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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. High quality recreations of base JA content. A man after my own heart. Nice stuff man.
  2. Nice work. My suggestions would be to make them more blue than green and add some scan lines, noise, or other digital artifacts to make them look more like holograms. At this point they look more like ghosts or spirits to me.
  3. Not the same thing though, as something that started as a mod is now a standalone game. The mod for Arma II is still free, the standalone game is not. Plus I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about when developers will actually encourage the production and sale of mods for their own games. There's always a few examples here and there, but it's still not a very mainstream thing by any stretch of the imagination. I disagree. I think you're missing the point. Selling mods isn't about making a long-term career choice, it's about finding another opportunity to gain income in a field you work in and enjoy. It doesn't need to sustain your entire life to be justified. If it provides income then it's simply PART of their career as game designers/modders/digital content developers, whatever you want to call them. The vast majority of "successful" musicians for example do not do one thing, because they can't support themselves on one thing. They make music, they play shows, but they also teach music lessons, or work at a music school, or create music related YouTube videos, or write articles for music related websites, or compose for video games, or engineer/produce other musicians, etc. If you're wanting to be involved in the video game industry as a career, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to create mods on the side and sell them for set prices if you so choose. Your comparison to jamming and playing covers doesn't make any sense. If I create a completely original sword design in a modeling program, texture it, etc. that is an original creation. Playing a shitty version of Wonderwall with your friends is not even close to the same thing as an original creation. A shitty Wonderwall cover is more on par with making a half-assed, kinda glitchy, and not very accurate model of the Master Sword (something NOT original) to use in Skyrim. Doing something for free doesn't mean it's going to be better. At the end of the day people don't pay for crap, they pay for quality. Art hasn't gotten worse because people started paying for it. I would argue it drives people to produce unique, quality creative works. There's always awful games that cost $60 and fantastic games that are free. The price tag doesn't change the overall quality of an entire industry. Just because you're charging money for something doesn't mean you didn't create it for fun, they are in no way mutually exclusive. At the end of the day it's simple - if I've created original content (like music, a piece of art, a piece of furniture, whatever it is) then I have a right to charge money for it. The idea that it's okay for artists and musicians but not okay for people in the video game industry makes zero sense to me.
  4. Hopefully one day we can see a system where you are allowed to sell mods. I think if you spend this much time on developing something creatively, you should be able to monetize it in some way, like an artist or musician would. This definitely wasn't the way to do it...
  5. Those cuts aren't much better. It's not bullshit. Again, look at that model in other creative professions. Could musicians make a career on optional donations alone? Artists? Cinematographers? Of course not, that's ridiculous. Seriously, this is a fantastic idea with horrible implementation. If you're great at modeling but can't get a job with a big game company or don't want to, this is a great way to still generate income off of your skills.
  6. My only issue with it is the 75% cut for Valve. Sure, up to 25% I can understand. But Valve didn't make the model, why should they get the majority of the profits? @@Onysfx: You need to look at this from the view of other professions. Should art be sold "by donation"? Should music? Should sculpting? Should woodworking? Creative arts being limited to working for free or by donation isn't exactly the key to a thriving career in that field. You could sell a few steam cards and have $1.29 for a mod.
  7. Short of making a ton of models and assets for an actual game, there isn't really a way for modelers, map makers etc. to make money. Other creative professions have much easier ways of making money, so it's good that game design has that opportunity now too.
  8. This is... interesting. If they've obtained permission from the publisher of the game(s) in question, and they are regulating the use of other people's resources, and the use of recreating content from other games, then I think this is a really great idea. http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/aboutpaidcontent/
  9. No worries. Circa beat me too it. I had a lot of people ask me to do it but I just never got around to it, luckily Circa had my back haha.
  10. The only reason I have 30 hours on Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer is because of bots. If Battlefront didn't have them all hope would be lost.
  11. I think the fact that the prequels still felt like Star Wars films goes to show that it's not about the characters. Yes Luke's storyline was essential in the original trilogy, and Anakin's story was essential in the prequels, but you try writing a story without a main character. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all the characters thoroughly, I just don't think it's been as much about the characters as it has been the story and the universe. Their stories are important, their growth as people outside of that? Not so much.
