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Horatio Culver

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Everything posted by Horatio Culver

  1. No, something's wrong. The face is starting look like an ape again. Or maybe a baby. Or maybe a baby ape.
  2. It shouldn't reset every time, unless you have no memory space on your computer. In this case, the game cannot save the jaspconfig.cfg, and will revert to the default. But if you have enough space on your computer to save a 8 KB file, it should not reset.
  3. That would be great. Until then, unfortunately, it's impossible to add new weapons without coding.
  4. I recommend using a better DH-17 than the JO one. There's a pretty good one that comes with MovieBattles. I doubt the JO pistol is even a DH-17 (it certainly looks nothing like it). Plus, you can do this without coding as long as you do not mind replacing other weapons. I replaced the Imperial Heavy Repeater with the E-11 so I could replace the default E-11 with the DH-17. I also replaced the bowcaster with the EE-3. I then changed the .npc files to make these replacements work. I even replaced the Tusken Rifle with the A280 blaster rifle, just to give the rebels a variety of weapons.
  5. I think killing Rosh should be the light side option.
  6. What's going on with the neck in the side view? Also, the skin color is too dark, and there's still something wrong with the shape of the face—I just can't place my finger on it.
  7. I was working on something like this for myself. I combined models, sounds, and effects from various weapon packs and MovieBattles II in order to make the guns more accurate to the rest of the Star Wars universe (for example, adding a DH-17 blaster pistol and an A280 blaster rifle, and replacing the Imperial Heavy Repeater with an E-11 blaster rifle). I agree that some of the weapons need to be replaced, but personally I still want to keep them accurate to the Star Wars universe. What were your thoughts? EDIT: If I have models, sounds, and effects, I can easily put them in the game so they replace the default ones. I could help you with that, but I can't model or make effects.
  8. It certainly looks more human than your first attempt:
  9. If Inyri says it looks awesome, then you must be doing something right. Anyway, it looks great, but I agree with the earlier comments. I understand that you're just starting, so keep up the good work!
  10. You think Radiant hates you? I'm afraid to use the caulk button because it I never know if it will quit unexpectedly (yes, the caulk button has caused it to quit). Anyway, welcome. This is a great community, and I'm sure you'll find lots of help. There's a tutorial section, and the last time I checked there were shader tutorials there. Good luck!
  11. Sorry, I had to after reading what I said in my first post:
  12. 2:21: Yep, that is easily the coolest thing I have ever seen on a Jedi Academy map.
  13. The ears are too high. The tops should line up with the eyes, and the bottoms should be just above the upper lip: Here's yours: Also, your head is too skinny and tall. Witwer has a pretty short head proportionately.
  14. @Mandalorian - How's this mod going? As I said, I'd be happy to help. I don't know if you got my message, but here are my abilities/timeframe:
  15. Yes! I don't even map very often, and I would like to get my hands on it!
  16. Give him a break, he only just started. He'll probably post images when he's ready. Trust me, I know how it feels to be excited for a model/skin, but it'll be worth it to let him work at his own pace.
  17. Wait a minute: droideka_player { playerModel droideka weapon WP_DROIDEKA_LASER NPCs can use vehicle weapons?!
  18. If you're using a Mac, then you should be able to change the .zip into a .pk3 just by renaming it. If you're doing it right, a window should pop up saying something like "Are you sure you want to change the extension from '.zip' to '.pk3'?" It always works for me. EDIT: I think I might know your problem. Is Finder showing all file extensions? If not, then go to Finder's preferences and click Advanced, then select "Show all file extensions." If you're already showing file extensions, though, then I don't know what's wrong.
  19. These things were creepy. EDIT: What's wrong with me? I keep forgetting the image I just posted.
  20. Told you the Whovian half of my brain took over.
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