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[WIP] Dark Forces mod remaster project

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Is there a specific tool you're using to get the original Dark Forces level geometry? I don't mod JKA any more, but would love to port bits of levels to Battlefront II (2005) as retro maps.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again, I got an update for the DFmod again in this version of the mod the Ramsees Hed and the partial Imperial City levels has been added. Three things worth mentioning are 1.) the Ramsees Hed level is Teacum version of the level so it's going to look different from the previous screen shots of the the level that I posted earlier. 2.) You will need to type the level names into the in games console, I tried to have levels transition off of the Detention level but it would load the briefing menus, sorry.  3.) Before anyone says I can't get up to the level where the grans are throwing thermal denotators at you, you can actually the switch is in THIS room, the glass is breakable:


Anyway, here the link happy hunting:


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  • Lancelot changed the title to [WIP] Dark Forces mod remaster project

Hi all,

some of you may have noticed that the name of this thread has changed recently. That's because I'm doing more with the Dark Forces Mod. At this time I would like to invite anyone who wants to help with the mod to join. I need a coder, a scripter, a modeler, and a mapper. Message me privately if you want to help.

Moving along now, I'm planning on adding more story to the mod. For those who do not know the Dark Forces series was inspired by three books this one inspired the first game:


At this time I would like to start a poll regarding the voice work of the new content:

1.) Voice Actors

2.) Take the audio from the radio drama

3.) Use AI Software (Note: If you pick this option tell me which actor or actress you want me to use which will be listed below.)

Kyle Voice Actors:

1.) Nick Jameson( Dark Forces)

2.) Jason Court( Dark Forces 2/Jedi Knight)

3.) Rino Romano( MOTS)

4.) Jeff Bennett (Outcast, Academy)

Jan Ors actress:

1.)Julie Eccles ( Dark Forces)

2.) Angela Harry (Dark Forces 2/Jedi Knight)

3.)Vanessa Marshall (Outcast, Academy)

The poll will be open until 1/20/24.


I will always vote against AI voice generation, many voice actors take that quite seriously and your content could face legal issues if you go that route. They aren’t being paid for the work you are creating.

At the very least I’d be more impressed if you used the radio drama, I didn’t know that was a thing.

SomaZ and Lancelot like this

I will always vote against AI voice generation, many voice actors take that quite seriously and your content could face legal issues if you go that route.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Movie Duels Remaster team use an AI for their multiplayer trailer?


At the very least I’d be more impressed if you used the radio drama, I didn’t know that was a thing.

All three of the books had a radio drama, you can find them on youtube.

I forgot to mention this in the other post, LucasArts games went off of the script from the book and created a plot hole for Kyle's story. If you recall, Moch hired Boba Fett to kill Kyle in the game. In the second book 8t88 tried to hire Boba Fett for backup against Kyle and here is what he said in a nutshell:

Boba Fett: "I pass. I won't take the job. I hunt, I don't torture. Besides, I've heard of Katarn.
Katarn works both sides. This civil war is going to critical soon, someone will win. I don't plan on
making enemies like that."

Should keep Boba Fett in the mod story or remove him all together?

1 hour ago, undeadslayer said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Movie Duels Remaster team use an AI for their multiplayer trailer?

They did. But just because they have done it doesn't mean that it's right. Voice actors are concerned about AI technology for good reasons, especially because their voices are being manipulated and used without their consent. This is totally different than using sound clips from films, shows or other games, as they have actually provided the voices themselves.


They did. But just because they have done it doesn't mean that it's right. Voice actors are concerned about AI technology for good reasons, especially because their voices are being manipulated and used without their consent. 

I totally agree with you on that. Having your own voice be used without your consent should be a concern for everyone, not just the voice actors and actress. For me, personally I think we ought stay far away from AI technology; look no further than Lobo art AI incident as proof. The only reason why I put that on the poll because of popular demand, stupid I know.


Using the radio drama can be difficult though, as you would need to get rid of music and sound effects played during dialogue and that can worsen the quality. Also the radio drama is not that widely known. I do know it and I love it, however I'm not that big fan of Kyle's voice there. Nothing against the acting, it's just not a Kyle-ish voice for me.

About the inconsistencies between the game and the books, I'd say it is good if you add more story to the game but don't change it in favor of the books. As I mentioned, the books and the radio dramas are not that well known but the games are. And fans of the game wouldn't be happy if you removed Boba Fett. At least that's what I think. Another argument that in the gaming universe Boba fought Kyle on Coruscant. Kyle even mentions this to Jaden in Jedi Academy. So personally, I would keep him in the game.

On a sidenote, I'd like to mention that although I'm not a native English speaker, but I happen to be a working actor who grew up with these games and I actually made Hungarian voice acting for both Jedi Outcast and Academy, including the 6-level demo of the Dark Forces JA mod. So if you go with voice actors, I'd like to audition. I voiced Kyle in my Hungarian version, but I'd happily do any character you would need and think I could be suitable for. Free of charge, of course, the honor would be mine. 🙂 


Using the radio drama can be difficult though, as you would need to get rid of music and sound effects played during dialogue and that can worsen the quality. 

Knowing my luck the audio would probably unusable by that point.


