pasting code is not the best option really.


I never really understood why the SP is in C++ while the MP is in C. Can someone explain please?


Not even the whole MP is C, just the DLLs. The engine etc are done up in C++. A vague guess would be that it has to do with linkage, but the linkage is fixable now at any rate.


or convert everything to pure c?  Sorry for my billion questions :P  I'd like to help out in the coop part :)

I've created a co-op branch here =]

Keep in mind we'd still like to maintain base compatibility as much as possible when not using gametype GT_SINGLE_PLAYER.


Jump on the IRC when you can and we'll work out where to start :D

tinny, Setlec, Reymey and 1 other like this
  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder if a vote can be done to use C++, there are just so many features already out and coming out that are so handy without much performance loss at all.

I'd be happier I know.  Besides I'm not sure there really would be performance losses if you did it cleverly enough.

JKG Developer


The code would surely benefit from some refactoring and doing that in C++ wouldn't hurt either, but it's just such a massive task that I don't know if anybody is going to do it. (And finish.) I'd like a nicer version of the code myself and I do like C++, but I'm not sure that even with my love for Jedi Academy I'd be able to do this. I may try though, but that won't be a part of OpenJK, it'd be my own project.


If done properly it could hardly be done without breaking compatibility with existing mods though.

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