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azchalk   skype



hey ashura... wake up n help me with this torso it has too many folds and for some reason the scale of the texture and contrast are different so im screwing it up lol


its really throwing off my vibe


look at the poor thing dude  =(


and i just noticed for some reason my rivets shifted. sucky. ill fix it

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i have 2 screens...


and i set the resoulution to one of em a little smaller than usual so i can read the text from mycouch... but i retardedly use it to mod and forget to change the resolution lol


milamber n i went thru this the other day lmfao  he was like u need to squash the face i was like duuuude.. i cant squash it anymore than it is... then common sense took over and i realized my resolution was off.. now that i look at that pic on the right screen im somewhat ashamed  =( 

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hey so somebody gimme a poly limit on this guy... he just has so much detail and i dont wanna half ass him so what are we looking at in the way of polies? i know 1000 verts per surface over 500 no shading... but besides that like overall count? im pretty good at not wasting verts so i wanna make sure i can pack a lot into this one... and heres that read mini was commenting on it really is a good read and the ref pics couldnt get any better... notice the program 



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There is no real limit, I always just aim as low as possible while still having detail where it counts, I tend to go a little higher than base models but not by a whole lot, I also make LOD's which helps with performance A LOT.


LODs do help. I think if you were to keep it like the game. a 4000-5000 count. for more detail 6000 and LODs. Look up the how-to's in the tut section if ya don't know. :P


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