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Actually the top of the ear lines up with the brow and the bottom lines up with the bottom of the nose (basic proportions for pretty much all humans). You cannot rely on photos all the time because of perspective distortion, a subject shot too close without proper focal length will create distortion, factor in head tilt, camera height, distance etc...and you get differences everytime.


The ears are too high. The tops should line up with the eyes, and the bottoms should be just above the upper lip:


Here's yours:


Also, your head is too skinny and tall. Witwer has a pretty short head proportionately.

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ahh wth ill post a screenie. just know im not trying to be a dooshball if i dont reply to any crits right away cuz im letting him simmer for a sec while i wrap up this side thing.




and feel free to make crits on the actual geometry if it really needs it. this is a real rough texture n i wont mind going back and re-uv mapping it if its something serious

like the ear lol


crit away my friends he needs it

i just might not make the adjustments for a while


if u look.. or remember back to the wireframe.. i modelled that little divit in the bottom of the inner ear n everything, but when i moved the ear cuz it was out of place, the divit somehow stayed down there. so he has a huge inner ear and no lobe lol.  if u look closely youll see all i really need to do there is pull that back up into his ear i think


the line in the middle of his face was done by me screwing up my lighting for my render map... but like i said i havent even barely went over the texture

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my blunder i got sidetracked


back of the jaw and around the ear need some love.. but im more worried about his lumpy face right now.. i went along with some different angled refs n hell i dunno.. ill revisit him soon enough. what can u see tho?

and maybe if i can get some help as to what edge loops can be removed that wont screw up his shape?


im mainly upset cuz i wanted his edge loops to be decent so i could delete edge loops n not have any prollims... but what about the blue areas right here? should u screw with that diamond poly a bit to get the more curved nice edge loop there? the diamond right between his nose n ear u can see in the first set of screenies of this post. im kinda covering it with the blue lines here but trying to illustrate the edge loops i wanna make i thought i did but obviously i fuct em



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Your topo could be optimized a lot, your edgeloops would be more suited for cinematics facial rigs, where you need a predictable subdivided model (and lots of geo depending on how realistic you want to get), but for JA the rig is so simple you don't need complex loops. It's not a bad thing, but wanting to keep all quads everywhere is just a waste of polys (especially the side and back of the head, even the ear could be simplified).


The forehead is too wide, if you look at a human skull you'll see it's not one big chunk, but more like a cube with beveled edges...planar-ly speaking.


Also the eyelids should not be symmetrical, they have "opposite curves"


Another issue is the flesh between the nose and the tear duct, that should be pushed in. Also, make your poly distribution evenly spaced, you've got areas with tightly packed edges that don't serve any purpose for the silhouette/deformations. Also missing nasolabial loop and a proper jawline. It's on the right track just keep fixing stuff!

ChalklYne and Tempust85 like this
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Just so you know, despite how far you have to go to get it looking right, it gets closer with every screenshot. You're doing well man, keep it up.


Well, it tooks us a while to convince him to scrap the other attempt and start again. It's progress =).

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i think maybe i need to line his jaw up where his cheeks are width wise from the front view there


yeah i know his necks screwy


yeah i think somethings up too thats why i stopped painting and posted a pic

might have to go back to the drawing board on the sides of his mouth there. hes supposed to have a little pouty pudge there... actually.. i got it modelled in there.. i just need to work a little lighting maybe and show it more

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Go back to this:


And those eyes, change those eyes!


Actually the model doesn't look too bad, for an original different character, but if you're trying to make StarKiller you need to backup a few steps and redo the texturing/eyes.

JKG Developer

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don't make the eye sockets THAT dark, and add more shadow to the actual eyeball, the eyes are really popping out so much because you're keeping them so bright, so the contrast is making him look all googly eyed.







see? still looks like the white of the eye even though it's not even close to as white as yours :) I know yours is still a work in progress, but try to fix those things before you present it, because it distracts people from where you might need the feedback more than just a tiny shading issue.


Also, I agree with Futuza, the skin color of the previous version is a lot better. The skin tone you have now is overall too dark and desaturated, the values aren't all that bad I'd say, except with the eye sockets :) (http://navate.deviantart.com/art/SKIN-a-tutorial-Part-1-144294636 someone linked you this before, it's good :o)

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yeah im just screwing it up cuz im more focused on something else right now and i switch to the head when im burnt out.. i gotta start over a little bit anyways cuz i rigged him up to a special face rig im using for something else and he deformed like shit. cuz i scrood the pooch again


so ima go back to wireframe anyways n see where i went screwy


ill go back over it maybe later tonight and post some wireframed pics so i can maybe get some help on defoprmation for a more intense rig

then ill just delete edge loops after i get what i need done

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The part where you really messed up is the jawline and neck, the rest wasn't bad, just needed tweaking to get a little more definition in some areas. Also of course some general optimization, too many loops in some places, easy way to fix that is select parallel edge loop tool and ctrl+del to collapse edges.

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