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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. Exactly. And if/when a gameplay video comes out, keep in mind just because it's gameplay doesn't mean it's not pre-rendered gameplay. That's one of the big questions we're constantly asking during live conferences - is the guy on stage with the controller actually playing it or not? The majority of the time they aren't. Why? Because they have a product to sell, they can't risk hitting a glitch while all their shareholders are watching the big Xbox One conference to see if they've invested in a piece of trash or not. It's just the way the business works.
  2. I've made some progress, but still confused. There is a zoom.shader, but it seems to be referencing a lot of images that don't exist (and some that do). Don't know what these non-existent image paths could mean? Also it looks like it's the same shader for the light amplification goggles and the binoculars which may be a pain... but oh well.
  3. Great work man, keep it up. I especially love the Shae, Obi-Wan and Gran Soldier kitbashes. I might have to try my hand at this myself, it's given me some ideas.
  4. Audacity is great for basic editing and quick conversion, but if you want a full DAW with more plugins and more complex functions as well you should get Reaper. It's "free" (meaning it's a 100% no-restrictions demo for life) but you're encouraged to pay $60 for a license if you like it.
  5. No, it won't. They said everything was "in-engine" which is not the same as actual gameplay. In-engine simply means it's not just some CGI that's been thrown together by Blur Studio or someone else. Not a single game in the past 5 years has looked as good as the trailers, and that's just the realities of marketing and hardware restrictions. In-engine simply means it's using the technology they are using to run the actual game. It has obviously been obtimized and/or pre-rendered (in this case it most definitely is since it's a trailer) because it's going to be used in a very specific way. They can up the graphics because things are pre-rendered, and the hardware only needs to focus on rendering a small part of the maps that are intended to be seen up close in the trailer, and don't have to deal with player movements, internet connections, and essentially removes all the variables out of the equation so the system can just focus on rendering, and nothing else.
  6. Trying to find the .menu (I'm assuming it's a .menu file) for the binoculars you use in SP and MP. I know where all the .gfx are located but I can't seem to find the file that unifies them into the proper rendering you see in-game. Bonus points if you can find the same one for the light amplification goggles. I went through most of the ui folder - among other things - and no luck, any help is greatly appreciated.
  7. Thanks. I intend to just keep the names and formats the same obviously, but wanted to check if it could take different formats etc. just out of curiosity.
  8. Let's say I wanted to put in new audio files to replace the current ones you hear when your SP character talks. They are just modified versions of the base ones; same lines and same timing, I've simply added some processing to them. 1) Easy thing to do, hard thing do? The replacement itself, not the modification of the files. Nothing hard coded that would get in the way, I'm assuming? 2) Anything I should know regarding proper format that wouldn't be obvious at first (sample rate, bit rate etc.)? 3) There's separate voices in SP depending on if you choose a male or female character, if I made a mod that let me use a custom model in SP, could I then create a third voice option just for that character, or is it hard coded to have binary options (male voice or female voice)? Thanks for reading.
  9. I was going to mention that the textures on the body needed to be higher resolution as you mentioned, but otherwise I think it looks great. Awesome work man.
  10. Oooohh, on mah birfday. Curious about this, will check it out when I get home.
  11. That's pushing it. He's not claiming credit for anything other than adding the robes. But think about it, a lot of people (myself included) are grateful for these models, especially the RPers. Is there really any reason to say no if he's completely honest about what work he did do and what work he didn't do?
  12. I agree about the neck being short. A bit turtle-ish. But otherwise it looks good, great job man.
  13. Great work Mando, things are looking better every day. I do have one issue with the Jango model and that's the lower legs. It seems the shin armor is too small and the bottom of his pants puff out quite a bit (more noticeable when it's not a direct, head-on shot. Just makes things seem a bit out of proportion to me.
  14. Thanks man. Gimme a shout if you manage to find the time. No worries man, I understand. Hopefully I can find someone to do it but if not I may see how busy you are in a few months.
  15. Bumping this. Someone has to be able to implement at least ONE of these features. This would really make this mod pure awesome if I can get it fully functioning.
  16. Looks great. I think the belt is a bit big though, mostly height wise. And the height could be bumped up just a tad. Some references:
  17. I was going to say that if anything the head seemed a tiny bit small. Maybe we're both crazy.
  18. Nice man, both look great. The Jango is by far the most realistically proportioned one yet.
  19. I give this 4 stars. If you want 5 stars you're going to have to make that guy's head into a lightsaber so I can actually run around with a severed head in-game. THAT is 5 star material.
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