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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. He made a Boba model too. Yes I'm well aware of that and I will probably use that model for my purposes as well, but I'd really like to be able to do so on the base skin.
  2. I just came to say welcome, buuuuuut then I ran into this baby-storm.
  3. I don't suppose there's an easier way of trying to texture the base Boba model without having everything just be a mirror image of the other side? I wanted to add some wear marks and such, but I have no way of doing so since so many of his textures are just mirrored onto the other half of the model. Anything I can do short of completely starting UV mapping etc. from scratch?
  4. I remember seeing this on GF ages ago. Glad to hear you're still going at it. Nice to see you OaO
  5. I was thinking about doing the same thing with ffa3, glad to see someone more capable and determined is already on it. I test everything on ffa3 for some reason, I just dig it a lot.
  6. For some reason I feel like this has already been done... perhaps for the hilt/weapon modeling contest on GF at one point.
  7. Looks great, can't wait to see it textured.
  8. I'd definitely play this. I'd rather it be still Star Wars though, as far as having legitimate EU weapons, players models, etc.
  9. My EXACT reaction when I got Velvet Assassin on Steam and it ran too fast to be playable. ):
  10. I did yes. I simply reconstructed the .pk3 and that seems to have fix it magically. =/ Oh well, it works now, yay.
  11. There were a couple unnecessary lines I forgot to cut out of MUG's shader. Though, @@Inyri, I am having another problem... I did a copy of the same skin on the base Boba model. I used the same shader and changed the file paths accordingly, nothing. I quadruple checked all the spellings of the filepaths and made sure my original texture files were properly named as well, no dice. Ideas?
  12. I remember that demo. Only got the game 5 years later, haha.
  13. PM sent, thanks. I've tried that shader and a few others and I think I know why THIS ONE didn't work but I've tried several others and no luck.
  14. Inyri will know, she had to deal with that in one of her mods. Also, JA Unlimited may be able to extend those limits, but I'm not sure.
  15. That was just a typo in my post, sorry. I tried that shader and changed the file paths accordingly, but no luck. ):
  16. Ah, by the way you presented the mod it sounded like you could just switch any head, torso and legs with and other set. My bad. Still very cool though!
  17. PK3 just has shader/BOTDRAmando.shader
  18. I'm trying to get a glow shader working on one of my skins. I made the normal textures as well as a "_glow" texture where everything is black except what I want to glow. I've made a shader file that looks like this: I put that into a PK3, with the textures being in models/player/BOTDRAmando and the shader being in shaders/BOTDRAmando. Thoughts?
  19. I dig the rebel pilot. Would love to use that head with some Mando armor.
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