About the inconsistencies between the game and the books, I'd say it is good if you add more story to the game but don't change it in favor of the books. As I mentioned, the books and the radio dramas are not that well known but the games are. And fans of the game wouldn't be happy if you removed Boba Fett. At least that's what I think. Another argument that in the gaming universe Boba fought Kyle on Coruscant. Kyle even mentions this to Jaden in Jedi Academy.

That was the plot hole I was talking about. Though I wasn't going mention that Kyle ran into Boba Fett on that mission incase the people that never played the game came across this form got spoilers (yes their are people out their that don't know the story).


On a sidenote, I'd like to mention that although I'm not a native English speaker, but I happen to be a working actor who grew up with these games and I actually made Hungarian voice acting for both Jedi Outcast and Academy, including the 6-level demo of the Dark Forces JA mod. So if you go with voice actors, I'd like to audition. I voiced Kyle in my Hungarian version, but I'd happily do any character you would need and think I could be suitable for. Free of charge, of course, the honor would be mine.

If it was just my decision I"d go with the voice acting option. A lot of game creators ignore their fans, just look at "The Last of US part 2" debacle as an example. If poll results in the voice acting route, you defiantly can have the Hungarian version of Kyle.


Though I wasn't going mention that Kyle ran into Boba Fett on that mission incase the people that never played the game came across this form got spoilers.

Oh, sorry. My thought process was that everyone on JKHub surely played at least Jedi Academy, therefore knows about that plot point through that callback.


If poll results in the voice acting route, you defiantly can have the Hungarian version of Kyle.

What I meant was that I'd be happy to be a voice actor in your English version. By auditioning I meant that I can send you a sound file with my voice so you can decide which character I would be good for (I don't know if you plan to include other characters from the radio drama or just Kyle and Jan) or whether you would like to use my voice at all. If not, no problem. I just wanted to try it. But of course, this all depends on your poll's results first.


Oh, sorry. My thought process was that everyone on JKHub surely played at least Jedi Academy, therefore knows about that plot point through that callback.

I know their was some people following the videos, that never resulted in any advancement, that never played the original because of the graphics but were intrigued by the story.


What I meant was that I'd be happy to be a voice actor in your English version. By auditioning I meant that I can send you a sound file with my voice so you can decide which character I would be good for (I don't know if you plan to include other characters from the radio drama or just Kyle and Jan) or whether you would like to use my voice at all.

Oh, okay. Yes I plan on incorporating most of the story from the book. I always got the impression from the game that Kyle was with the alliance for a long time, I want to correct that. I would like to add three additional levels prior to the Danuta level and add stuff to that level as well.


I would like to add three additional levels prior to the Danuta level and add stuff to that level as well.

Sounds interesting. I wish you the best of luck with the project. 🙂 


I hope we can play full released version


There has been an emptiness inside ourselves because demo version had only 6 levels 

The verison I posted on here have levels 7,8, part of 11, and level 13. The levels won't transition by themselves you will have to load them through the console. 

gabtrucker likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I've got some screenshots of what I've been working on for the mod. I just want to touch on one thing which is the poll. Currently there is three way tie as the votes stand so far: Option 1: 1 vote, Option 2: 1 vote, and Option 3; 1 vote. The poll is still open until the 20( just write which option you want to see implemented in the mod). If no one else votes I will extended the poll a couple of weeks just to give people more time. Anyways, with that being out of the way on to the next item.

Currently I am working on a rework of SecBase level(Operation Skyhook). I would put the mapping part about 50% complete, while the other aspects I haven't started on, such as cutscenes, scripts, ect.

Here are the screenshots as promised, Note: the level layout is NOT final and is subject to change depending on the brush count, also excuse the quality of the photos this WILL NOT look like this in game.


Here is where the new spawn point will be outside of the base. As soon as you walk out of the hanger there will be a cutscene(Not Implemented yet).


Another cutscene will play here at the monastery(yes it does look like a church).



Here is the local cantina( yes that is the cantina from the tally level). There will be a cutscene here too.

That's it for the screenshots, until next time may the force be with you.🙂

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

I want mention a few things that are in the works at the moment, but before that let's discuss the poll. The poll is closed, I'm a bit surprised that no one else voted. So here is what I'm going to do, I'm going do a combo of option 1 and 2 (that was the voice actors/actress and rip the audio from the radio drama.) If you want to audition for a character please send me a private message.

With that out of the way, lets get to the other topics.:

1.)  So I sent a message to the Galactic Legacy team and asked them for the use for specific npcs, shoutout to @Chansta for the suggestion if you haven't seen the dark forces mod walkthrough on youtube please go watch it. Anyway, They approved the use of the npcs, I already got the one working with the mod:


As you can see they are pretty aggressive.😅 Still trying to get the audio for this character to work, but rest assured it will work for the mods' next update.

2.) I have started work on a couple of different maps, Impcity and Arc. The progress is not much but here are some screenshots anyway:


The drop off point of the level (this part was actually done by the original team.)


This building has the first secret area.



Like I said not much but it's a start and it's defiantly better than going silent on people about the mod, looking at you  youtuber STEFR. 👀 Seriously four years is too long, they bit off more than they could chew. Anyway, that's all until next time, may the force be with you.😀

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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