  12. Yeah, I'm just talking about the movies, not other content. The characters did change because of events, but it was never about the characters, it was about the story. Characters did change and grow to a certain extent, but I never felt Star Wars was about the characters.
  13. I think Star Trek was fantastic. But it wasn't Star Wars, meaning it wasn't the 7th installment in an iconic saga. It was a self-contained reboot. And that movie was Hollywood as hell, which worked for it I think, but wouldn't work for Star Wars, in my opinion. Star Wars isn't known for it's character development either really, which is fine by me, it's still great.
  14. Depends who you buy from. I hear good things about RetroUSB. A guy I know who runs a popular YouTube video game channel has a lot of their stuff and it worked perfectly during his live shows so they must be fairly good at least. They make adapters and controllers I believe.
  15. True, but Abrams is directing an iconic installment in a saga he has had no part in until now. It's a daunting task. Sure he's made great movies, but that doesn't mean he can pull off a Star Wars movie. That being said, I do think he thoroughly understands the responsibility on his shoulders and I think he will make a fantastic film, but a fantastic film doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a fantastic Star Wars installment. Fingers crossed. I think he knows what he's doing, but the trailer scared me off a bit to be honest. I haven't lost faith in him though! He's a smart guy. I'd like to see them bring in someone new for Rogue One. I think that would be a good place for Disney to experiment a bit more now that they've taken over the franchise. It would be a good time for them to try and find their footing in such a monolithic IP.
  16. I suspect it's on JJ Abrams shoulders more than Disney's. All I ask is that it isn't filled with the Hollywood cliche blockbuster shots, lighting, etc. so I can actually enjoy it as a Star Wars film and not as another Hollywood blockbuster with a Star Wars theme.
  17. My biggest concern about this, and the new trilogy, is how Hollywood it looks. Star Wars has never had that Hollywood feel until now. Sure it was AAA, big budget, lots of fantastically done effects etc. but it was never in that box. Now, looking at the Episode VII trailer you just see all kinds of stereotypical shots (blue/green glow in a dim room with the stormtroopers for example) that are in all the blockbuster movies like Transformers, The Hunger Games etc. I sincerely hope they are at least as good as the prequels. Which I personally enjoyed quite a bit. I love all things Star Wars, even the stuff that wasn't so good, but there's still a lot of room to ruin the next film(s)... fingers crossed!
  18. To be fair, Disney have been killin' it with Marvel. Hopefully they can do justice to Star Wars as well... although I am extremely sick of super hero movies, but maybe that's just because I was never that into anything more than Batman and Spiderman 1 and 2.
  19. I didn't realize it was still "cool" to use a term for having a serious disability to reference something you hate. Anyways, it's just a show. Relax. Despite the disappointment I'm seeing on the forum, I think we should all just be glad it's not Ewoks 2. ... I need to see this show now. As if he couldn't get any more badass.
  20. Yeah I understand why they're white, but didn't know about the import options. I'll have to look at it, do you know where I can find that? It's hard to go through and delete the parts when it automatically import 12 different arms, legs, heads etc. haha. Seems like I have to do it one at a time. I'll mess around with that though, thanks. EDIT: I figured out how to import specific skins, but unfortunately that only changes the textures it imports and not the model parts. Also, I keep getting an error part way through projects. I'll go to open up a model and get a box with a bunch of Blender file paths listed. A new project file fixes it. When I run into it again I'll post it.
  21. Question for @@mrwonko and/or @. I've imported a .glm of a model that has a LOT of variations, so when I import it there's dozens of parts in white (meaning they won't be rendered in game) making it hard to see and select the parts I want without trying to delete them one by one. Is there an easy way to delete all of these hidden/non-rendered parts? Also, how can I get those textures to render, or select different skin variations of a model?
  22. I will, yeah. Unfortunately batch conversion won't be happening. The only way to do this would be one file at a time.
  23. You're welcome to use my high resolution levelshots mods if you're interested. As long as I'm given credit then maybe it'll help JK:E's goal of giving things a better polish. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1551-hq-levelshots-for-spmp/
  24. Thanks. Only thing I need to confirm is question number three then. At least I have enough info to get started on the audio processing which should only take... two or three days... thanks to each line being it's own short file. 206 files to go through. Here we go.
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